Young Highschool Love

Story by Arissan on SoFurry

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Nick timidly walked into the main office and approached a red female fox in a tight black suit who was sitting behind a desk. She was typing furiously at a computer not taking notice to Nick. After several seconds, she looked up at him then back at the screen.

"New student?" She asked, obviously annoyed that she was being interrupted.

"Yeah, I am" He mumbled.

"Well, what's your name?" She snapped.

"It's Nick Hale." She typed his name on the computer and after some vigorous clicking she printed what was presumably his schedule. She grabbed it and handed it to him while saying,

"Here's your schedule and your locker number. Lucky for you, your locker is near your IXL first hour. This is upstairs down the hall to your right. The class room is B243. Class starts in ten minutes so make sure your in seat by the time it rings or you'll be marked absent. Got it?" She raised her white eyebrows questioningly. Nick just nodded his head and she returned to whatever it was she had been doing before he interrupted her. He walked up the stairs and down the hall he was supposed to go.

"Let's see, 334, 335, 336, here it is...337." Nick mumbled to himself. He tried his combination on the locker and tried to pull it open. It didn't budge. He tried again and it still didn't budge. He was starting to feel embarrassed that he couldn't open his locker.

"Need some help?" Someone behind him asked. He turned around and saw a female wolf with white fur and blue eyes. She had a pair of sunglasses on her head and was wearing skinny blue jeans with a shirt that fit just right. Wow she's hot, Nick thought to himself. After all he was gay, not blind.

"Please, if you can." He muttered. He stepped aside and allowed her to get to his locker.

"Did you enter your combination?" She asked looking at him. He nodded his head and she turned back towards his locker. She grabbed the little handle and pulled hard, causing it to open.

"There you go. That locker always gets stuck. Got to pull hard to open it." She said smiling. She walked next to his locker and opened it and began to put her stuff in it.

"Thanks. Guess we have lockers next to each other huh." Nick chuckled as he began to put his stuff in the locker.

"Yeah. My name's Jenna by the way." She said looking his way.

"Nick" He replied.

"So Nick, what's your first hour." Jenna asked as she finished putting her stuff into the locker.

"I got IXL first." He replied.

"Cool, we have the same class." She spoke excitedly.

"How do you know we have the same class?" Nick asked her.

"Well duh, everyone knows that there's only one IXL class on campus."

"I'm actually new here, so I don't really know." Nick said with a lopsided grin.

"Oh, I didn't know you were a new student." Jenna replied with a surprised look. They chatted for the remainder of the time they had before the bell rang. It turned out that they had a lot in common with each other. For example, they both liked pop music, they both loved Italian food, and they liked to read. Eventually the bell rang.

"Come on Nick, let's go grab some seats before everyone else gets the good ones." Jenna exclaimed as she shut her locker and walked towards her class. He wondered what his first day was going to be like before he closed his locker and followed her into class.