Downhill Roll Chapter 3: Torture
#3 of Downhill Roll
Downhill Roll Chapter 3: Torture
***(???, ??? ?? ????-???? HOURS// Unknown Place)***
Surrik felt dizzy and cold, he didn't know where he was, and everything was black. Slowly he began to wake from his sleep, everything around him was dark and blurry, unable to make out anything around him, Everything soon came into focus and Surrik looked around what he thought was a hallway, he also noticed that he was laying against a wall, his body was covered in old newspaper. It suddenly hit him: this wasn't a hallway, it was an ally.
After he was able to gather enough strength, Surrik brushed the newspaper aside and slowly stood up, groaning with fatigue. He looked around; there was nothing other than some trash, trashcans, and other things lying around. Surrik looked up, the sky was covered in a heavy blanket of clouds, but he was easily able to tell that it was night. The sound of the wind could be heard, whistling through the cold night air. Surrik then realized that he was only wearing a pair of jeans and a plain white t-shirt, no shoes, he shivered and decided to get out of the damp ally, he hugged himself in hope that it would help warm him up. He could see his breath hang in the air and blow away in the direction of the wind.
Surrik felt an eerie feeling in his stomach, something wasn't right. He looked up and down the streets at the different stores, shops and other buildings, recognizing the place as being the downtown area. It was quiet, the reflection of the streetlamps on the wet streets made the whole scene peaceful, but not a good type of peaceful. Surrik noticed that nobody was out, no furs, no cars.... Not even the sounds of traffic, or even a car from a far off distance, the only sound was the sound of the wind blowing, the occasional piece of paper or trash being blown away, and the creaking of the lampposts and traffic signs, downtown at night should be bustling with furs and light traffic.
"Hello," Surrik called out... no answer, his voice echoed and slowly dissipated through the empty streets. This disturbance was scary, Surrik began walking down the middle of the street, searching for someone, or at least a parked car. Paranoia began to set in; was everyone hiding and waiting for the chance to jump out? Where they going to kill him? What was out there? Where the hell is everybody? Surrik's heart started to race, he crossed his arms and grabbed the sleeves of his shirt in a desperate attempt to create a barrier between him and the unknown, his tail tucked between his legs, and ears flattened. Surrik's breathing became faster, his eyes darted back and forth in fear, every couple of seconds he turned his head to either side to look behind him and make sure that no one was following.
He felt something wet land on the tip of his nose, Surrik stopped. He felt another land on him, and another, and another. Within a matter of seconds the sky released a torrent of rain that showered down upon the unsuspecting fox. The rain made everything even colder, Surrik was freezing. He had to get out of the rain, but nothing was open, he couldn't even find an overhang to hide under. With each passing second things got colder. Surrik began running down the street, trying to find some kind of cover, but nothing offered any protection. As Surrik continued his search, he came to a point where the street descended downward at a small angle. At the end, he saw a steeple of a church sticking out from behind a few buildings. 'It must be St. Peter's Church,' Surrik thought to himself, 'The doors are usually open at all times for anyone seeking shelter, I can go there.'
Surrik ran up to the church's entrance, and climbed up the stairs, panting heavily. He quickly knocked on one of the large wooden double doors.
"Hello!?" Surrik shouted, his voice almost masked by the sound of the rain falling, "Is anybody there!?" As soon as he finished his question, one of the doors slowly opened producing a creaking sound. Surrik wasted no time and rushed in, he felt the heat of inside brush through his fur, and for the moment, he felt safer, he bent over catching his breath. After a few moments, Surrik stood up and looked around the large church. The red carpeting, the large marble pillars, the wood benches lined up in rows with a path in-between them, and the alter at the end.
The stained glass seemed different though, instead of showing the disciples, saints, and other religious figures; it portrayed scenes of sacrifice, death, and gore. Surrik had been to St. Peter's Church once or twice before, and he remembered that the glass was never like that, in fact, none of the churches show any of that. He felt fear rise from within him, something was terribly wrong here.
The frightened young fox cautiously made his way down towards the alter, as he did, he saw a cloaked figure kneeling down, the figure was wearing a black robe with the hood covering he head. Surrik slowly approached from behind the figure until he was a few feet from him, he could hear praying being muttered from the figure.
"He-hello?" Surrik asked timidly, "Are you the father here?" The figure stood up, he was slightly taller than Surrik. Before Surrik could react the figure swung around.
"You little faggot!" The figure yelled, swinging around and punching Surrik in the stomach. Surrik coughed and gasped for air, he slowly looked up and say the figure remove his hood, Surrik's eyes widened in shock. Kavik stood there before him, looking down upon Surrik with hatred, anger, and disgust in his eyes.
"K-Ka-Kavik?" Surrik gasped, now bent over holding his stomach. From behind Kavik another robed figure walked out and stood beside Kavik, when Surrik looked over, he recognized the figure as his twin counterpart, Tzapora, both Kavik and Tzapora looked down at Surrik with disgust. Surrik stepped backwards, he knew the situation he was in was grim, he had to get out of there, the church now showing that it was not a place of sanctuary as Surrik thought it to be, he quickly spun around and began to sprint for the doors. The back row of benches closed together just before Surrik reached them, he reacted quickly and leaped forward narrowly missing the benches, and landed into a summersault. Surrik continued his escape towards the doors, but as he neared them, an unseen force threw him back.
The next thing that Surrik knew, his arms and legs were strapped to a stone slab in the center of the church, his arms spread out to either side of him, and his legs separated outward a little. The slab was suspended a foot or two off the ground and was held up by chains connected at the corners of the slab. Surrik looked upward, the walls of the church, as well as the chains, disappeared into a dark abyss, as if the church had no ceiling now. A sickly evil sound emanated from the ceiling, and Surrik saw a figure up above him, growing larger as it came closer at an alarming speed.
Surrik closed his eyes when he heard the figure hit the slab that he was strapped to, the slab jerk a little at the force of the figure landing. When Surrik opened his eyes he saw that dark mirror image of himself that he saw before in the bathroom standing over him, he too was dressed in a black robe, his feet at either side of his waist, it looked down at Surrik with an evil smirk across it's muzzle
"Long time no see," its voice sounding like nails on a chalkboard to Surrik, it put its fists on its waist. "Well, what your brother said just then... is understandable, I mean, after what you did in your bedroom... You really are a faggot and a pervert!" Surrik looked at him wide-eyed, fear muting his ability to speak. "In your bedroom, that may have felt good," It began, "But this won't!" It pulled out a large dagger from behind and got on its knees on top of Surrik, Surrik began to whimper at the sight. The apparition used it's free hand and grabbed a hunk of Surrik's shirt and ripped the article of clothing off and placed that dagger on Surrik's upper chest, Surrik closed his eyes.
It began carving a symbol, a circle, spanning from the middle of Surrik's collarbone, around almost to his left nipple, to the lower part of his chest, missing the other nipple, and ending at the starting point. Surrik screamed in agony and struggled, the circle was large, the pain enormous, and the figure cut deep. "The more you struggle, the worse the pain and damage become," the figure informed as it continued cutting and completed the symbol by carving a star inside the circle, Surrik opened his eyes and groaned loudly in pain.
"A p-pentagram," Surrik asked weakly, "W-why?" The figure stood up and gave an evil, sharp-toothed grin.
"It's only fitting," it chuckled, Now that you consider yourself gay... you have insured your soul into eternal damnation. The pain that you will experience here will only be a fraction... nay, a grain of sand compared to the world of pain you're going to experience in hell." The specter then jumped up into the dark abyss that was the ceiling and disappeared, the slab then raised into a vertical position. Tears dripped from Surrik's eyes onto the carpet below him.
Kavik and Tzapora approached him slowly, both of them pulling out daggers from behind. Surrik gasped when he saw them wielding the daggers with the blades facing the opposite side of their thumbs. They both stood in front of Surrik, the slab was raised to where Surrik's chest was about at Kavik's head.
"Ya know what Tzapora?" Kavik questioned in a taunting voice.
"What's that bro," Tzapora inquired.
"I never got to do any dissections in my biology class freshman year," Kavik informed, Surrik's eyes widening at the statement.
"This will be good practice for me," Tzapora spoke, "...just in case I get to dissect later this year."
"No..." Surrik pleaded weakly, "Please, no."
"Shut up!" Kavik barked, "No one said that you could speak." Kavik moved closer, as did Tzapora, they raised their daggers to either side of Surrik's stomach, the points touching him. "Now," Kavik began, "Let us see what the anatomy of a tail-lifting, cock-sucking, limp-wristed little queer is!" Kavik and Tzapora pushed the daggers in deep into his stomach and began to cut downwards, slicing through fur and flesh, Surrik screamed in shear pain, as the two began their torture of him.
Kavik did the best he could to hold his brother down while he kicked and struggled, holding his brothers muzzle shut to keep him from screaming aloud. Surrik's eyes opened, he continued to struggle, he used his left paw, the paw that Kavik wasn't holding down and grabbed his stomach. Surrik started to scream, but his screams were muffled by Kavik, Tzapora just then ran into the room, still in her pajamas.
"Surrik!" she cried out.
"Tzapora!" Kavik shouted in a whisper looking back at her, "Be quiet, we don't want to wake Uviq up!" Tzapora could only nod in agreement as she watched Surrik thrash about; Kavik then turned his attention to his little brother. "Surrik, it's me, Kavik...! You have to calm down... your ok... your safe... you were having a nightmare." Surrik's thrashing slowly died down, Kavik continuously shushed his brother softly, and after a moment, Surrik stopped moving.
Kavik was hesitant to remove his paw from his brother's muzzle, but he had to. Giving out a small exhale, Kavik slowly withdrew his paw, Surrik remained motionless, his eyes wider from the horror he had experienced.
After Kavik had removed his paw and saw that Surrik wasn't going to yell, he slowly took away his other paw that was holding down Surrik's wrist. Kavik stood back up, he and Tzapora looked over at their brother, still lying across the bed, breathing heavily, both his paws now holding his stomach. Before long, Surrik let out a loud cough, Kavik flinched at the sound, then Surrik gradually stood up and started moving forward, Kavik steeped back while Surrik continued to walk. Surrik's look seemed emotionless, like a zombie he walked past Kavik, still holding his stomach, then past Tzapora and out his bedroom door.
Kavik and Tzapora followed Surrik as he made his way down the hallway, and into the bathroom where he painstakingly approached the toilet. Surrik stood facing the toilet, then dropped to his knees, as soon as Surrik placed his head above the bowl, he began throwing up. Kavik and Tzapora were over at the door when Surrik entered, but when he started throwing up, they moved away from the grotesque sight and moved to the kitchen.
Tzapora looked at the clock above the refrigerator, it read 5:00 AM, she gave out a sigh; Kavik went over to the kitchen table and sat down in one of the chairs and propped his elbows up and rested his chin on his paws. Tzapora sat next to him, and looked at her brother's almost-expressionless stare. The ticking sound radiating from the clock was the only sound to be heard in the room. There was a long pause before Kavik spoke.
"I just don't know what's wrong with him," He said sadly, the sudden voice surprising Tzapora slightly. "He's just... I don't know... I've never seen him act like this before."
"I'm sure he's just sick, Kavik," she replied.
"I hope your right..." he said, the two continued to sit there and pondered silently to themselves about their brother's condition. The sound of weak shuffling steps could be heard behind them, the turned around to see Surrik leaning up against the door frame between the hallway and the kitchen. His head was turned slightly towards the ground, avoiding eye contact, his eyes looked heavy, as if he were about to pass out at any moment, he was holding his stomach with one of his paws.
"Kavik," Surrik spoke weakly, almost inaudibly. "I... don't feel too good..." he paused a moment to breathe a little. "Could you have Reign... call me in?"
"Um... Sure thing," Kavik said, "don't worry, I'll have him take care of it."
"You just go and rest," Tzapora added. With that, Surrik turned around and slowly made his way back to his bed. Kavik and Tzapora looked at each other, then Tzapora got up and stretched out some.
"I guess I'll go and take my bath," she said tiredly, and started walking to the bathroom.
"I guess I'll go after you then," Kavik responded as he watched his little sister disappear behind the doorway. He sat there and thought some more about Surrik, and wondered what to do other than have him called in sick for school. Kavik heard a small scream come from Tzapora, he jumped up and raced to the bathroom and saw her standing outside the doorway.
"Kavik!" she yelled quietly.
"What is it? What's wrong!?" he questioned with concern. Tzapora pointed inside the bathroom.
"Surrik didn't flush..."
"Wow" Kavik said rolling his eyes, walking into the small lavatory. "Wouldn't want it to burn your eyes by looking at it," he teased.
"Just shut up and get rid of it!" She snapped. Kavik walked over and flushed the toilet and walked back over to Tzapora.
"Yes, thank you" she said as she walked in and shut the door. Kavik walked over to his brother's room and starred inside the dark room, looking at his brother asleep under the covers.
"What's wrong with you bro?" he asked himself as a tear rolled down his cheek.