Lila of the Reptilydes Part 7

Story by Komaira on SoFurry

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#3 of Lila of the Reptilydes

Dyremus looked in on his daughter the next morning a little before noon, wondering why she hadn't gotten up yet. He had been about to speak but then he saw the broken egg shell and the hatchling in the crib.

He smiled and shut the door back quietly, gliding downstairs to tell the family about the new addition.

Lila blinked awake sleepily, watching as her father left the room without making a single sound. She yawned, stretching as she sat up. She looked over at the crib, seeing that little Sormay was still asleep.

She got up and bathed, brushed out her hair and donned a new halter top, purple this time. She leaned over the side of the crib, watching him sleep for a few moments longer before picking him up gently, waking him.

He blinked at her sleepily, letting out a cute little yawn. She kissed his forehead and removed his nightshirt, setting him down into a warm basin of water. He brightened and started splashing around playfully. She laughed at his antics and washed him with gentle soap.

When she was done she let him play in the water a few more minutes before drying him off with a towel and brushing his hair, which she quickly found was unruly and wanted to stick out in downward spikes.

She cuddled him close to her once more. He may not have been her real son but she loved him just as much as if he was.

She glided downstairs, hungry, knowing that Sormay was too. Her family grinned when she entered carrying Sormay.

"Hey lil sis, looks like you became a mother during the night," Kory called.

Lila rolled her eyes and sat down, eating intermittently while feeding Sormay some warm milk. After he had eaten his fill she burped him and finished her breakfast, watching him gaze intently at everything around him.

Karina glided in, blushing at the sight of Kory, who smiled at her. She announced a visitor and then glided over to whisper something in Kory's ear, to which he blushed, before she exited the room.

Zeke glided in a short time later, looking around with interest. He spotted Lila and glided over to her, squatting down close to the ground to get a closer look at Sormay, who looked back at him with interest.

"This," Lila said, "Is Sormay. He was born early this morning, deciding that I didn't need much more sleep."

Sormay reached out and grabbed Zeke's nose, pulled him close, and bit it. Zeke laughed good naturedly, plucked Sormay from Lila's arms and swung the laughing child up high into the air, swinging him around in circles. He tossed him in the air a couple times but Lila wasn't worried, she trusted Zeke to catch him every time. Sormay laughed and cooed, reaching out for Zeke each time. After a few minutes Zeke caught him one last time, settled him in one arm and took Lila's hand.

"Would you and Sormay join me for a leisurely walk in the garden," Zeke asked, "a journey through the maze perhaps?"

Lila smiled, nodded slightly, saying, "Yes I do believe we would like that."

She took his offered hand and they glided out into the garden, heading straight for the maze.

They were quiet for a few minutes, each trying to think of something to say, to talk about, anything to break the silence. Even Sormay could tell it was awkward. He started squirming around, trying to make them talk. It was just a little too quiet for him.

"So tell me about your family." Zeke said finally.

"Well," Lila said, "As you probably know, I was the last to hatch even though we were all laid at once."

Zeke nodded once and motioned for her to keep going.

Lila looked at him for a minute before continuing, "Anyway, Ian was the first to be born. He was born the day our mother was killed. That's why he was named 'Ian' because our mothers name had been 'Ina'. It was supposed to be in honor of her memory."

Zeke nodded again in understanding. She was silent for a moment, not really knowing how to go on. She supposed she could go on, but she figured he already knew her whole story and was just being polite.

"Why don't you tell me about your family? You have really only talked about yourself and even that not too much detail," she said.

Zeke stopped and stared off into space, not saying anything. Then he looked at her and was about to say something when a pained look came over his face and Lila heard the gross and very disturbing sound of a blade sliding into flesh. Zeke looked down at his side and Lila followed his gaze to the protruding tip of a sword and all the crimson blood that was seeping out of the wound. Lila screamed seeing the hooded reptilyde behind him.