Nightmare on Jefferson- Ch. 1
#11 of Nightmare on Jefferson
The next part of Nightmare on Jefferson.
Two years passed when Dane proposed to William. They had never been happier until Danes dad has died. He was murdered by a robber. They broke into the Edwards residency and Mr. Edwards was still home. The murderer was never caught and Dane was heart broken. Dane wasn't as hurt as he was when his mother died, because he had William at his side. Dane and William could not afford to keep the house and had to sell it, but in Mr. Edwards will he had given Dane a house. A house in London. Nobody had known about the house except for Mr. Edwards. The will stated that Dane and his spouse were to have the house. Dane and William were happy, and couldn't wait to find their new home and start a life with each other.
William had came home from a photo shoot for one of his advertisement projects. Dane smiled, "Welcome home sweetie. How was your day?"
"It was okay I think I'll be ready soon to close up my office here so that we can move."
"Good thing we have to move out of here soon. I'm really sad we have to leave, so many memories. Some good and some horrible."
William gave Dane a big huge and squeezed him tightly.
"You will always have me sweetie."
Dane smiled and gave William a kiss.
"You always know just what to say to me."
"I know sweetie." William chuckled.
"Stop it! We need to pack, and I need you to come with me to get boxes."
"Wait we are packing this whole house?"
"No, never. My dad just wanted me to pack somethings for him if anything ever happened."
"Pack what?"
"Some of his valuables."
"All righty then, let's go."
Dane and William had gotten into William's Jeep and went to the storage center. They had ran into an old friend os Dane's named Jessica.
"Dane! Dane!" , she yelled.
"Huh? Oh hi Jess how have you been?"
panting, "I'm fine, out of shape but fine. How about you?" She was a raccoon and wasn't very athletic.
"Whoa you okay there?"
"I'm fine, just have to catch my breath. So who's your friend?"
"Oh this is William! He is my fiance."
"Nice to meet you William. You picked a good man here."
"Please, call me Will, and I know. He is wonderful and I'd never give him up."
"AWW! That is so sweet. When are you getting married?"
" We haven't set a date yet, Will and I are moving to London so maybe before then."
"London! Why London?"
"Danes dad passed away and we can't keep the house but he gave Dane another house, in London."
"I'm sorry to hear that. Best of luck to you two. It was great to see you before you left, but now I have to go to work."
"Good-bye!" ,said both Dane and William.
"Okay let's get these boxes and go before we see someone else." Dane smiled.
Dane and William had returned home and brought the boxes in. Dane had ran up stairs to went to his bedroom. He went into his closet and pulled out an envelope. He opened it and it read.
"Dane If you are reading this I have passed away, and you are leaving the house. I didn't want you keeping it because there is something wrong with this house. Leave as soon as you can. I give you all of my prized possessions, my treasures, and the house in London. I kept that house a secret because I couldn't let your mother take it. She planned on divorcing me but then she passed. You need to know something about her Dane, she didn't die of natural causes. Forgive me."