No Escape

Story by BlakeRedFox on SoFurry

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#1 of No Escape

Man it been forever since I posted a story on here. I think the last story I posted here was 9 months ago, Sorry about the long delay with no story but I think this story will make it up. My grammar has improved so much now so there should be little to none grammar mistakes however no promises on that. Also I've been thinking about this story for sometime and I have the last chapter planed already however I wont be getting there for a while. Tell me what you think of this story. Should I make more stories that are realistic like this one or should I continue with the style I had before. Please Leave comments and tell me what I can do to improve. It greatly appreciated. Thanks!

No Escape

He was waiting there in the shadows for the perfect time to strike at the enemy and behind him was he small team of five. He was a dragon, about seven feet tall, very well muscle and he was wearing a bullet proof vest and black camouflage. He had blue scales but he eyes were color was red. He had a strong determined looking face The rest of the squad was dressed the same however not all were as skill or muscled as well.

In his team was a black fur wolf, about five feet ten inches, he had dark brown eyes and was on the look out for the nearest available shadows so the team can progress with their mission. Behind the wolf was a horse just as tall as the dragon and had the same fur color as the wolf. Unlike the dragon or wolf however he had a belt on him as well that carried two pistols with him so he ready for anything.

The last three were all canines, different breeds but petty much the same height wise. They were all five and a half feet tall, one with blue eyes, other with green and the last one with brown. They were shaking a bit as they were nervous of what would happen if they were caught during their mission. In their hands were assault rifle, the M16 and attached to the M16 was a silencer. The wolf and Horse had Commando, both silence and with an ACOG scope on it so they can get anyone that far away.

Lastly the dragon had an AK 74, thermal scope but no silencer. He wouldn't dare fire his weapon unless they were caught. He used his weapon more to see where enemies were hiding and if needed, show the horse and wolf were to shot at. The dragon watched carefully as he saw a guard walk by the car near the building his team was hiding at. The dragon signal his team to stay there while he crawl slowly behind the guard and pulled his knife out. When he was right behind the guard he quickly move his claw over the guard mouth and stab him in the heart before pulling him back into the shadows. Once back in the shadows he pull his knife back out and removed his claw from the dead guard mouth.

He look back at his team and nod and they quickly and quietly moved towards the next building. Seeing no guards they went inside to examine the room for Intel on what they were doing so close to the ocean. They could see machines going into the water but they weren't able to determine what they were doing or what they were even hoping to archive from the ocean. The dragon keep a look out for any guards that might be getting close to the building while his team examine the room for any Intel but no hope. Just as they were getting ready to leave the building the system alarms went off before someone on the loud speaker announced, "WE HAVE INTRUDERS, ONE OF OUR GUARD IS DEAD. SEARCH EVERYWHERE, DON'T LET THEM LEAVE ALIVE! WE CAN'T HAVE OUR PROGRESS SLOWED OR STOP."

"Shit!" The dragon cursed and quickly look at the other five members, "Stay close to me and follow my orders and we will make it out of here alive. Am I clear?"

The other five quickly responded, "Yes Sir!"

"Good now upstairs now! And stay low to the ground." As the team started to rush upstairs the dragon quickly got a hold of the wolf and horse, "Sergeants stay close to me, I won't let these privates die on my terms, just stay close to me and help me. We need to distract them for the privates to escape." The dragon points to the wolf, "Did you bring the claymore?"

"Yes sir."

"Good place one at the top of the stairs."

They quickly ran upstairs and the wolf place a claymore at the end of the stairs. The alarm was still ringing loudly and outside they could hear guards running all over the place. The dragon open the window silently and look through his thermal scope, he could see maybe ten guards outside the fence blocking their only way out. He growled and quickly turn towards one of the private, "Give me your silencer."

Scared, the young private did what he was told and give his silencer to the dragon. He look at the horse and wolf and saw them with their weapons up and ready should anyone come up the stairs. The dragon put on the silencer and took aim at the guards and brought them all down with ease. After dispatching the guards he look down and saw no guards down on the floor. "Something wrong."

"What is it sir?" the wolf replied to him.

"Where are all the guards? There no guards between here and the exit."

"That good then we can get out."

"Or it could be a trap Sergeant."

"Either way, it our only way out Major. It your choice, we are ready to follow."

The dragon sighed and nodded, he quickly jumped out the window and landed on his feet, watching around carefully if any guards were to show up as he team follows by. The first to jump out were the privates and then the two sergeants. They quickly started running towards the gates, not bothering to stay in the shadows until they heard a loud gun shot followed by a loud thud. The dragon look behind and saw the horse fall down, with a nickle size hole in his head as blood start leaking out.

"Shit! Snipers, quickly get to cover!"

He watch his team run towards the closest car to get behind cover while he quickly get the tags of the fallen horse before following them but as his team got close he saw the car explode from a C4 explosion and watch them all die in the fire explosion.

The dragon quickly sat up straight in bed, before groaning. He was drench in cold sweat and he look around to see where he was. It was dark and he wasn't able to see much of anything but in the corner of his he could see bright red LED lights and he turn his head and saw it was an alarm clock that read two thirty. He let out a loud groan and slap the alarm clock hard and watch it hit wall and shatter to pieces before falling down until the floor.

The lights were then turn on outside the room and the sound of someone walking towards the room could be heard. The door was slowly open and the hall light raveled another dragon, much older and male. "Hey Zixefir, are you okay?"

Zixefir snapped back, "I'M FINE!....I'm fine... it just..." Zixefir hanged his head and sighed, "I'm weak..."

The other dragon came up and grabbed a towel from the drawl by his bed and wiped off all the sweat, "You aren't weak Zixefir, You did something not many could do."

"But do they all suffer from the same fucking nightmares I have?"

"They do, it a normal thing after the military, you should be proud of what you done."

"HOW CAN I? I FAILED... I failed...I let my whole team down..."

"You did what you could Zixefir. Other wouldn't have been able to escape, you should be thankful that you are still alive."

"I hate it...Every time I close my eyes...I can hear the screams of my fallen team mates, I can smell their horrible...the things I've seen haven't affected me so much as that...."

The other dragon began to pet his back, "It okay Zixefir, if you want in the morning, I can get you an appointment for the therapist."

"It won't help, I just want to be normal Dad."

"How do you know it won't help?"

"The only thing that will fix it is me doing what I should have done in the first place."

"You can't anymore Zixefir. You are still under surveillance after what happened."

Zixefir groan loudly and threw his hands up in the air, "WHY IN THE WORLD DO THEY THINK I DID IT! I'VE BEEN UNDER THEIR COMMAND FOR SIX YEARS AND THIS IS HOW I AM REPAID?" Zixefir sighed and hanged his head once more, resting his arms on his lap.

"You should consider yourself still lucky, it took me four hours to convince them to have you live with me instead of lock up in Military prison."

There was no response for a long time, just silence for what seem like hours but was only a few minutes. Finally Zixefir lifted his head and smiled, "Thanks dad."

The older dragon smiled and pet his son head, "No problem son."

"You should go back to bed dad, I will be fine."

"You sure? You know you are welcome to come join me."

Zixefir groan softly, "Dad."

Zixefir's dad chuckled and smiled, "Oh come on, I seen how you act around other men."


"Okay okay, I will stop but that offer still open if you want to sleep with me. I don't mind and I'm sure you don't mind the company."

Zixefir thought for a moment and smiled, "Sure, but if I feel you going after me I'm gonna get you old man."

"Aww, I was hop----"


"I was only kidding, coming on kiddo."


After watching the death of his comrades in the explosion, Zixefir knew that he had to escape and warn high command that his team was K.I.A. He turn around as fast as he could and open his wings to fly away as fast as he can. He didn't bother going back for his fallen comrades dog tags, knowing they probably melted in the explosion. He flew as high and as fast as he could, his heart pounding hard in his chest as he flap his wings hard.

He looked down to the ground and could see the fence as he fly overhead. "I'm gonna get a away!" Zixefir thought and let out a small sigh of relief. It was not soon after another loud shot could be heard followed by a loud roar in pain. Zixefir has been shot in the chest, just two inches away from his heart. Thinking quickly, Zixefir applied pressure to the wound and flew as fast as he can to escape the sniper view but it was no use as he was shot again, this time in the wing.

The large wound on his wing caused him to quickly dive towards the ground. He tried his best to get back up but he wasn't able to with the amount of pain he was in. The wound in his chest and wing was too much for him and he crashed into the sand eight kilometer (about five miles) north of the enemy base. He groan loudly, as everything was blurry and disorientating.

He was out and easy to see but he wasn't about to give up after everything he done. Using what was left of his strength he crawled into near by bushes and hid in there. Unable to continue he passed out from the lack of blood, slowly dying with each passing hour.

_ High Command _

The large bear was pacing back and worth waiting for any word to come from Zixefir and his team but nothing ever came. He look at one of the Lieutenant before stopping in front of him. The Lieutenant quickly stood at attention while the Major General stood in front of him.

"At ease Lieutenant."

"Yes sir."

"Have you receive any word from Major Zixefir or his team?"

"No sir."

"Can you tract me their last known location?"

"Right away sir," the lieutenant quickly sat back down and look through his computer to find the last source of the radio that Major Zixefir had. He wasn't able to find anything in the base so began to wonder why Zixefir didn't respond, thinking the mission was a success. He looked around the base and was just about to give up hope when he got a very weak signal.

"I got something sir."

"What is it Lieutenant?"

"Zixefir's radio but the signal is very weak."

"Where is it?"

"About eight kilometers north of the enemy's camp. The signal been there for four hours, they might be in danger."

"What the nearest team by him?"

"Checking... sir the nearest team happens to be four kilometers away from his position."

"What team?"

"Omega one sir."

"Great work Lieutenant, you are dismissed."

"Thank you sir."

The major general nodded and walked towards the communication radio before contacting the team Omega. "Sergeant Frank, this is Major General Sozario. Do you hear me?"

"Yes sir. What is it you need Major General?"

"What is your current mission?"

"Just an exercise drill right now."

"Change of plans. We have yet to receive word from Major Zixefir and his team. You are to go search for him and bring him and his team back here. His last known coordinates were four kilometers to the east of your current position. I want him back here at our base in no more than two hours, is that understood?"

"Yes sir!"

"Good, now dismissed."

_ Sergeant Frank _

Zixefir was still unconscious when Sergeant Frank and his team closed in on his area. "This is the area, scout the area and look everywhere for him. We need to be back at high command in ASAP."


The team began to search around area, checking behind rocks and bushes for anything until one of the private found a blood trail. He followed it to the bush and open it and saw Zixefir unconscious. The blood was dried on his scales and armor and before the private said anything he kneel down and check Zixefir neck for a heart beat...there was none.

"Sergeant Frank! I found him, K.I.A.!"

Sergeant Frank quickly turn and walked towards the private and kneel by him, checking for Zixefir heart rate as well but none came. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Quick call for an raven!" Sergeant Frank wasn't about to give up on thinking that Zixefir is dead. He started shaking Zixefir hoping he was just unconscious and that his heart rate was very soft or very slow.

"Zixefir. Zixefir. Zixefir!"

"Zixefir get up!"

Zixefir gasp and quickly sat up in bed, again covered in cold sweat, his heart beat was very slow and weak.

"Thank god your alive."

Zixefir was still recovering from his nightmare and shake his head lightly and look at his dad. "What happened?"

"You tell me. I was just getting up to make some coffee for us and when I come back you weren't breathing and you didn't have a heart beat."

Zixefir sighed and hanged his head, "Only death will get rid of the pain."

Zixefir's dad slap him and grabbed his shoulders and shook him, "Damn it son, get a hold of yourself. I know what happened during that mission, but you need to let go of it. Not every mission is going to be a success."

"I know dad, but that doesn't help the fact that I keep getting these nightmares."

"I know... Hey son how about we go on a camping trip? The fresh air might help, I can call the military and tell them where we are going. They will probably send someone to watch us to make sure you aren't doing anything but I'm sure they won't get in our way."

"Dad what makes you think they will let us?"

"Trust me on this one son, so what do you say?"

"If they let us then why not."

"Alright, in the mean time you should take a shower. I'm going to call the base."

"Wait dad, how do you even have their number?"

There was a long pause before Zixefir's dad responded, "That a story for another time."

"Come on dad, please?"

"I will tell you when the moment is right."

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, just take a shower and get packed. I'm going to be making breakfast and calling the base."


Zixefir groan softly as he got up, feeling a bit lightheaded as his heart rate slowly return back to normal. He place his arm on the bed frame as the world started tilting around him.

"Are you okay Zixefir?"

"Yeah... just a little lightheaded but it all gone now," with that Zixefir walked towards the shower.

Camp site

Zixefir was helping his dad carry the tent and equipment to the site that they were going to stay at when Zixefir saw something in the corner of his eye and turned his head. There was nothing there but he could have sworn something was there.

"Hey son why did you stop moving? We are almost there."

"I thought I saw something behind the tree over there," Zixefir pointed to the big Oak tree to his left.

"I didn't see or hear anything, anyways we should keep moving and set up camp. The sooner we do the better for us."

"Alright, I'm coming." Zixefir continued climbing up the small hill until they reached the very top. They both smiled and began to set up camp, but the whole time Zixefir felt like he was being watched from a distance. He ignored the feeling remember his dad said that someone from the military was coming over to watch him.

As sunset began to come, they finish setting up their tents and started a small campfire. Zixefir could feel his stomach growling from the lack of food. He look behind him and saw his dad was also hungry.

"Hey dad, do we have any food?"

"Um, we do but I left it in the car. I thought we would have enough time to get it."

"I can get it for us, I could just fly there and be back in five minutes."

"Zixefir, it going to be very hard to fly here with all these trees in the way."

"True but I can do it."

"Sure, go ahead but don't fly the whole time, you are going to tire yourself out."

"Alright, I be back in five minutes dad."

Zixefir stood at the end of the camp and open his wings and flew up into the air and looked for the truck they came in. He found it but he saw three large reptiles, maybe alligators, trying to break into the car. Zixefir flew down quietly and walk up behind all of them.

He cleared his throat before letting out, "And what do you think you are doing to my truck?"

The alligators gasp and turned around slowly and look at Zixefir before grinning. "Your truck you say? Not anymore."

"And what make you think that?"

"I'll tell you what, if you give me the car keys and I will let you live."

Zixefir chuckled, "You really think you can kill me?"

One of the alligator pulled out a Desert Eagle hand gun and pointed it at Zixefir head. "Key's now, or he will pull the trigger."

"Go ahead, pull it. You won't get very far."

The alligator with the hand gun move closer and push Zixefir without any problem and put the gun into his muzzle.

"Give us the keys and we will let you live."

Zixefir closed his eyes, he knew that even if he did die they wouldn't get far away. There was almost no gas in the truck and they look like they have no money to pay for it. Zixefir felt the gun pull away from his muzzle and he opened his eyes.


Zixefir smiled and quickly twisting his tail he grabbed the leg of his captor and pull his arm down towards the ground. He smiled as he saw him fall down on the ground hard and quickly knock the gun out of his hand and far away. He look towards the other two and saw them going after him. Zixefir stood up fast and use his tail to knock down one while he faces the other.

The alligator looked at him and he moved his arm quickly towards Zixefir's chest, but Zixefir was very skilled in self defense and was able to block the blow with his left arm and he used his right arm to grab the alligator neck.

"Still want the truck? If you leave now, I won't hurt you three anymore."

What Zixefir didn't see was that one of the alligators pulled out another hand gun, another Desert Eagle and pointed it at his head. The leader saw this and smiled as best as he could while he was being chocked lightly by Zixefir. ""

Zixefir turn around and saw the gun pointed at his face but it was too late. The sound of gun fire echo around the surrounding hills, followed by a loud thud as the body hit the floor.

End of Chapter 1

Is Zixefir dead?

How does Zixefir's dad know so much about the mission and knows the military base? What is he hiding?

How did Zixefir's dad get Zixefir out of military prison?

Guess you just have to find out in chapter 2