Journey to Another world pt3 ch100 pt4

Story by Tootall on SoFurry

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#13 of Journey to another world pt3 ch91

And with this, the Pokemon dance competition has come to a close. I've been a bit busy lately and am sorry for not uploading this sooner, though I hope that this next tidbit will make up for it.

Do I spy with my little eye a new something in the mix?

Journey to Another World 6

Ch. 100 Part 4

The sound of the music died of slowly and both Rena and I began to finally catch our breath from our fast passed dance. Though through our panting and such neither of us could keep the smiles off our faces. I could tell that Rena had fully enjoyed our dance together and I also knew that she'd want to have another just between the two of us. After the two of us had caught our breaths and gotten our heart rates back to normal did we notice how quiet it was. Looking towards that of the crowd I began to grow concerned, as not a soul was showing anything on their faces but utter shock.

'This doesn't look good. I think that our dance was a bit too much for everyone here.' I thought out loud.

'You may be right,' Jenavee said to the two of us. 'Though I do have one thing that might just snap the audience out of their daze.'

Though Jenavee had just said that, I really didn't know what she was talking about. 'Do you know what she's talking about Rena?' I asked her as the two of us just remained still and awaited for something to happen. Though the only thing that I got back from Rena was to that of a giggle, which made me think that whatever Jenavee had planned, she'd shared with Rena and Rena really liked. Not getting an answer out of Rena I turned and looked towards that of Jenavee and could see that she was putting on a very upset look on her face. I knew that she was only doing this for the audience, or at least I hoped she was only putting on that face for them, and I began to show fear to that as well.

Slowly walking back on over to the two of us, Jenavee made sure that each of her steps were in line with the last, as she put one step in front of the other. With her dainty walk she began to sway to some kind of music that couldn't be heard, only to stop only a short distance away from us. Ever so slowly she rose up both her arms over her head, with the palms outwards and then only stopped when they were both strait up. I was still quite confused as to the reason behind all of the this but my attention was quickly grabbed back to her when I saw her slowly bring her right hand back down that of her other arm, only to stop as her palm reached that of her face and she gave me a hand sign of I Love You (Two middle fingers closed while the others remain outstretched). I wondered where she'd learned to make that hand sign, but didn't wonder to long as I slowly saw her twist her body to the side and made a sensual move as she swayed her hips.

If any man weren't already looking at her, the movement of her hips in such a tantalizing motion would have grabbed their attention by now. I was still quite surprised at such a provocative movement by her that I just remained transfixed and stared at her. 'Ho, boy. What in the world has come over you Jenavee?' I thought mentally, looking at her as she slowly rotated her hips around, and made me a little more excited/enticed by her movements.

'Rena has had her sensual dance with you and I want to know if I can win you over with one of my own.' Jenavee said in my mind. Her voice had a kind of silky tone to it, as if she was beginning to enjoy the dance, and in the back of it I could faintly detect that of a bit of mischievousness in it as well.

We watched for only a moment more before she stopped the swaying of her hips to then bring down her right hand again, only to stop as she grabbed hold of that of the lower part of her flowing dress. She then gave me a wink, and then with a quick yank, she threw the overly large piece of cloth off the stage and then stood there in her new version of her dancing dress.

To say the least I was a bit shocked at the new look of her dress. If Rena's dress was to tease a man into dancing with her, Jenavee's was to blow your mind. The sound of some kind of percussion instrument could be heard, as it resembled a dried out gourd with beans inside (Please play Little Light of Love from the 5th Element by Eric Serra). Looking Jenavee up and down my mouth fell agape at the dress and I couldn't help my eyes from bugging a little as well. Much of the upper portion of her dress was changed into that of a forest green halter/bikini top that left her stomach exposed, but the bottom part of the dress was now only just barely above her hips and flowed down to the floor in that of a belly dancers outfit that jingled lightly as she'd attached some kind of small coins to the edges of the halter top and the bottom of the dress.

'When did you make that alteration to your dress Jenavee?' I thought with a bit of remorse as I liked the full portion of the dress. Though don't get me wrong, I liked this new version as well, but I became a little hard pressed to hide the tent that was beginning to form in my trousers. I could hear her voice in my head as she laughed a little at my predicament. It was then that Jenavee began to saunter her way on over to us, and somewhere in the back of my mind it seemed like she was attempting to pull off some kind of belly dancers routine.

'Did she pull that from my mind?' I thought to myself as I watched as she began to use her hips in that of a swaying motion to show off her stomach muscles.

'I was wondering when you were going to pick up on my dance.' Came her voice as I saw her smile on over to me and give me a playful wink. She continued her dance towards us, and it seemed that Rena had become intimidated by the new Jenavee and had stepped back to allow her to move into tantalize me. 'I picked up on this outfit from one of your memories. I think you called it a Renaissance Fair.' She said as if not sure of the proper wording of the event.

My smile only grew wider at the mention of one of my favorite events, and seeing Jenavee in that kind of an outfit brought back so many pleasant memories. Though before I could really begin to enjoy that of her dress a slight bit of light headedness began to overtake me and I had to be steadied by that of a hand on each shoulder. I looked over and saw that not only Rena had placed one of her paws on that of my shoulder but Jenavee had done so to my other. " Now, do not start that again Donovin. We want to enjoy this last dance with you and there is no way that you are going to ruin it by getting sick on us." Rena whispered to me as I felt a slight tingle run through my system and knew that Rena was using her Aura like abilities to help keep me on my feet. Rena then back off a little when Jenavee started up her dance again and then moved in-between us.

Needless to say it was like getting that of cold shower as my senses that'd been almost on that of overload were now back into total focus. I watched for quite a while as Jenavee danced around me in slowly movements that you'd almost swear that hear a pop sound as her hips moved at times. Though that too only lasted a moment as Rena must have gotten tired of standing/watching from the side lines and decided to participate in the dance. So instead of having just one Belly Dancer in front of me, now I had two that were doing their utmost to try and grab my eyes from watching the other.

Once hearing the song in the past, I knew that all of this would soon be coming to a close and decided to end it off with that of a bang. So as the last note of the music began to play I took each girl in one of my arms, pulled them into me only to spin them out the next second, but at the final note I spun them both back into me and watched the whole crowds faces go slack jawed when they both kicked up a leg and gave me a kiss to that of my cheek.

Down in that of the waiting room we could still hear the crowd begging for that of an encore for another dance from Rena, Jenavee, and I. I looked up at the ceiling and could only laugh, but was stopped in that of my personal moment as my hat was re-deposited on my head. Turning around I could see that it'd been that of Jenavee who'd used her psychic abilities to levitate my hat up and drop it on my head. 'Here is you hat,' Jenavee walked up and then leaned her head against that of my shoulder. 'I do believe that they enjoy our dance.' To which I could only nod to her in agreement.

" Do you think we should grace them with another?" Rena asked as she nuzzled up to my other shoulder and mirrored Jenavee's head on my other shoulder.

I could only chuckle to that and shake my head. "I think that we've done enough damage for one day." A chuckle escaped my lips as I reached around to hug my girls a little closer to my sides. With a bit of smile both girls wrapped an arm around my back and returned the gesture. Leading them on over to that of one of the benches we took up a seat and awaited the time for the rest of the participants to partake their turn upon the stage; though needless to say, that none of which could even hold a candlestick to that of our combined dance together. So, it came to no surprise to us when the judgment came down that we'd received perfect marks from that of the judges as well as comments that were usually along the lines of, 'I have imagined that something like this could have been pulled off, not even in that of my wildest dreams.'

Once everything was said and done, as far as handing out that of the awards, the three of us began to head off towards that of the Pokémon center and the rest of our family that eagerly awaited our return to them. "I do hope that the kids enjoyed watching us on the television." I said with a smile as somewhere in the back of my mind I saw the two of them mimicking that of our moments together. A smile slowly spread across my face at the mental image of them dancing in each other's arms. As we walked back to that of the Pokémon center, with Rena doing different movements that she said that she'd like to do when we danced again as she hummed along to some that only she could hear, I stopped in my tracks and looked towards the woods.

'Is something wrong Donovin?' Jenavee asked as she looked up from that of my right side. I looked down at her and gave her a bit of a hard/thoughtful expression (Eyebrows furrowed in deep concentration if you need a visual).

"I'm not sure. Why don't you and Rena head back to the center and check up on the kids." I said as she cocked her head to the side, but didn't let go of my arm. "You don't have to worry. I'm probably just going to get some Poffins for everyone as a late night snack, then return once they're baked."

'Alright then, but do not take too long. It is getting late and I am sure that the little ones would feel a bit uneasy about not having their father there to tuck them in before bed." She then leaned up to give me a quick peck, but I turned at the last moment and instead of that of a peck to the cheek we shared a quick kiss between us. Though the kiss was just held within that of a moment, I still felt a slight thrill at a shared kiss with her, but that moment was only that as the next moment I felt something grab my shirt and turn me the other direction.

' Now, do not forget about me.' Rena said as she yanked me down a little to press her lips to mine. Now where Jenavee's kiss was that of innocent love, Rena's was that of heated passions as she pressed into me and a little deeper into the kiss. ' And there will be more of that when you get back, love.' She said but I knew that there was more to come when I got back to the center.

With my head still reeling from the two giving me a kiss, I waved to them as they disappeared out of sight. Feeling a little giddy I felt a shiver run down my spine as I got one last look at Rena and saw her raised tail and the soft sway of those enticing hips of hers. 'Something tells me that I'm not going to be getting that much sleep tonight.' I thought as a grin spread from ear to ear on my face as thoughts of all the love we'd share that night.

Though before my mind's eye could picture what would happen in that small room, the sound that I'd caught was heard again. With a hard exhale I turned towards the woods and headed off towards the bad feeling that was slowly overwhelming the good feeling that Jenavee and Rena had left me with.