Malevolence - An Introduction

Story by RyftDarkpaw on SoFurry

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The first chapter in a story I've been working on. More of just a hook, but it works.

Ideas flowed through my mind as my eyes darted between the vixen standing before me and the door just behind her and the .357 revolver held firmly in the paw of the female. Tears streamed down the vixen's cheeks as she faced me with her ears pressed flat to her head, both contradicting the flame that burned in her forest green eyes. I shook my head once and inched towards the side of her, trying to get around her while avoiding the pistol pointed defiantly at my skull. I managed to strangle out some words from the maelstrom of thoughts that bounced around the very thing she had the weapon trained on. "You don't have to do this, Danielle. This is your story, don't be a puppet!"

Despite my words, she kept the object aimed at my head. Her tears continued falling, and her tail kept still behind her thin frame, mirroring her emotional state. Her throat moved as she took a ragged breath, bringing in the air she needed to reply. "You had this coming Luke," She spat the name out like a curse. "I'm just giving you what should've happened months ago." Her body defied her words, though, as she began trembling.

I edged another step or two towards her, keeping my desperation and adrenaline in check, not needing any distractions to make me lose focus. Dropping the volume of my voice, I spoke again, thoughts still whirling about my head. "Dani, please... This isn't your fight. They dragged you into this. Just let me go." I softened my gaze and watched as she broke down even further, sinking to her knees. As I padded from the hotel room, I smiled to myself and let the door close behind me, leaving Danielle there in her misery. Walking down the hall, I let out a cruel laugh that echoed throughout the empty building.