True Love Takes Time

Story by Alpha2007 on SoFurry

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#4 of Changing for the Better


This story involves sexual acts with two male furs. If you are not 18 years old (21 in some places) I suggest that you do not read this, but for the rest enjoy.

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Hey guys, here's the fourth chapter to the "Changing for the Better" series. Sorry it took me so long to get this one out. I was trying my best to get the ending right and not make it just end adruptly. I think I did a pretty good job in the end... what do you think? =3

Oh, and sorry to say that I might be quiting this series for a while. I need to try and thing up other things for them to do and I'm not up to the task right now. I started school about a month ago and this one really drained me. Don't get me wrong, this series is not going to end anytime soon. I just need to find the time and the place to write. ^.^

On a side note, I'm planning another story that isn't connected with this series. I just need to get it from my head to paper. Thats the hard part... =P

anyway thats all I need to say... on with the story:

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Changing for the Better - True Love Takes Time

Trevor was waiting impatiently at the door to the dean's office. "Come on Christina, we're going to be late."

She looked over to the lion and rolled her eyes, "I know, I'm coming." She smiled at Daniel and made her way out the door with Trevor right behind her, closing the door. She turned and looked at the lion crossly, "Why do you have to act like this all the time?"

Trevor sighed and shrugged waving her off as he walked past her to the door of the main office. He turned to her, "I just don't feel like talking about it right now. I'm as confused as it is without you getting into it."

Christina tilted her head to the side and narrowed her eyes, but she didn't comment on what he said. Instead, she walked towards him and passed him, opening the door. "Well? You coming or not?"

Trevor could tell that she was annoyed and sighed. He nodded and followed her out of the office. He walked with her for a moment in total silence until he looked to her again, "I'll tell you later once I think about it a little more."

The Dalmatian sighed and didn't look at him. Instead she looked to the ground and closed her eyes, "Alright, you think on it, but I don't know where this is going. One thing after another with the both of you! I think I'm as confused as you are."

The lion looked down and closed his eyes as well. They stopped by Christina's classroom. "Yeah, and I'm sorry. Well, you better go on ahead to your class before you're late. I'll see you later--after school, okay?"

Christina nodded as she looked to her class, "Yeah, I'll see you."

Trevor smiled slightly and looked up to the Dalmatian as she made her way into the classroom. His smile faltered as he looked down once more and thought about what happened. He then shook his head out of his haze placing his paws into his pockets and continued to class.

* * *

Adrian woke when the bell rung signaling the end of fourth period. He sighed slightly as he looked around the room rubbing his eyes. The fox sat up and shifted his body so that his foot paws touched the floor. He sat there for a minute just trying to put himself back together, his tail swaying slightly behind him.

"Oh, I can see that you're finally awake," came a soft voice from the infirmary office door. The nurse smiled slightly to her patient as she walked out.

The fox was a bit startled at first, but looked to her and nodded, "I think I'm going to be fine."

"I'll be the judge of that: let me see ..." The nurse checked every part of Adrian's body and smiled as she looked back at him, "Yeah, I think you're well enough to go back to your classes. Do you need a pass?"

Adrian smiled back as he got off the bed as he nurse stepped back to give him some room. He looked around and found his stuff leaning at the end of the bed. The fox went over and picked it up, swinging his pack over his shoulder. He looked at the nurse and nodded his appreciation to her, "Thanks a lot for your help."

The nurse gave him a more comforting smile, "You're welcome; you take care."

The vulpine looked over to her and nodded making his way out of the office. He placed his paws into his pockets making his way towards his fifth period class. As he walked up the hall, he saw the lion come around the corner holding both his straps in his paws. The fox continued to walk as he noticed the lion staring at him with utmost hatred, but the lion simply kept walking to his class. He looked back towards the lion and tilted his head slightly. "Huh" He shrugged and looked forward continuing to his own class.

Adrian walked into the classroom and saw his friend Bryan sitting in one of the front seats. He smiled slightly to himself as he made his way towards the otter and sat right behind him putting his things down. The fox tapped him on the shoulder.

Bryan tilted his head as he looked behind himself and his eyes widened slightly. "Adrian?"

The fox gave him a sly smirk as the bell rang for the start of class. He leaned back into his seat and motioned his head for the otter to look back to the front.

The otter got the hint as he turned his head forwards watching as the teacher came out of his office to start class.

The teacher clapped his paws together as he addressed the class and they quieted down slowly before he started to speak, "Good afternoon students and welcome to another year of school." There was a murmur of disapproval at this and the teacher halted for about a second as he smiled, "I know that you really don't want to be here today, but let's try to have fun while we're here." The teacher thought for a moment as he looked around the class. "Hmm, I don't think taking notes today would be all that fun, instead I want you guys to pair up and do a little worksheet on the rules and expectations instead for me." He went up to his desk and started to hand out the worksheets to everyone in the class.

Adrian perked up as he received his copy and looked at it for a second. He had been about to fish out his pen and paper to start writing more notes, but this definitely seemed more convenient. He looked up and around to see that the otter was looking straight at him. The fox blushed slightly, "What...?"

"Nothing, just wondering if you wanted to be my partner for this assignment and," he leaned in and whispered, "I wanted to ask you about what happened when I left."

The fox nodded as he looked around to see if anyone was listening in. He sighed lightly in relief when he saw that everyone was choosing their partners and really wasn't paying any attention. Adrian turned back to the otter and put the assignment down on the table. They started to work on it while talking in hushed whispers about what had happened earlier.

"So you're telling me," the otter whispered with a bit of a smile on his face, "that the lion got pinned into the lockers by the same black wolf that you've been crushing on?"

Adrian blushed and looked around to see if anyone was looking. He then turned back and nodded after seeing that everyone was busy with their own work.

Bryan laughed, "That was priceless--I hope he gets what he deserves."

The fox nodded as he put the last piece of information down for the assignment. "Yeah, I hope so too, but you know..." He looked up to the otter again as he put his pen away into his bag. "I saw him again before I came into this class and he gave me the dirtiest look a guy can give you."

The otter bit his bottom lip and thought about that for a minute. He then shrugged, "I don't know what to tell you. The guy is a dick if you ask me."

Adrian nodded and let out a chuckle at the otter's comment. The bell rang a moment later and he got his backpack and put it over his shoulder. He took the completed assignment from his desk and turned it in to the teacher with Bryan at his side. They both walked out heading off to their next and last class of the day: Weight Training.

* * *

Daniel kept smiling to himself as he made his way down the empty hallways towards his fourth period class. He was about fifteen minutes late, but he didn't mind too much, it still being the first day. Plus, he had an excuse from the dean and even the nurse. He entered his class as the teacher was showing them how to do a math problem on the board. He took a seat right behind Christina as he placed his backpack down near him. He took out a pencil and paper and started to write down notes.

The rest of the period went by pretty fast. The wolf finished all his notes on time before the bell rang indicating the end of the period. He took up his things and watched Christina doing the same. He walked up to her and smiled, "Hey, Christina?"

The Dalmatian smiled slightly as she put her backpack around her shoulder's looking up to him, "Yes?"

He put a paw on the back of his head and rubbed it slowly and rather nervously, "If it isn't too much trouble, will you tell me what happened when you brought Adrian to the infirmary?"

Christina watched him contently for a second as she pondered, "You mean when me and Bryan took him there?"

"Yeah, I want to know what went on." They both started to walk out of the classroom and to their next class.

She sighed and started to think again for the best answer to give him, "Well, when we got him onto the bed. He was still coughing up blood. The nurse had to check him over as we tried to relax him. He didn't look very good. He passed out after a couple of minutes of us trying to help him. The nurse said that there was nothing that we could do at that point and that it was better for him to sleep it out. Bryan and I talked for about a couple minutes until I got a note from the dean's attendant, saying that the dean wanted to see me. That's pretty much what happened in a nutshell."

Daniel watched her and nodded as she was recounted her tale. They stopped in the hall next to the Dalmatian's class as she finished. He thought a moment as he looked down and then back up to her, "Thanks Christina, for talking with me. I guess I'll see you later okay?" He smiled and then started to walk off to his next class swaying his tail a bit happier now.

Christina watched him walk off as she shook her head slightly and thought, "How am I going to talk to him about this?" She closed her eyes and shook her head as she turned and entered her classroom.

She walked to one of the middle seats sighing as she sat down. The Dalmatian placed her bag next to her as she dug around it for a pen and paper getting ready to take notes. She placed her materials down in front of her as she directed her eyes up to the front of the classroom. The teacher was writing something up on the white bored, but she was too out of it to read what it said.

"What am I going to do? I've had a crush on Daniel since the beginning of freshman year. Why was I in the dark all those years? I mean, I'm sure that there where numerous signs that he was gay, because Trevor knew about it."

Christina put her paws on to her face and shook her head as the bell sounded for the beginning of class. "Why didn't I know ...? "

"Good afternoon class," came a young sounding voice from the front of the classroom. The teacher finished writing what she wanted and turned to face the class. She looked around at all the faces before she continued placing her paws together in front of her holding a marker, "Welcome to another year of learning and I surely do hope you had a wonderful summer break." There were some murmurings in the class before she continued again, "Well..."

Christina sighed slightly to herself not really paying any attention to what she was saying. All she could think about was what she was going to do. The lights went off a couple minutes later as the projector was turned on for them to write notes again. She sighed as she snapped to a bit and picked up her pen and started to write what was on the board. "Well, I guess I'll talk to him sometime about this, I just don't know when though. Maybe tomorrow I'll try to get him alone."

She wrote notes until the end of class as the bell rang yet again for dismissal, "God, can this day be any longer, I'm glad I have only one more class." She put her belongings back into her back pack as she stood up and placed it over her shoulder. She made her way out of the classroom to her last class of the day, still deep in thought about the wolf.

* * *

Trevor sighed as he entered his fourth period class as the bell rang. He found an empty desk in the way back of the classroom as he took a seat. He put his stuff down next to him placing his elbow down on the desk. He leaned his head into a paw, watching the teacher start class. His mind, however, was in a place other than the classroom. He thought about all that had happened today, "Why do I keep on doing this? Why do I beat up on that same fox every single time Daniel's not around? Maybe it's because I don't like gays? No, that can't be right ..." He was too busy in his own thoughts to hear the teacher yelling out to him.

"Mr. Kennedy ... MR. KENNEDY! Why aren't you paying attention?"

Trevor snapped out of his daze as he looked around. He noticed the teacher standing there staring at him, the rest of the class following suit. He blushed a bit and sat up putting his paws into his lap as he looked at the teacher, "Sorry about that ..."

The teacher nodded, "Well, be sure not to do it again. Next time you might not be so lucky."

There were a few sniggers around the classroom as the teacher returned to the front of the room to resume what she was teaching. The lion sighed as he took out a pen and paper from his bag, "I guess I'll have to think on this a little later." He wrote down notes for the remainder of the period until the bell rang.

Trevor packed up his things and stood up, swinging his backpack over his shoulder. He made his way out of the classroom before anyone else. He looked down and closed his eyes for a moment as he put both his paws onto his straps of his backpack. He opened his eyes again as he made his way down the hall. He turned a corner and when he did, he saw the same fox that he had beaten up that morning. He didn't know that to do at this point and he was still mad at him for reasons he couldn't understand, so all he did was just glare at him until he passed. He didn't turn back to see if the fox was watching him. He just kept on walking until he got to his fifth period classroom.

The lion entered the class and went to go sit in the middle. He was one of the first ones there and he usually just sat down anywhere he felt comfortable. He placed his things beside him and ran his paw fingers across his temple. He sighed slightly to himself and groaned, "What a day ..."

Daniel came in about a minute after Trevor as he thought and watched the lion. He went over and sat down right behind him thinking a bit to himself as he placed his things down. "Rougher day then you expected is it, Trevor?"

Trevor jumped slightly not really expecting anyone to talk to him at that moment. The lion placed his paw on the desk and looked back to Daniel. He nodded slightly, "Yeah, you can say that again. Wait, why, aren't you mad at me for what I did to you and your little friend?"

The wolf sighed and looked at the clock. They had about two more minutes before the bell rang. He looked to Trevor and shook his head, "You showed how sorry you were when you made that little speech in the dean's office."

The lion nodded and then sighed, still feeling a bit depressed over the incident. "Daniel ...?"

Daniel looked up to the lion and tilted his head slightly, narrowing his eyes a bit out of concern, "What is it?"

Trevor looked down and played with his paws a little still trying to figure out what to say, "Um, I think there's something else I want to tell you about what happened earlier ... "

At that moment the bell rang for class to begin. The teacher got up and saw that the desks were almost completely filled with students and he smiled slightly. He put his paws together and placed them against his back as he started to pace up and down the rows of students. "Good afternoon class and welcome to astronomy."

Trevor and Daniel looked up to the teacher as the class quieted down. The teacher walked up and down the rows and smiled examining who he has in his class. He then returned to the front of the classroom, "Instead of writing rules and guidelines today, as I daresay you've done enough, let's examine some aged rocks that came from the surface of the moon. If you'll find a partner, then we can get started."

Daniel chuckled slightly. "Well this is going to be fun."

Trevor looked back to the wolf and nodded, but still was thinking hard on what he was going to say.

The wolf watched him closely. "Tell me when we move--you do still want to be partners, right?"

The lion nodded again as they both stood up and put their desks together like the rest of the class was doing. The teacher came up and put a microscope and a box full of moon rocks beside them along with instructions of what to look for.

Daniel lifted up the instructions, looked at them, and thought a moment. He then looked to Trevor, putting the paper down beside him. "Okay. What's on your mind? I've never seen you this down before ..."

Trevor sighed slightly as he looked around the room, making sure that nobody was listening in. He saw that nobody was and he looked back to the wolf and leaned in, "Well, you know how the dean said that I beat up on the same fox eight times?"

The wolf nodded and tilted his head, "Yeah, but why did you do that?"

"Well, the truth is ..." The lion looked down and closed his eyes trying to think of the right words. "I think I was jealous."

"You're jealous ...?" Daniel tilted his head a bit more and then averted his eyes to another part of classroom to think. His eyes then grew big and his jaw dropped. He looked at the lion a bit confused. "Wait, are you telling me that you're ..." He leaned in a bit more and whispered, "... gay!?"

The lion looked around again to make sure that nobody was listening. He then looked back to Daniel and shrugged, "That's just the thing, I don't know. Knowing that both of you have been keeping an eye on each other since the beginning of last year well... "He looked down again, "I guess I've been doing the same towards you." He closed his eyes, "I can't really explain it."

The wolf put a comforting paw on Trevor's shoulder, "You're just confused right now... that's it, right?"

Trevor looked up at the wolf and nodded, but didn't say anything else.

Daniel smiled and chuckled slightly, "It's normal to feel like that you know. You'll find out what you want when the time comes. Give it some time."

The lion nodded and smiled slightly, "Thanks, I'll try to remember that. Now let's get to work on these moon rocks. Actually, I'm interested in what they're made of."

The wolf chuckled and nodded as he placed a moon rock on the lens for them both to study.

The bell rang before they knew it and they returned everything back into its original box. The teacher also asked the students if they would clean the microscope lenses before they left for their last class. Daniel finished doing that and he got his stuff and flung it over his shoulder, waiting for Trevor.

Trevor returned the microscope and the instructions to the teacher after Daniel finished cleaning them. He returned to his seat and he got his backpack, swinging it over one shoulder. "Ready to go to our last class of the day?"

"You bet I am." Daniel grinned as he walked out the door with Trevor by his side.

It wasn't long before Trevor and Daniel were sitting on the bleachers of the gymnasium talking amongst each other about this and that. Daniel chuckled a bit as he looked up and around the gym as his eyes went off towards the doors. His mouth dropped as he saw that same fox from the infirmary.

Trevor tilt his head to the side slightly, "Daniel? What are you ...?" He turned his head to where the wolf was looking. He hung his head a bit and sighed, "Oh."

Daniel looked to the lion and smiled, "Don't let my staring get to you, in fact ..." He looked over to the doors again and yelled, "Adrian, over here!" He looked back to Trevor, "We're going to get this thing sorted out here and now."

The lion bit his bottom lip as the wolf called the fox over. He was rather embarrassed as he looked down to his lap. "Daniel, I hope you know what you're doing."

The wolf smiled a bit more. "Don't worry about it, just leave it to me."

* * *

Adrian walked out onto the school grounds with Bryan walking beside him. He smiled brightly as he looked around himself breathing in the fresh fall air. "There's nothing more relaxing then walking out into a nice day from a stuffy building." He looked over to the otter, "Wouldn't you agree?"

Bryan grinned and looked at the fox as he stuffed his paws into his pockets, "You can say that again."

The fox chuckled slightly, "Yeah, but I'm not going to repeat myself."

The otter shook his head, "You don't have to, it was a figure of speech." He opened the door to the gymnasium and waited, holding it for the fox.

"Yeah, I know." Adrian smiled and entered through the open door. The otter was soon to follow behind him as they looked around.

"Adrian, over here!"

The fox twitched his hears slightly as he looked around to see where the voice was coming from. He looked over to the bleachers and sure enough, there was that same black wolf he had seen in the infirmary. Adrian grinned a bit to himself, then he looked at over to his right and saw the lion right next to him. He looked down and shuffled his feet a bit and then looked over to Bryan.

The otter looked up to the wolf at the same time as Adrian and tilted his head slightly, "Isn't that the same wolf who stood up for you when the lion attacked you?" He looked back at the fox and saw that he was looking at his feet. "What's the matter?"

"Take a look to the right of the wolf a little." Adrian continued to look at his feet.

Bryan looked up and saw the lion and bit his bottom lip, "Oh, I see what you mean." He looked back at the fox again as he put a paw on his shoulder. "What are you going to do?"

Adrian sighed a bit as the bell rung singling for the start of the period. He looked at the otter, "I don't know."

"Well, we got to do something fast because class is starting." The otter took his paw away from Adrian's shoulder, "Come on, we can't stand here forever."

"Yeah ... " The fox nodded and sighed, "I guess I do want to see what he wants." He smiled and giggled lightly to himself.

Bryan chuckled, "Well, come on then." They both made their way over to the bleachers.

Adrian's ears went down onto his head as he made his way up to the wolf. He wrung his paws a bit in front of him, "Y-you wanted to see m-me?" He looked over nervously to the lion as if he were going to lash out at him again for even talking to the wolf. His eyes, however, darted back to the wolf as the otter raised an eyebrow suspiciously.

Daniel twitched his ears slightly as he turned and smiled brightly at the fox. He saw the nervous look that he gave the lion and that made him smile a bit more. "There's no reason to be nervous Adrian, we're all friends here...right? Why don't you have a seat? If the coach finds you two standing... well, let's just say that it wouldn't be good."

The fox blushed slightly and sat down a row in front of Daniel and Trevor. He placed his backpack on his lap and fidgeted with his paws a bit still nervous on what the lion was thinking about him now. Adrian took in a deep breath and closed his eyes letting the air back out slowly. He stayed like that for a minute relaxing until he felt a paw on his shoulder. The fox opened his eyes slowly and looked around himself, a bit confused on were he was for a second. He then looked down at the paw and blushed slightly knowing whose it was. He looked back at the wolf, "Um, y-yes?"

The wolf chuckled and smiled slightly, "Are you okay? You seem to be, well... distracted."

Bryan sat down as well next to Adrian and relaxed. After a moment he looked over to the fox as he saw the wolf's paw go down on his shoulder. He watched the dazed look on the fox's face as he looked back to the wolf. He shook his head and smiled giggling to himself lightly. He switched his gaze from the to canines and busied himself on looking around the gym.

Trevor looked over as well as he crossed his arms to his chest. He sighed a bit to himself and then closed his eyes looking straight forward, "Why fight it, I lost him to the fox." He opened his eyes and started to look around himself. "I wonder if there is anybody else..." He looked down to the otter and tilted his head. "The fox's friend... I always thought that he was cute..." He closed his eyes again and looked down shaking his head slightly. "Ghaw, what am I thinking... I can't... can I...?" He sighed and opened his eyes again as he looked over to Bryan. "He wouldn't like me because of what I did to the fox for about a year. Would he?" He shook his head again and relaxed on his seat. "I won't think about it right now... I'm still confused as it is. Don't want to make it worse for myself." Trevor relaxed a bit more and started to look around the gym.

Adrian blushed more as he looked down and thought, "I can't help it when a handsome wolf is sitting right in back of me." He bit his bottom lip as he was about to answer, when his ears flicked to the sound of opening doors from the weight room entrance. He brought his head up to see the coach walking up towards the front of the class.

The coach stopped just short of the bleachers as he put his arms to his back. He looked out towards the rest of the student with a small smile on his face. He cleared his throat once rather loudly so that everyone would hear him. The class slowly calmed down and looked at him rather respectfully. His smile broadened as he started to walk slowly parallel to the bleachers. He looked down to the ground almost like he was thinking, but he said in a rather loud voice so that everyone can hear him, "Welcome juniors and seniors to weight training." He looked up to the class still with the smile on his face as he looked at everyone one of his students faces. He nodded, "I suspected that I would be seeing most of you again this year."

Daniel sat back in his seat as he took his paw off the fox's shoulder. He crossed them over his chest as he looked over to the coach. He had a bit of a smile on his face as his ears twitched lightly to what the coach had to say.

Adrian felt the paw withdraw from his shoulder as he looked back to the wolf. He saw that the wolf was no longer looking at him as he blushed slightly. He then turned his attention to the coach as he started to speak. He placed his paw in his lap and tried to relax himself.

No matter how much Trevor tried, he could not stop looking at the otter right in front of him. He bit his bottom lip as he closed his eyes still fighting within himself for what was right. He was even thinking about what Daniel had said to him last class period. He sighed to himself as put his paws down to the side of him and looked over towards the coach. He saw his lips moving, but he couldn't hear a word he was saying being lost in his thoughts.

Bryan looked back to the fox for a moment as he saw that he was doing okay. He smiled slightly to himself as he twitched his ears hearing the couch speak. He turned his attention to him as he placed his paws in his lap the same as the fox did. The otter blinked as he narrowed his eyes slightly tilting his head. He had a strange feeling that someone was watching him, but he shook his head and shrugged it off as he listened.

The coach's smile faded as he became more serious. "Now for what I want you to do today. Instead of us doing notes and that other crap that the administration wants me to do; I need you to pick a partner and we'll do some workout exercises instead. I'm sure all of you know what is expected of you by now from your other teachers." With that he let them all choose who they wanted as partners.

The wolf almost jumped up off his seat as he heard that they were choosing partners for today's class, but he managed to control his actions. He had a big grin on his face when he looked down at the fox and put a paw on his shoulder again. He leaned down and whispered into his ear, "Mind if we be partners?"

The fox turned a slight crimson when he turned his head to look at the wolf. He wrung his paws together in his lap as he nodded lightly looking at the otter almost seeing if it was alright.

The otter smiles as he looked at the fox and nodded, "Go ahead, I'll find someone else to be with. You go have fun." He smiled as he leaned in and giggled whispering, "... but not too much fun." He chuckled and elbowed him in the shoulder.

The fox blushed even more at the comment and looked down at the bleacher riser still wringing his paws.

Bryan chuckled and put an arm around Adrian's shoulder, "I'm only kidding."

Daniel stood up and watched as he laughed. "Well, come on then." He looked over to the lion and saw that he was still in his dream like state, "Hey Trevor ... you still thinking about what we were talking about in the last class?"

Trevor snapped out of his little daze and looked up at Daniel. He shook his head and stood up and stretched. "No, it's nothing." He looked around, "Um, what are we doing?" He looked back at Daniel with a confused look on his face.

The wolf put a paw to his head and shook it smiling. "Man, when you're out of it, you're out of it..." He looked back at the lion again. "We have to choose a partner and get down to the gym floor for some workout warm-ups. Everybody chose a partner except you and the otter here." He motioned to Bryan.

The lion looked at the otter still holding his arm over the fox's shoulder. He then looked over to Daniel and nodded, "Well, it seems that we're not going to be partners this time..."

"Yeah, it looks like it. Come on, lets get down to the gym floor and not waste anymore time talking." The wolf started down the bleachers down to the gym floor and waited for the other three to follow.

Trevor let out a sigh and looked down for a moment before he started his way down the bleachers. As he looked up he saw the other two going down as well. He still didn't like the idea that the black wolf liked another male, or was it the fact that Daniel chose someone else other then him. They've been friends for as long as he could remember. The lion sighed to himself as he made it onto the gym floor. He looked around again placing his paws into his jeans pocket. Now there was the fact of him thinking he was gay or not. Why was he checking out the otter just about 5 minutes ago? He looked down and kicked his foot almost like he was kicking a rock out of the way.

The fox and the otter separated as the fox went with Daniel to do some sit-ups on the ground with the rest of the class. Bryan walked over to the lion, "Hey, you okay to do some exercising, or are you going to be in your head all day?"

The lion snapped out of what he was thinking about again and looked at Bryan. "Oh, yeah sure... sorry about that. Not really in my right mind right now."

Bryan smiled slightly and nodded, "Yeah, I think all three of us noticed. Come on..." He turned and walked up a little and got into position to do sit-ups.

Trevor followed and got into position holding down the otter's feet so they won't go anywhere while he worked out. He watched him for a minute, "Why are you even talking to me? I mean, I did beat up your friend today."

The otter was breathing in and out as he worked out. He stared off into the distance and thought a moment and then looked at the lion. "I don't know to be honest. I guess it's when I saw you when Daniel had you pinned to the locker. You still had that gruff appearance of a homophobe, but something else told me when I saw you there that there was something more. I don't know if that's true or not or even if you know what I'm talking about..." He thought for a moment as he breathed and just stopped there not knowing what else to say.

Trevor just nodded and thought about it not having much to say either. He helped out with the otter's sit-ups as best he could. When the coach yelled for them to switch positions the otter went into the lion's place and helped him with his workout.

* * *

Daniel looked over to the lion and the otter as he was working out. He then looked over to Adrian as he was holding him in place. He let out a breath, "You know, this was my first time seeing Trevor do that to you... How many times did he do it for the passed year?"

Adrian looked at the wolf perplexed a bit and thought about his question carefully. "I think it was eight times including this one. Why...?"

The wolf shrugged as the coach yelled to change places. Daniel helped the fox to were he was before as the coach yelled begin. "I was just confirming something in my mind is all." He held down the foxes foot paws as he started to do sit-ups.

The vulpine watch Daniel for a second and then nodded, "...And the confirmation was?" He grunted out now panted slightly.

"To stop you from getting to me and visa-versa. See, somehow he knew what I was, and I was trying to keep it to myself until the time was right. When I saw you against the locker in his paws, I snapped and revealed myself to the entire hall." He sighed a bit and looked down. "It doesn't matter now. I guess that was the time, though it still feels that it wasn't."

Adrian watched the wolf as he stopped his workout. He sat up and put his paw under Daniel's chin. He lift it up and gave him a long passionate kiss. The fox turned scarlet as he realized what he was doing and broke it looking down, "I-I'm sor--" He felt a paw go gently around his muzzle to quiet him.

Daniel was a bit taken a back as the fox started to kiss him. His face went crimson as well when the fox stopped. When he heard the fox start apologizing for what he did he put his paw around his muzzle lightly to stop him from saying anymore. "There's no reason to apologize." He let his paw off his muzzle and smiled warmly.

The fox nodded as the paw left and he looked around to see if anyone saw what happened. Thankfully for Adrian they were positioned in the back of the gym were no one really cared to look their way. He looked back at the wolf and smiled back a bit still a little embarrassed.

The wolf looked around to see what the rest of the class was doing. He saw that they where doing push-ups now their partners counting for them. He looked back at Adrian, "It's no big deal right now, come on- count how many push-ups I can do and lets see if you can beat it." Daniel got into position and waited for the fox.

Adrian nodded his blush almost fading as he got up and went over to Daniel's side. "Okay, but I will tell you now that I'm not going to beat you."

The wolf chuckled as he started, "You never know..."

The fox just shrugged and counted for Daniel.

* * *

The rest of the class period went by without any trouble. The coach blew his whistle at about five minutes left of class. All four of them went to get their stuff as the coach called Trevor over. Trevor tilt his head slightly as he looked over to Daniel and the other two. The wolf shrugged as the three of them followed the lion to see what the coach wanted. The coach handed Trevor a note from the office stating:


Your meeting with the dean of students is rescheduled for Wednesday after school. She is going to be in a meeting today and tomorrow regarding other issues with the administration. Attached to this note is a form for your parents to see regarding the issue at hand. It is to be signed and returned to the dean of students on Wednesday. Failure to complete this information will result in a higher means of punishment.


Office Management

Trevor read the note and sighed putting it down to his side. He closed his eyes and looked down rubbing his temple. "Okay, as if I'm in trouble as it is, and now I'm going to be in even more trouble if I don't have my parents sign the form and return it." The lion whispered this as the bell rang for the end of class. "My life is a living hell..." He looked up to Daniel and gave him the note to read as they started to head out of the gym.

Adrian and Bryan were talking amongst themselves and not really noticed what was happening with Trevor. They were speaking about what the fox did to the wolf in class in hushed voices. The otter giggled as the fox blushed as they talked.

Daniel read over the note and thought to himself. He looked up at Trevor and shook his head handing the note back to him. "I don't know what to say man... it seems that you're stuck between a rock and a hard place."

Trevor looked down and sighed once again as they made their way into the school's back entrance. They were to meet Christina at the front of the school to decide how they were going to go home. Trevor thought a minute as his eyes narrowed slightly and he looked to Daniel, "Why didn't you get a notice like this? You were at fault as much as I was and you're the one who got caught with me up against the lock by the dean..."

The fox and the otter stopped their talking as they both heard the lion ask a question about the fight. They turned there head's in their direction as they listened carefully to what the wolf's answer might be.

Daniel thought about it for a moment trying to give the best answer he could. He new that the fox and the otter where listening as well, because it got quiet when the lion asked the question. He looked at Trevor and shrugged. "I told her everything that happened in the fight minus on what we said to each other. I explained to her how I was defending the fox in back of me. She let me off the hook with only a warning and nothing on my record for fighting."

Trevor scowled as he folded the note up and put it into his pocket. He then nodded as they arrived at the front of the school where Christina was waiting on the bench where they were at the beginning when school started. "Your lucky as always Daniel, I envy you sometimes."

Daniel chuckled a bit as he looked from the lion to the Dalmatian grinning. "Hey Christina, ready to go?"

Christina looked up to the males walking toward her, "I've been ready since lunch. Come on lets choose whose going to go with who and lets go already. Oh..." She looked at Trevor. "Aren't you supposed to see the dean?"

Trevor shook his head, "No, it was moved to Wednesday, got a note to prove it, but I'll show it to you later."

"Hmm..." Christina looked from Trevor over to Adrian and smiled, "Hey, how are you feeling?"

Adrian looked at her and smiled back and nodded, "yeah I'm fine, thanks."

Christina chuckled and smiled as he looked back at Daniel.

Daniel looked at every person for about a second his eyes lingering on the fox a bit longer. "Well, how about I take these two home for today and you and Trevor can go together." He looked at the lion. "You can show her that note you got from the office." He looked at the rest of them after a moment. "How does that sound?"

The Dalmatian thought and nodded, "That sounds fine to me, but do you guys have rides?" She looked at Adrian and Bryan.

The fox shook his head, "No, my parents are working now, and don't have time to pick me up from school. I also promised them that I'll find one of my friends to take me home."

The otter looked from Adrian to Christina, "I usually always take the bus home everyday. At least that's what I did last year. I have no problem getting a ride though."

Daniel grinned at their responses, "Then there's no problem."

Christina nodded and then looked around, "Alright, lets get going then."

All five of them nodded as they got their backpacks on their shoulders. Daniel went first and led them out of the entrance to the school. Adrian trotted up to the wolf's side and blushed slightly taking his paw. The fox looked up to him for a second and then back down to the ground not saying anything; he just kept walking on.

The wolf felt his paw being held as he walked on. He looked down at the fox seeing him look up at him for a brief second then look down. He chuckled a bit and faced forward. "You know that you don't have to be embarrassed to do something like this with me." He looked down at the fox again but still walked towards the parking lot.

The vulpine blushed even more as he looked up at the wolf and nodded shyly. "I-I'm sorry..." He cleared his throat and looked around. He noticed that Bryan, Christina and Trevor were watching both of them. Christina was smiling slightly at the sight, but it was a fake smile. She knew that the fox wouldn't tell the difference. Bryan, on the other hand, came up to the fox and patted him on the shoulder with a huge grin. Trevor had his arms crossed with a bit of a scowl on his face, yet it wasn't as bad as the face he gave earlier to the fox. Adrian chuckled a bit as he felt the paw of the otter and looked at him. "All I can say for you man is good for you."

The fox smiled a bit and nodded, "Thanks Bryan... it's always nice to have some good comment... Especially after today." Adrian looked over to the lion as he said those words and then looked over to Daniel.

Daniel was still watching him squeezing his paw a bit after what he said. "I think we all need to call it a day." The wolf looked up as he got to his car and stopped next to the drivers side. He then looked around at the rest as he took his paw away from the fox's to unlock and open the door.

Trevor sat on the hood of the car close to the fox. He watched him and thought a minute, "Hey Foxy..."

Adrian tilt his head as he looked at Trevor in response, but doesn't say anything. Daniel just opened the back door to put his stuff in as he looked up to the lion as well as the others. He looked around to the three of them and then back to the fox. "I just wanted to say that I am sorry for all the misery I put you through for the passed year." He looked down. "I guess you can say that I was jealous because I saw you and Daniel looking at each other in a certain way. I guess I didn't know what to do, so I chose violence to be my trump card." He looked back up to him. "Also, I'm quite confused about who I am right now and I just hope that you can forgive me and my actions..."

Adrian watched him as he talked and thought. As Trevor finished he nodded walking a little up to him. "Well, seeing that you've been doing it for the last year and really had no motive until now. I thought you where a homophobe at first--"

"Yeah and I'm sorry If I came out like that. I really am not one. I was just jealous."

"Look..." Adrian placed a paw on his shoulder. "It's going to take me some time to get over what you've done to me for the passed year, but eventually I will. I'm just glad you came out and apologized." Adrian smiled a bit as he looked around at everyone taking his paw away and stepping back a little.

Daniel came to the back of the fox and placed a paw on his shoulder. "I'm glad you both talked it out. Now come on... not to be in a hurry but let's get out of here."

Bryan thought as the three of them where talking as he looked over to the lion. "Hmm, I didn't know that he was that sensitive. I've always looked at him and thought the same things Adrian did, but know... I don't know what to think. I think I want to know a little more about him." The otter looked towards the fox and the wolf. "I hope you don't mind if I go with Christina and Trevor do you?"

They all turned to regard the otter and Adrian spoke up. "You sure?"

The otter nodded and smiled a bit. "Yeah..."

The wolf snickered a bit and nodded as he looked to the Dalmatian. "Is that okay with you?"

Christina nodded watching the otter.

Daniel got into the front drivers seat of his car and looked out to the rest motioning for the fox to the other door. "Okay cool, well I guess I'll see you all tomorrow bright and early."

Adrian got the message as he went around the car to get inside the passenger side placing his backpack in the back with the wolf's. He smiled a bit as he sat there comfortably waiting to leave.

Daniel closed the door and looked at the fox and grinned slightly. He then looked at his three friends through the window. He rolled it down, "I'll see you guess later." He started the car engine and started to back out of the parking space as all five of them where waving their good-byes. He pulled out of the parking lot on their way home.

* * *

Christina sighed a little as she finished waving and looked at Trevor and Bryan. "Let's get going ourselves shall we." She smiled a bit as she motioned for them to follow her to her car.

Trevor and Bryan followed her in silence as the lion remembered something. "Oh Christina..." He pulled out the note the office gave him.

Christina reached her car before she turned around. She looked at the note Trevor had in his paw, "Is that the note from the office you talked about?"

Trevor nodded and opened it handing it over to her to read. He then leaned on the car watching her.

Christina took the opened note into her paws as she started to read what was on the paper. She then flipped the page over and looked at the attachment. "hmm..." She looked up to the lion and hand it back to him. "Hope you won't get into to much trouble with your parents."

The lion sighed a bit and looked down, "Yeah, I know... I know..." He fold it up and placed it back into his pocket. "Lets get going..."

Christina nodded and unlocked the door opening it up. She got into the drivers seat and unlocked the doors for them to get in as well.

Trevor moved to the passenger side getting in as the otter got into the back. Bryan just thought to himself not really saying anything as he watched the lion.

The Dalmatian looked back to the otter as they all closed their door. "Hey Bryan, where do you live?"

Bryan snapped out of his daze and looked at Christina, "It's not far, just about a mile or so from here."

"Okay, that's all I wanted." She smiled as she started to back the car out of the parking space and were on their way out of the parking lot in just a few minutes going home.

* * *

"You live here!?" The wolf was rather surprised as he saw the mansion the fox lived in for the first time. He drove up close to the front door still dumbfounded as he looked at the fox with his maw hanging open slightly.

The fox chuckled a bit and nodded as he blushed slightly looking down. He put his paws together in his lap rather embarrassed for showing the wolf. "Yeah I do... Is that okay...?"

He still watched the fox, "It's better then okay... I never new that you where rich even when I watched you all these years. Damn, you don't act or show that you where, so I had no idea." He looked at the house still in awe.

"Well, of course not. I don't like acting or showing that I'm rich. In fact it's better that no one new except my closest friends and umm..." He whispered this and blushed heavily, "My boyfriend..."

Daniel twitched his ears a bit and then looked back at the fox. He tilt his head a bit, "Did you say what I think you said?"

"Um... uh..." He blushed heavily and couldn't find the right words to say. All he could do was stammer and loop over words.

The wolf, however, smiled and leaned in and kissed the fox on the lips just as the fox kissed him in gym. This kiss, however, was longer and deeper as it quieted the fox almost instantly. The wolf put his arms around him and murred licking a bit at his maw for entrance.

Adrian murred a bit as he stopped in his place of stammering as the wolf kissed him. He melted into the kiss and his arms closing his eyes slowly. He opened his maw slightly to let the wolf in as he wrapped his arms around him as well.

They lapped inside each others muzzles for a few more minutes as they broke the kiss slowly. The wolf looked at the fox and murred a bit as he started to nuzzle under his chin. "Of course I'll be your boyfriend. I've been wanting that for so long now."

Adrian nuzzled back as happy as can be. "Yeah, me too, for a long time."

* * *