Chapter Two of The Story of A Teenage Werepire
Chapter 2
I opened my eyes. I begin to panic. I don't know where I am. Then, I remember the events of last night. I calm down. I feel different this morning. Beter, somehow. I follow my nose and I walk down the hallway and down the stairs. I walk into the kitchen and see that my mother is making French toast.
I say "Good morning!"
They both whirl around and they open their mouths like they are about to say something. Then their faces change into a look of confusion. I look down at myself and don't see anything out of the ordinary.
"Is my hair out of whack?!?" I ask.
I dash up the stairs and down the hallway to my room. There is a door at the upper-right corner of my room. I open it to see my bathroom. I rush in and look at myself in the mirror. Now, I was your average male teenager. I was overweight by about 60 pounds. I was 5' 7.5". I was self-conscious because I was fat. I needed glasses because my vision was horrible. I also needed hearing aids because my hearing was damaged when I was born. But when I saw my new body, it all went away. Instead of being fat, I was thin and ripped. All of my unnecessary fat was gone. I could see my strong jaw and high cheekbones. I also realized that I didn't need my hearing aids or my glasses. I actually looked stunning.
"" was all I could say right now. Mom and Dad came up and when they saw my new body, they gasped.
"It's okay. This just doesn't happen overnight to normal werewolves. But you are special and very different from regular werewolves so your mother and I should have seen something like this coming. You just caught us by surprise." My dad said. "Get a shower and get dressed. We will be going out today after we give you your gift and teach you how to use it."
"Okay. See you soon!" I said.
I got a shower and walked to my closet. Dad said we would be going out so, I wanted something casual but dressy. I found a nice dark pair of jeans that were faded in places and didn't have holes. I picked out a tight fitting white short-sleeve shirt. I went back to the jackets and found a black leather jacket to wear. Then I found a pair of black socks and a pair of clack Chuck Taylor high-tops. I grabbed my chap stick and my phone off my desk. I went down to the kitchen and tried this again.
"Good morning!" I said in a sing-song voice.
"Morning!" they said. "Have breakfast."
I sat down and ate my 2 pancakes. I finished the pancakes and looked at them. I was waiting for my gift and they knew it.
"Follow me." said Dad.
So, I followed. We went out to the garage. I saw a shape of a car that was under a cover.
I walked over to it and asked "May I?"
He gestured to go ahead. I pulled the cover off. When I saw what was underneath, I could barely hide my surprise. I let out a gasp. It was a 1966 Mustang Convertible. It was Candy Apple Red, with a white interior. 4-speed manual on the floor. Exactly what I always wanted.
He said "It's all yours, son. Have at it!" Then he shot me one of his love-loaded smiles. We both got in. I pushed in the clutch and pulled the e-brake. Then, I put the key in the ignition and turned the key. It started like a charm with the sexy growl of a tiger. I sat there and found the friction point. Then, I got out and put the top down. We drove around for a while. We came back home to pick up my mother. Next, Dad told me where to go and I went. We arrived at a big house not unlike our own. I parked my car, put the top up, and locked it. Then we went inside. The house was packed. My parents introduced me to a lot of people. Then, I saw someone across the room. He was gorgeous. Long legs, strong jaw, high cheeks, and Superman-blue eyes. The kind of eyes that could see right through bullshit. He had short, jet black hair and he was hairy. His eyes locked on mine. Something changed in that moment. He became everything to me. Suddenly, I couldn't stop thinking about him. I told my parents what happened. They got really excited.
"You have imprinted! You are his exact other piece and vice versa. Soul mates at first glance. Let us introduce you to him." They said.
We walked through the crowd. It seemed to take forever but in all actuality, it only took a minute or two. When I was in front of him and our eyes locked again, time seemed to stop. I wanted so badly to put my hands on his face and pull him closer to kiss his full, luscious lips. But, as we hadn't even been introduced, I had to restrain myself. I could tell that he had the same feelings and urges.
"Rucker, this is Aaron. Aaron, this is Rucker. We believe he has imprinted on you and vice versa. Is it true?"
Aaron replies in a sexy, deep voice "Yes. He will be my mate for life after we have the mating ceremony and bloodbond."
He shoots me a killer smile that makes me weak at the knees. Suddenly, I hear a sound. I whip around to stare at the door. Suddenly, the door bursts open. Three guys walk in. They have their noses up above everyone's heads in a snooty way. They are wearing black.
I tell Aaron "I'm getting bad vibes from those guys."
Everyone kind of clumps around me. I watch Aaron walk up to them. I get a really bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I start to fear for his life for I suspect they are vampires.
He asks in a commanding and booming voice "Why have you come here?"
The figures reply in unison "We have come to collect our brother. We believe his name is Rucker. Where is he?"
"Rucker is not here. Why do you want him? You banished his father years ago. By doing that, you have also banished his future descendants. So, be gone for you have no purpose here!"
"Fine." They spat. "Be that way. But you will pay dearly!"
The biggest one ran his talons across Aaron's face. They leave in a flourish. Instinctively, I rush to Aaron's side. He is lying on the floor, unconscious. I start to feel tears come to my eyes. His eyes start to flutter. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. They open and stare at me.
"It'll be okay. Just stay with me Aaron!"
His face is bleeding badly. I pick him up and I ask where to take him. They give me directions to a shack out back in the yard. I take him there and a lady tells me to put him in the nearest bed. They instruct me to sit in the nearest chair or go outside and wait. I sit in the nearest chair. They patch him up and soon, he is sleeping soundly. I move closer and I hold his hand. My parents come in and they cast their eyes on the pathetic sight. Me, almost breaking down and my future mate in bandages.
Dad says "You have a made a dangerous enemy. Watch your back. Are you going to stay the night?"
I reply in a steady voice that impresses even me "Yes. I will never leave my future mate's side. Ever again."
My last conscious thought is "Will our new enemy be a threat to my mate and I?" Then I fall asleep in the chair holding my future mate's hand.