Zeke's Story-Part 1

Story by Riks on SoFurry

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#1 of Zeke's Story

Zeke's Story:

Before you read this, you must know a few things. First off, this whole thing was rushed. I can't be bothered to explain why, but it's in my journals if you're interested. All in all, rushing means mistakes; expect them.

And if Zekay is reading this, there will be a part 2 shortly! I swear upon my Great Aunt Tessie's life!

Since the very beginning, I've always been the odd one out. I suppose that's what happens when you're the result of a mating that never should have happened; a bat and a wolf, my parents. Their intimacy evidently resulted in me, because of which I kind of resent them, but I love them none-the-less.

It's me that I hate. I managed to inherit the body of my mom, a wolf, and a bat's wings from Dad. The membranes start from my shoulder blades and re-join about the wrists. It looks odd, but it has its benefits. Well, only one; I can fly, but not very high and not very long. Moreover, the colouration is terrible. Grey fur everywhere except my chest, abs, muzzle, genitals and wings which are all some sort of dark blue. Weird huh? That's not all of it. I mean I don't even have a tail! The hell kind of wolf doesn't have a tail? Well, one that's half bat I guess. Bloody hybridism.

Society isn't the happy-go-lucky matrix everyone wants to make it out to be. Shit happens, get over it. That's what I think at least. Since middle school, I've always been picked on. Bullies would come, beat me senseless, take whatever was on me that had any value and piss off; hence why I hardly had any friends. Anyone who was even remotely close to being considered my 'friend' was in danger of a good wailing from the thugs who call themselves 'The Team'. I'm not entirely sure if it was the school's sports team or the coalition they made to make my life a living hell. I don't really care...it's probably both anyway.

All in all, that's my life. Oh jeez, I haven't even mentioned my name.

My name's Zeke Knighton; and this is my story.

* * *

It started as any normal day; parents yelling at me to get up else I'll miss out on breakfast, me rolling over and pretending it wasn't happening for another few minutes. Eventually I did muster up the strength to get up and wonder about my room. I picked out the clothes I felt like wearing, turned the shower, waited for it to warm up and had the coldest shower you can possibly imagine. Why does it take millennia for our house to summon vaguely warm water? I have no idea.

Shivering, I made my way back to my room, draped in multiple towels, and threw on the clothes. It wasn't anything smart; simply some jeans, a t shirt and a hooded jacket, all black. Obviously I had to get them made especially with holes in the back of the shirt and jacket else I'll have my wings bunched up all day. To those who don't know what it's like, it's painful...very, very painful.

Now the morning fiasco was complete, lazily trudged downstairs. Mom was in the kitchen, still cooking breakfast, and Dad was somewhere else. Probably the garage.

Eventually, Mom handed me my personal breakfast of champions; egg and bacon sandwich. I did love this stuff, but it was getting repetitive. I mean, she's been serving this more and more ever since I started high school. Apparently it was still going on for her, even though it finished less than a month ago. She feels that the high school bullies stop me from going out and being social. I just don't go out and be social because I choose not to. Simples.

Mom never was one to start conversations, so we just sat quietly. Well, quietly enough until Dad came in.

"Hey champ!" he exclaimed, clapping me on the back for emphasis. "Ready for college?" Sighing, I forced a reply between mouthfuls.

"It doesn't start for another three weeks."

"I know. It's just that they're having an open day today. Y'know, meet the teachers, see the classrooms, choose a dorm; the usual." He said happily as he began rummaging through cabinets in search of food. Eventually pulling out a peach, he turned back to face us and leant against the counter. "You comin' Maria?"

"I think it'll be nice to look around." Mom replied. As for me I simply huffed, rolled my eyes and took a hefty bite of my sandwich.

"You've got egg on your face." Dad pointed out as he chewed on the fruit.

"And you've got cack on yours." I replied, gesturing to the peach juices running down his chin. Dumping my plate by the sink, I huffed, readjusted my falling pants and returned to my room in search of a belt.

* * *

"You can drive on the way back. We're here to check the college out, not to cause an incident black spot." Dad said as we pulled up by the college gates. Sighing, I hopped out the car before it officially came to a stop and began walking off. My parents insisted on coming with me, but I managed to persuade them I was better off on my own. They reluctantly left me in favour of a college prefect who seemed more than happy to take them around. As for me; I wandered around the halls aimlessly.

It was the same story is usual; having quick peeks in classrooms and dorms, the odd 'hello' to a professor and/or prefect and the large crowd stealing odd glances at me. Well, me, my wings or my lack of a tail. I didn't really care less to be honest.

I was in the middle of dragging my feet noisily along the floor when some random girl approached me.

"Excuse me sir, but have you picked a dorm yet?" She asked. She was some form of feline. Her light grey fur was soft and fluttered even in the lack of wind in the confinements of the hallway. Her eyes were some form of pale blue which twinkled underneath the flickering bulbs above our heads. She had a smaller build than me, but I could make an educated guess that she worked out. Overall; she was stunning, stunning enough to leave me temporarily speechless.

"Are you okay?" She spoke again, much softer.

"D'um, yeah sure. We have to pick dorms?" Smooth.

"Yeah. Either that or you get put in one randomly with another student who doesn't have one yet."

"Ah. Are there any specific rules for this or what?"

"I'm afraid that there can be no mixed gender dorms, other than that, no rules at all." She said with a slight giggle in her voice. I could only nervously chuckle back and bridle a little. "I could put you in a room with him if you want." She said gesturing to a raccoon sitting at the end of the hallway. "I think you'd two would get along really well."

"Uh, yeah, I mean if that's okay with him." I replied nervously. I did make the quick glance at the raccoon, but ultimately was captivated by her.

"I'll go ask him!" She said gleefully, turning on her heels and happily skipping back down the hallway to the 'coon. I couldn't tear my eyes off of her, partially because she swayed her hips enticingly from side to side. Such was the elegance and finesse she possessed.

She took her time chatting with the raccoon, which enabled me to take in his appearance as well as hers. He was your average 'coon; normal colouration and patterns etcetera, save for the green stripes on his wrists and what I could see of his ankles. His green eyes matched the patterns of his fur quite well actually. He was just about the same height as me, give or take a centimetre or so. Overall, he's quite handsome. What did I just say?

"You alright?" The raccoon piped up from beside me. I was too absorbed working out my last thoughts I hadn't noticed them travel back up the hall.

"Yeah, just...tired I guess."

"'Kay, y'sure your fine sharing a dorm with me?"

"Yeah, absolutely."

"Great!" He said with a massive smile across his muzzle. The cat was busy scribbling down something on her checklist.

"Names?" She said, not even bothering to look up.

"Zeke Knighton."

"Mantis West."

More scribbling.

"Thanks." She said, giving one final wink to us both before merrily skipping off again in the same fashion as before. It was too much. It also appeared to be too much for Mantis as well.

"H-hey!" He called out to her before she got too far away.

"Yeah?" She said as he made a sharp turnaround, sending her light hair scattering across her face.

"What's your name?"

"Macey...Gray." She said softly, shortly before rounding the corner and skipping off. As for me and Mantis, we simply stared at the blank space where Macey previously was.

"Hard to believe she's a freshman too eh?" He chuckled, extending a paw to me. "Nice to meetcha, Zeke!"

"Pleasure." I said, shaking his paw firmly. Both of us made odd glances to the corridor in hope that Macey would return. After a short period of disappointment, we released each-others paws.

"So, what courses you taking?" He asked.

"Art major and music minor. You?"

"Music and mechanics. Any instruments?"

"Keyboard, guitar and drums, but acoustic guitar is my favourite."

"Nice." A surprised smile spread across his face.

We carried on talking for a good hour longer. He could talk quite a bit, but I suppose I was just as bad. After all, I hardly ever get anyone to talk to besides my parents. Surprisingly enough he was the first person aside from Macey who hadn't mentioned or seemed to stare at my wings. It was nice for a change; liberating. It was drawing closer to the end of the open day when he finally looked at his watched and grimaced.

"Hey, sorry but I gotta go. We'll finish up next time 'kay?" He said, beginning to edge back. Obviously he just missed a meeting deadline or something.

"Yeah, that's fine. See ya later then." I said. Oddly enough I felt good about it. That must have been the first time I've ever said that to someone knowing that I would actually meet them again.

"See ya at college!" The raccoon finished before he turned on his heels and made an odd dash down the corridor. As for me, I stood rooted to the spot. As much as I tried to suppress it, a goofy grin spread across my face. I've got a friend!

I was still rooted to the spot on the floor when my Dad came around the corner.

"Hey!" He stated and clapped me on the shoulder. "College is coming to an end and we've gotta pull your Mom outa the cooking labs. What're you so happy 'bout?" I turned to face him, still donning the twisted smile.

"This could actually be quite fun."