My Kitty Chapter 8

Story by TigCub247 on SoFurry

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#8 of My Kitty 1-15

I'm gonna need your help on the next one. Tell me which of the chapters is your favorite so I can make more like it.

"Trevor, I got you somethin!" I walked into the room, but no one was there. "Kitten?" I walked around the house, searching for the three, but they were nowhere to be found. "Hmmm." I walked to the back yard. "There you are!" They were all in the pool. "Hey, Mike, what do you have there?" "Oh, just some presents for you." He came to the edge of the pool and I handed him the rose and the chocolate. "Aw, thanks sweet." "I also met a horse at the mall, maybe you two know him." I looked at Maxx and Zack. "Shut it, pup, we can do whoever we want." "Why don't you hop in with us cutey?" "No thanks... I uh..." I looked around for an excuse, but couldn't find one. "Cmon, pup! Take your clothes off and jump in!" He pulled me gently to the pool by my paw. "No!" I jerked my paw away and backed away. "What's the matter, pup?" "Nothing... I'm going inside." I ran inside leaving the three behind. I went into Trev's room and sat beside the big stuffed animal. "Trevor, I don't want you to know." I hugged the fluffy animal. "If only this could be you." "Why can't it?" I gasped and looked at the door. Trevor was with Zack and Maxx. "Dangit Trevor, don't sneak around like that..." "Wow, that tiger got an upgrade." "Yeah, I got it made bigger at the same place I met Maxx's and Zack's horse." "Why wouldn't you get in the pool with us?" Trev sat beside me. "I don't want to talk about it." "Tell me, maybe we could help you get over it." "No." "Fine, I guess I'll have to do this until you decide to tell me." He tickled me all over. "Stop annoying little cat!" "I won't stop till you tell me." "No, i'm not going to tell you." "Ok, Maxx, Zack, help me tickle!" "No! Stay back!" Maxx and Zack started tickling me and I couldn't take it. "OK!" They stopped tickling me and I was panting heavily. "I uh... can't swim." They looked at me as if I had just told them I was straight. "Really?" I blushed through my fur and looked at the floor. "It's ok, Mike, we all have our weaknesses. Like my jaguar can't-" "Maxx, not a peep more from you!" "Oh, be quiet. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Zack can't write." "MAXX!" "Yeah, he can't write. Poor guy can't even write a word without his hand cramping up." "See pup? Everyone has some baggage. Now come on outside." "Fine." I took his paw and he led me outside. "Take your clothes off." They got in and I stripped down to my briefs. Maxx whistled at the sight. "Shut up Maxx, he's mine." Trev pushed Maxx away. I stepped into the pool, staying in the shallow end. "Now that isn't so bad, is it?" Trev hugged me. "I guess not..." "Good. You wanna go into the deep end?" I shook my head. "Don't worry, you can hold on to me. I still shook my head. "Fine." He pulled me to the edge of the pool. "I guess we can cuddle if you don't want to do anything else." I hugged him and he put his arm around me. "We were just like you when we were little, weren't we, Zack?" "Yeah, they look exactly like us. We were so cute." Maxx latched onto Zack. "I love you, Zack." "I love you too, kitten." "Hey, quit getting all mushy over there. You don't hear me and Mike doin that." "Aw, someone's jealous of the big cats." I kissed Trev and he blushed. "I'm not jealous!" "You know you are, little brother." "Quiet, or I will send my hound on your boyfriend again." I smiled at the thought. "In fact, I think he wants to do it." I looked at Trevor, he had a devilish smile. "Maybe..." I mumbled so Maxx and Zack couldn't hear. "Ha, that'll be a sight. You can go get him if you want, pup." I looked at the two. "No thanks, their in a little to deep for me." "I can take you over there, just hold on tight." He swam over to the two, and I held on tight. I closed my eyes and hoped I wouldn't lose my grip. He wrapped his arms around me in an attempt to comfort me, but it didn't work. "Take me back, please Trevor." My voice was shaking. "Ok, i'll take you back."

We spent hours cuddling in the pool and decided to get out. "I don't know about you guys, but i'm gonna take a shower. I smell like wet fur and chlorine." Trev walked into the bathroom and Maxx and Zack walked away. I stood in the hall for a minute but got bored. 'I wonder what's in here.' I peeked in the bathroom and saw Trev. 'Nice, Trevor.' I was enjoying the sight, but Trev kept his back to me, covering everything good with his tail. 'Turn around stupid cat!' "If you're gonna stare at me, you might as well join me." I gasped and Trevor looked back at me. "Yeah, Mike, join him." I looked back and saw Maxx standing behind me with Zack. "How long have you been standing there!?" "Long enough to know how much you enjoy looking at my little brother. I can feel the breeze from your tail all the way from here." I blushed intensely and held my tail still with my paw. "Come on in, Mike." Trevor had a towel around his waist. He walked out and pushed me in. "I'll deal with these two." He closed the door behind me.