Join the Chorus

Story by Windsmane on SoFurry

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This was something that was inspired by my fursona. Let me know what you all think. was just feeling meta as it were.

I am the Tooth and the Wing. within my breast burn the fires of anger, revenge, hatred. I soar the skies and see all the ugliness that the world hides.

I am the Claw and the Tail. I see that which can not be seen, I act with swiftness and cunning. My actions strike like lightning my senses alert me to all the dangers the world contains.

I am the hoof and the horn. I am the rock from which the others derive their strength their fortitude. I am the unyielding force that plows through any obstacle.

I am she who unites the other three. I offer temperance, wisdom. From me pour the waters of the ancients past. Knowledge and understanding are my weapons. Through this world I swim against those currents that would attempt to deter me from my goals.

I am the voice that speaks for the four, from them I learn of the world as they see it. From me, they learn of the possibilities both good and bad that mankind represents. I am the hunter of the herd that is humanity. I am the sheep that follows the herd. With Wisdom I forge the flames of anger to an instrument of precision. With cunning I decide when anger must be used, and from within myself these forces make who I am, who I will be. They are both my gift and my curse of which I draw strength and feel anguish. I stand alone surrounded by friends by family and in that isolation, through a window in my mind, I cross the stars, the galaxies, and see there at the edges of my mind, my friends and family welcoming me home, back to the world I live in and I see with eyes open that I am not alone. I bask in the warmth that is their love and companionship. Within me, the forces that be are content and another lesson is learned in a world where its people follow the voices of those who care not for the whole of this world but for only themselves, for only a moment of happiness to fill their empty lives. It is those single voices I hunt.. Not to kill them.. Not to silence them, but to welcome them into my arms and see with eyes open for the first time that the world is not so cold. That beyond the moment of happiness they seek lies moments beyond calculation where happiness is bountiful and the moments of sadness only lend strength to the soul. Who am I?? Am I a god?? A being of benevolence, of wisdom?? No... I am but one being.. one soul no different than anyone else, no more special or blessed. I can not offer salivation to the world.. I can not solve it's problems.. I am but one voice.. Though as I reach out to my friends and they to theirs we become a chorus of voices a novel of solutions and one day perhaps, just maybe, things will be better.. If not for us then perhaps for the voices, the souls that follow us in a time beyond our comprehension. Peace is my hope. My hands are stretched out to you stranger. Take them and feel my embrace. Share with me your voice and add to the chorus.