Nightmare on Jefferson ch.3
#2 of Nightmare on Jefferson
A very short write for Nightmare on Jefferson. I've been getting ready to move and I'm really stressed out to write much but I'll be sure to write one more chapter before Tuesday.
"Welcome home sweetie! Glad you're feeling better."
"Well Will it's been a little rough."
"I know but we will get over it. We are moving today! When you were in the hospital I packed everything."
"What about that book?"
"I couldn't find it. I assumed you dropped it somewhere outside."
"No I left it in the study."
"Well it's gone now Dane, don't talk about it."
"Sorry, it's just I don't know if that's what caused the smoke."
"It was just dust. The A/C unit was on the fritz. It was nothing."
"If you say so."
William and Dane arrived at the house to tell the movers where to go and drop off everything.
"No! London! 4128 Jefferson St. Got it?" , said Dane in a frustrated manner. He was talking to a armadillo that didn't speak much English, and he didn't quite understand what Dane was trying to tell him.
"Ah! Will they don't understand that I'm telling them the new address. He keeps giving me his business card."
William laughs, " Just write it down for them! They can read."
"Oh, well okay thanks."
Dane wrote down the address and how to get there from Wales. The movers finished loading up the things and drove away.
"William, what really happened to that book?"
"I told you it's gone, forever."
"Will, Please don't lie. What did you do with it?"
"I burnt it and threw the ashes down the drain. There is no trace of it left."
"Okay Will. I hope you aren't lying to me."
"I'm not lying, I love you to much to lie to you."
Dane hugged William tightly and said to him, "I'm scared."
"Why are you scared baby?"
"Because, I have to kill you."
Dane pulled out a gun and pointed it at William.
"Don't lie to me Will, never lie to me."
He raised the gun towards Williams head, and pulled the trigger. Bang!