Poem of the dragon

Story by Drakkin on SoFurry

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Spurred Poem, something of thought and very simple

I call this kind of poetry "Spurred Poems". theyre short and are made simply so theyre not always brilliant. its just a way of expressing.

Restless night, due passing dawn

Master of the sky wanes a call forlorn

Till the sun may rise, the skies are clean

For a dragon to roam the intrepid skies unseen

His heart is weak, his soul and spirit is strong

Proudly stanching before his foes

A master knowing who he is

And what he may be

Proud, his friends churn him on

Not to fight, not to kill

He is better than that; to turn from them

Though dragons are fierce, a trait well known

They abide to loyalty

Hunting prey, not foes