Jayden, Chapter 6

Story by Alex Kitsune on SoFurry

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#6 of The Halfblood

So here's the next installment, hope you enjoy.

As always, comments are appreciated ^.^

so here you go.....

(Author's Note)

=Character thought=

"Human Speech"

'Telepathy between characters'

-Computer Writing, or on Screen Text-

{Pokemon Speech}

example: "Ni nine ta tales ninetales ine?" is what a human would hear.

{What do you mean you can't understand me?} is what other Pokemon, and certain humans would hear.

|| * * * | | | * * * || = End Chapter

* * * = Scene Change

// // = Major Scene/Time Change

Chapter 6:

"Not so tough now, are you?" A hand, clenched into a fist, swung forward. A dull thud ringing through the dark, rumbling truck.

A soft grunt answered him, and he laughed at the canine form before him, held up only by the chains around her neck. He brought his hand up grabbing her by the chin and jerking her face up.

The crimson eyes were filled with anger, a deep snarl on her mouth, as she tried to bite his fingers. He snapped his hand back before backhanding her. "Bitch! I thought you woulda learned by now."

Aura simply spat at him, catching him in the face. "I swear, with or without these chains I'll make you suffer." Her left eye was swollen, her nose bleeding. The man hit her again, making her head snap back and hit the wall.

She leaned forward again, her tongue working her mouth, before spitting out a tooth. She grimaced at the taste of her own blood. But instead, she started laughing. She stood up as much as her chains allowed her, shouting at the man "Is that the best you've got?" She continued laughing, blood and spittle mixing as she did so. "I've seen Magikarp that hit harder than you!"

The man grew infuriated, his face covered in rage. He hit her in the gut again, making her keel over. Picking her head up, he smacked her again and Aura's head snapped to the side. "You bitch!"

She spat out some more blood as she took several deep breaths. Than she started laughing even harder, looking up at him. "That tickled!" She continued laughing as the man struck her again.

This time his hand lingered a half-second to long, an inch to close. Aura snapped at his hand, catching it with her sharp fangs. She smiled at the salty taste of the human's blood, and at his cries of shock and pain. Twisting her head, she felt the muscles and ligaments tearing.

She spat out the flesh she had taken, looking on with a pleased expression as the thug cradled his now-mangled right hand. He dropped his hand, going for the knife at his waist with his good hand.

Aura smiled grimly, standing proud and defiant before him. She was covered in blood and spit, her fur matted, and a canine missing. "You gonna do something with that?" She asked,G gesturing to the knife in the man's hand with her head.

With a snarl on his face, the man came closer, holding the knife out in front of him. Just then, the container lurched, making the thug lose his balance and Aura wince as the chains bit into her. The thug got slowly back up, knife still in hand again, his glare fixed on Aura.

But then, the trailer was flooded with light and the man froze, looking at the back of the trailer. "What in hell's name are you doing, you arse?" A man with a slight Irish accent said. Aura recognized the voice. This was the man that had shot Jayden, but he had taken off his ski-mask. It was obvious that he was of Irish decent.

Than the Irishman saw Aura. The entire right side of the his face twitched, and he fixed his gaze on the man with the knife. "Always knew you were a loose bolt. Seems you finally came off."

The thug wheeled to the Irishman, pointing the long knife at him. "That bitch needed to be taught a lesson in manners." He gestured back to her casually with the knife, then holding up his hand. "She bit me damnit."

"What were the terms of the agreement that I struck?" The Irishman let some threat into his voice. The one who'd been beating Aura looked at him questioningly. "That the goods, in this case her," he pointed past the man and at Aura, "would be delivered intact." His face twitched again, "Now I have to wait to collect on the payment because you decided to have a little fun."

"Then we wait the few days it takes for the bitch to heal up." Aura strained against the chains, trying to get at him. The thug ignored her, still talking to the Irishman. "Besides, it's not like the others we got won't cover a few days expenses."

"No, they won't cover the expenses." The Irishman hopped into the trailer, standing eye-to-eye with the thug. "Your pay will be covering it."

"WHAT!!" The man shouted. He tried to ram his knife home. "YOU BA..." he was cut off, gurgling as the red-headed Irishman held a hand to his throat, a small knife appearing from his wrist, and from inside his jacket.

The Irishman drew his hand back as he stood to the side, a spray of blood coming out of the thugs throat. Aura caught a glimpse of the knife below the man's wrist as the Irishman pulled it out of the man. The thug collapsed, hands flying to his neck as he tried to stop the blood. Casually wiping his blade on the collapsed body, the Irishman whispered something in the man's ear.

Then the Irishman stood, turning to Aura. "Shoulda known he'd do something like this," he shook his head as he started undoing some of her restraints. "Now behave yourself," he made Aura walk in front of him, even as she stumbled a bit.

As she walked over the body, a single gurgle came out of the man. Aura dropped quickly, her spike on her paw facing down, piercing deep into his chest. When the man did not make another sound, the Irishman picked her up. "Better?" She spun at him, spitting in his face. He wiped the blood and spittle mix off his face, sighing. "Suppose I kinda deserved that. Now," he gave her a small push towards the open door, "geta move on."

Aura walked as proud as she could past the other cages. The other Pokemon inside watched her, some with envy, but all with pride as she stumbled out of the truck.

When she reached the back of the trailer, she paused. Holding up her chained paws to reduce the glare of the late-afternoon sun, Aura shakily stepped down off the back of the trailer. She landed lightly, but still collapsed to the dirt road. The last thing she saw before the sweet release of darkness took her was the evergreen forests around her, their soft fragrance slowly urging her to let go.

// //

The white cardboard-tile ceiling seemed to mock Jayden as he stared at it. The soft sheets of the hospital bed seemed to strangle and constrict him, rather than comfort him.

His expression was blank as he lay there, his chest wrapped in cloth bandages. The low hum of conversation came through the open door to the hallway. The soft sound of fans cooling of the medical equipment he was connected to lulled him into a state of empty mind.

So lulled was he that the soft knock at the door made him bolt up, not even wincing at the pain that shot through his chest. A nurse stood there, a clipboard in her hand and a Chancy standing next to her. She gave a comforting smile, her pink hair bobbing as she walked in. "You shouldn't be moving so much."

Jayden leaned back into the bed, giving a groan. "How long have I been here?" His voice was quiet, his throat parched from the dry air.

The nurse pulled a chair up to the bed, and sat down in it. "It's been almost twelve hours since you were brought in with two holes in your chest." The nurse stood up suddenly, walking over to the door. She shut it, before turning back to Jayden. "The thing is," she reached up, pulling off her wig to reveal light-brown hair, "You shouldn't be alive." She pulled out a tiny .22, a silencer on the end and pointed it at Jayden. "Now you won't be a problem anymore."

The silenced shot echoed in Jayden's mind, and everything went black.......

* * *

Jayden awoke with a gasp, looking around in a panic. =It was just a dream,= he thought, giving a shuddering sigh.

He groaned, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. Looking around the room; a room that was just like that of the one in his dream. The monitor was beeping rapidly, a sharp trill that was hard on the ears. Jayden reached forward, pressing the off button.

Just as he did that, two nurses and a Chancy ran in. One gasped at the sight of Jayden moving, and said to the other "Get the doctor!" She didn't shout it, but there was an urgency in her voice and the other nurse responded immediately. "Sir," she said, gesturing to the bed, "why don't you lie back down?"

Jayden groaned, pain roaring through his chest. "No, thank you. I'll just take a chair," which he did, sitting down in the chair as he took out the IV's and other monitoring equipment. He placed his head in his hands, before asking "How long have I been here, and where am I?"

The nurse was taken aback for a moment. Before she could answer, a man in a doctor's coat walked in, the other nurse hot on his heels. "I'll be..." He clicked out a flashlight, walking towards Jayden. As he reached for Jayden's head though, a hand shot out making the doctor gasp and drop his flashlight.

Jayden looked up, "I wouldn't do that." Jayden released the doctors wrist, who backed up and held it against his chest. "I'm a bit touchy about people I don't know being around my face," Jayden leaned forward a touch, bringing a hand to his head. "Now where am I, and how long have I been out?"

The doctor looked at him with a touch of fear. But he stood straight, clearing his throat, "You're at the Times Square Pokemon Center, Emergency Unit. There was no time to get you to a regular hospital, and by the time we finished patching you back up, it was to risky to chance a transfer." The doctor then took the clipboard from the nurse, writing something on it before looking back up at Jayden. "You're lucky that those trainers found you when they did, otherwise you'd be dead."

Than the memories flooded back to Jayden. The park, the five men, that Irish-sounding man, the gun, how that guy killed his own men, yet he spared Jayden's.

Gasping, Jayden leaned forward both hands on his head. He saw Aura being lead away by that man, that look on her face.

The promise he had made her.

The Chancy was the first to react to Jayden's sudden leaning over, holding him up. {Now, now, now. You'll be up in a few minutes, just breathe.} Jayden did as he was told, seeming to do so out of instinct.

He whispered to the pink egg-looking Pokemon, "help me up." She gave a bob of her pink head, and took hold of his arm. Pulling, she helped Jayden to his feet. He looked at the doctor and nurses, "I'm leaving. File a police report, or don't. It makes no difference to me." He took a deep breath, and made a shaky few steps to the door. He paused, looking around. "Where's all my gear?"

The doctor knew that look. He'd seen it on a few patients before. This was a man on a mission, and there would be nothing save death that would stop him. Giving a deep sigh, "You're not going to let yourself recover, are you?" At Jayden's negative shake, the doctor gave another sigh, and looked to the nurse. "Would you get the discharge papers?"

The nurse started protesting, "But doctor! He was shot! Twice! Not even 24 hours ago!"

"I know, and he is already up and moving without aid, and without painkillers." He made a shooing motion with his hands, "Please get me the papers." With a huff, the nurse turned on her heel and walked out. The doctor turned to the other nurse, "And would you get his bags? They should be in storage."

The second nurse nodded, also walking out. The doctor turned to Jayden, who was still being supported ever-so-slightly by the Chancy. "If you can wait twenty minutes, you'll have all your personal effects, and you'll be officially discharged." Jayden thought for a moment, before nodding and sitting back down of the edge of the bed.

The nurse came back almost fifteen minutes later, bringing with her three bags. She set them on the bed, not saying a word. Jayden was about to open his duffle-bag, when he looked at the two still standing there. "Please?" They both gave a small sorry and walked out. The Chancy made to follow them, but Jayden stopped her. "Wait, I'm going to need your help."

The Chancy sighed but turned back to the room, closing the door behind her. Jayden gave a small nod, a slightly embarrassed smile on his faces. The Chancy held up her hand, stopping him from speaking {Let's just get this done.}

"Agreed," giving a small chuckle at her shocked look, "and yes, I can understand you." He opened his bag, pulling out a pair of cargo pants and a grey tee. Looking back at the Chancy, "would you please get the back," gesturing to the string on the back of his hospital-gown.

The Chancy closed her eyes, and pulled. "Thanks." Jayden didn't waste another second, quickly throwing on his pants. He grimaced as his shirt passed over his bandages, giving a small growl. The Chancy looked back at him, surprised that he was able to move at all after what had happened to him.

He stretched his arms after the shirt was on, testing the bandages and his range of motion. Satisfied with what he had to work with, he looked out the window for the first time. The sky was still grey and rain was still pattering down, but now it was just a light drizzle that was hardly noticeable.

There was a knock at the door and the doctor called in. "Sir, are you ready to sign your discharge papers?"

Jayden broke his train of thought, turning back to the door, calling out "Yeah, come in."

The door opened, and the doctor walked in with a clipboard in hand. "I see you're ready to go." He clicked a pen, handing both the pen and clipboard to Jayden, "Just sign here and here." Jayden did so, signing his name, and clicking the pen, handed them both back to the doctor. "Then you're free to go."

Jayden nodded, taking the few steps to the hospital bed. He did not allow his emotions to control him as he slid on Aura's satchel, swallowing hard. He slipped on her backpack, wincing slightly at the pain in his chest, and grunted hard when he picked up his duffle-bag. He took three deep breaths, closing his eyes, and focusing on the pain.

As he did so, the pain intensified for a moment, making him wince again. But then the pain receded, and in its place was an almost soothing feeling, almost like a warm-water pack on an over-stretched muscle.

With a final slow look at the Chancy, Jayden walked past the doctor and into the hall. Pausing for a moment, he looked around. Choosing to go left, Jayden headed towards the exit. He followed the long, white-wash corridors for several minutes, not responding at all to the greetings occasionally directed at him.

He found himself on an elevator, on his way up to the lobby of the Pokemon Center. He stepped off the elevator, glancing around at the small crowds that had gathered. Shifting the duffle-bag, Jayden walked out of the Pokemon Center. He made his way through the crowds, moving almost wholly on instinct as he weaved through the crowds.

The whole time, his face was stone cold. His mind was blank, save for one thought. The Police Station. If anyone had information on where to start, it would be them. With that goal in mind, Jayden slipped his way into the bustling, uncaring crowds of New York City.

// //

Aura woke up slowly, the pain all over her body forcing her to slow everything down. She gave a wry chuckle, which turned into a cough, when she noticed that couldn't see out of her left eye. So using her good eye, in combination with aura-sight, she glanced around the room she was in.

She was in some sort of log cabin. The walls, the bed, the chair: all were made of sturdy hard-wood. The mattress she was laying in was firm, but the blankets were soft and comforting. The room wasn't bear of anything, but it was obviously not somebody's room. No pictures, other than a couple of paintings of nature, were on the walls. There was a wooden dresser that Aura guessed came to her chest, and a large wicker chest at the foot of the bed.

Giving a deep groan, she set the blanket off of her. Looking down at her body, she gave a small gasp. Her chest was covered in bandages, and she could smell the medicines that had been rubbed into her wounds through the cloth wrappings.

=What in Arceus?= She thought, lightly pressing the bandages. There was a little pain, but she didn't feel anything broken or any bones shifting under her prodding touch. Giving another wince, she felt something cool around her neck.

Her hands shot up, and she felt a collar of some sort. She then remembered something she'd seen on the internet, how there were devices that could be used to control Pokemon without the use of a Pokeball. Not wishing to receive a shock, she let her paw drop a touch.

That's when she felt a small chain. She gave it a light tug, and out came the pendant that Jayden had given her, as beautiful as ever. A tear glistened in her good eye and she whispered to the pendant, holding it close to her mouth. {I know you'll find me. I saw you were alive.} She kissed the pendant, slipping it back into the fold of skin that hid it from prying eyes.

With that, she swung her legs over the edge of the bed. The bed was low enough that her paws hovered just an inch off the floor. Bracing herself, Aura lowered her weight onto her feet. Not feeling any pain shooting up her legs, she let some more weight onto them. Slowly, she slipped off of the bed.

Standing still, her full weight now on her legs, Aura took a deep breath, closing her eyes. When she opened them, she took a slow step forward. Than another step. And than another.

The wooden door now lie before her, and she grasped the round handle. With an expert twist of her wrist, she opened the door. Stepping out into the hallway, it was obvious that somebody lived here. Padding her way down the hall, she saw pictures of the Irishman hanging on the walls.

Slowly, she made her way down the carpeted hall, until she reached a stairway. That's when she heard growling, making Aura turn quickly. To quickly, because she collapsed from the pain. She heard the growl turn to a sigh, and a gravely voice said {You shouldn't be moving so much.}

It was masculine, and Aura winced. =Great, a Mightyena.=

She tried to stand, but a paw firmly, yet gently, held her down. {Ah-ah-ah, you are going to wait right there until Master gets here.} Aura tried to struggle, but the pain in her chest made her gasp. She could feel the paw on her back move as the large dog shook his head. {Always hated that bastard. Glad he's dead.}

Aura heard a footfalls padding up the stairs, and the Irishman spoke. "I see that she's awake," Aura felt the paw move off her back, and she tried to stand. "Oi, none o' that now," and to Aura's chagrin, the man picked her up, scooping her in his arms. "Spike, you come'n?"

Aura could barely move her head, the pain clouding her senses. Instead, she focused inward. Closing her eyes, she regulated her breathing, fading away from the physical world.

Extending her mind, she could feel the life flowing around her. See the two other humans sitting at the table, their Pokemon nearby. The Mightyena walking next to his master. The trees that surrounded the house. She went as far as she could, seeking out life.

She did not feel it when her sleeping form was set down on a couch, and a blanket gently placed over her.

// //

"Listen. If you have a police report to file, grab one from over there." This over-dressed receptionist was starting to annoy Jayden now.

"I don't give a good Gods damn!" He was losing his patience now, "I want to know about any recent shootings."

The receptionist looked up at Jayden, casually filing her nails. "Sir, you better calm down." She said in such a condescending tone, that anyone else would've flow over the edge.

Jayden closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. When he opened them again, he slowly said "I don't want to file a report. I want to take a look at the files."

The receptionist, who was wearing way too much make-up, popped the bubble she'd blow with her gum. Chomping away at it, "If you want to see those, better get yourself a badge."

Jayden sighed in frustration. Turning away, he mumbled "goddamned bitch." Shifting his bag, he walked out of the police station. He passed a couple of officers, but ignored them.

Walking down the steps outside the police station, Jayden paused at the foot of the stairs. Looking around at the small crowd of people going by, Jayden kept his face an emotional blank. He hailed a taxi, giving a sharp whistle.

A yellow taxi-cab pulled up and Jayden opened the door, throwing his duffle-bag onto the back seat. Getting in, the Jamaican-looking driver adjusted his read-view mirror. "Where ya headen mon."

Jayden looked looked out the window, thinking. He gave a sigh, looking at the cab-driver. "Somewhere where I can get information."

The cab driver gave a laugh. "What kinda information ya lookin for?"

Jayden thought for a moment. "The kind that tells me where the muscle in this town is."

The cab driver went dead serious, a look of fear on his face. "Damn mon, that kinda info gets you into trouble in this town."

"Do you know a place or not?" Jayden was calm. The scary kind of calm. The kind that puts a chill up your spin when you see it.

The driver swallowed nervously. "Yeah," he quietly cleared his throat, "I know a place."

Jayden nodded. "Than that's where I want to go."

The cab driver shook his head, sighing. "Not gonna talk you out of it, am I?" He watched in the mirror as Jayden shook his head slowly. "It's your funeral mon."

"Maybe," Jayden said, looking out the window, waiting for them to arrive.

They drove for almost an hour, the driver obviously taking the shortest route to get there. Soon enough, they pulled up to a bar called 'The Dancing Lion.'

"Here we are," the driver said, throwing the car into park. He pointed at the bar, "Scary ass place here. Especially during the day." The driver swallowed, "During the night it doubles as a club. Police tried shutting her down a months ago, but someone tipped the owner off." The driver looked back at Jayden, his arm on the backrest. "God, I hope you know what you're doing."

Jayden didn't say anything at that, just looking at the dark facade of the club. Opening the door, Jayden stepped out. Shouldering his bag, Aura's satchel and backpack still on him, he took a step. Pausing in mid-step though, he turned to the cab-driver and handed him four twenties. "Keep safe," he said. With that, Jayden turned around again and walked towards the entrance.

The doors were open, and a single bouncer was on duty. Jayden simply strolled by the bouncer, not even giving him a second glance. Walking in, he saw that the club on the inside was a two-story building. The first floor had a small dance area, currently unoccupied, with small tables all around it. Looking up, the second floor was more of a social area. with tables and booths.

Jayden's eyes narrowed as he looked around. Several unsavory looking people were scattered throughout the club, all watching him. Jayden focused on one, well-dressed man, who was leaning over the railing on the second floor. Making his way to the stairs, Jayden breathed slowly, preparing his mind and body for anything.

At the top of the stairs, two men stood up to stop him. One held out a hand and was close to pushing Jayden when the Russian thug saw Jayden's eyes. "What the hell's wrong with your eyes?"

Jayden gave an almost evil grin. "Nothing. But I have business," he motioned with his head towards the well-dressed, likely the owner, who had now moved to sit at the bar, "so let me through."

The thug was about to say something what the well-dressed man at the bar stopped him. "Let him through Vlad." The man took a drink from a shot, then set it down. "Just leave your bags on that table there." He pointed to a booth next to the stairs.

Jayden looked at the man, blinking twice. He complied, and Vlad grumbled in Russian as he let Jayden by.

As he walked to the bar, the man asked "Would you like something to drink?" Walking around the counter of the bar. Jayden shook his head, standing on the other side of the counter. "Please, have a seat," he gestured to the barstool, "I like to sit when discussing business." He had a pleasant smile.

Jayden didn't move to sit.

The man's smile faded ever so slightly before he shrugged his shoulders. "Ah well, your choice." He set out two shots, pouring a drink into both of them, and pushed one to Jayden. "At least share a drink, and" he took a sip of his, "maybe your name?"

Jayden picked up his shot, looked at it, and set it back down. "Joseph Deman," Jayden lied, without so much as a flutter of his heart. "Here to discuss some business with ya." He'd picked a bit of a southern twang.

"Ah, I see." The man set down his drink. "Well Mister Deman. What kind of business we talking about?"

"Ah, now we're talking," Jayden had picked up a slightly enthusiastic tone, "See, I've got a problem, and I heard you could take care of it."

The man gave a wry chuckle. "Depends on the problem."

Jayden gave a false smile, "Well, ya see here, I had a, well," he gave a small chuckle, "important item stolen from me. And ya see, I kinda need it back."

"Than you go to the police. Why come to me?" The man took another sip of his drink.

"Well, ya see, it's not exactly a 'legal' item. If ya catch me drift." Jayden had leaned in, and lowered his voice. "And I heard ya had couple of Irish guys on hand."

The man paused, his glass just touching his lips. "Irishmen?" To which Jayden nodded. The man set his glass on the counter with a small clink "Why so specific?"

"Well," Jayden gave a small laugh, "I trust 'em more than others, if ya catch me drift."

"Yeah," the man laughed, reaching under the counter, "I do." He popped back up, pistol in hand. "Now who the hell are you? Huh? Cops? Feds? Who?"

Jayden dropped the accent. "None of the above." He looked at the gun, his heart beating faster ever so slightly. "I really do have business with you, so put the gun down."

"And how 'bout I put one in your head? Who are you?" The man was shaking the gun in Jayden's face, shouting at him.

Jayden didn't even blink. He grabbed the gun, flipping the semi-auto around and pinning the man against the bar. Holding him with his elbow, Jayden pointed the gun at Vlad and the other bodyguard. "Simple press of my elbow here," he tensed, pressing into the man's neck, "and you're dead before they have time to blink."

Now the man was breathing heavy. "What the hell do you want?"

"That's more like it." Jayden let up the pressure a touch, "The Irishman, who is he?"

The man grunted. "What makes you think I know?!"

"Gut feeling," Jayden said cooly, pressing harder again. "So, do you know where I can find him?"

The well-dressed owner whimpered quietly. "I don't know!"

"Yes you do," Jayden said, still holding pressure with his elbow. "Where can I find him?" Jayden asked again as he leaned in, the gun still trained on the two guards.

The well-dressed owner grunted again under the pressure. "I don't find him!" He said, caving in, "he contacts me."

"How often?"

"Once a month, if that." The man gave a small struggle, than stopped when he felt the pressure increase ever so slightly. "He just did a contract, so he won't be in utill at least next week." He started struggling in earnest now, "Now let me up!"

Jayden slammed him into the bar, making blood start to run out of his nose. "Not yet. Last question." Jayden leaned in close, "Who was the contract on?"

The man groaned, swallowing some of his own blood. "Some guy," He shook his head a touch "uh, Jayden or something." He started to sob a bit, "Now c'mon man, let me up."

"One last question." Jayden tightened his hold on the man's neck, "Who made the contract?"

"I don't take names! I just hand out the contracts!" The man was on the verge of crying. "Now come on man, let me up."

"I'm afraid you're lying." Jayden pressed in harder, "I don't like it when people lie to me." The man gulped audibly as Jayden leaned in close, "Now who made the contract."

The man's eyes went wide and he yelled "Some politician! Rich guy, Senator if I had to guess!" He was now sobbing openly, "Now please man, let me go!"

Jayden took a deep breath. He smacked the man over the head with the pistol, before looking at the two guards. "Don't do something foolish now." He grabbed his bags, slipping them on. The pistol he kept trained on the bodyguards until he made it to the door. When Jayden did make it out, he closed them behind him, letting out a sigh of relief.

Slipping the pistol into the satchel, he started walking down the road, back toward the main part of the city.

With his hands in his pockets, he was silent except for the regular clack of his boots against the concrete sidewalk. =So, it's you then.= Jayden let a scowl onto his face, =after all we went through together, it's you that ends up betraying me.=

|| * * * | | | * * * ||

So who's the Irishman?

Who betrayed Jayden?

What's going to happen?

Just have to wait 'till next time....

So comments and votes are much appreciated (comments are amazing)

Legal: Pokemon isn't mine, it belongs to GameFreak and whomeverelse owns it

Original characters (Jayden, Aura and others) belong to me. Please ask before using them ^.^