The odds are against me:chapter 5

Story by Friskyfoxdave on SoFurry

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#2 of The odds are against me

the 5th part of my thrilling serise contaning more drama than all of them combined chapter with anger,love,depression,and more ending with a exciteing cliffhanger

After preparing breakfast and getting me and Justin ready for school we were out at the bus stop waiting for the bus when I realized that he wasnt on the bus yesterday. "why weren't you on the bus yesterday Justin" I asked curious as to why he was not on the bus. He looked up at me from where he was standing "I thought mom told you I had a doctors appointment" he said we continue to chat until the bus rolled up after climbing the short stairs of the bus we sat in the front row the bus was empty as usual so we continued our conversation.


I looked over at Claire she had been having a very rough time because of all that has been going on. What with David's father going to jail and David breaking leg and almost getting a concussion. The chief keeps trying to get her to take some time off telling her she needs a vacation and some time to spend with David but she keeps refusing . John finally convinced her to take a short vacation to try help David through his problems. I just hope she can help him before his birthday tomorrow.


After watching David mope around all day at school I couldn't take it anymore. After school I went over to Veronica's house to tell her to stop dating Tyson the so-called boyfriend of Veronica.

After knocking on the door I waited a few seconds till the door was answered by her father. "hello Sir may speak to Veronica please" I said to the big Labrador.

"Sure Nathan one sec" he closed the door and after a few minutes Veronica came out looking like she just rolled out of bed.

"Sorry Nathan" she yawned "I took a little nap after school" she said which explain the messy hair and the pajamas when it was3:30 PM.

"it's cool" I said giving a sigh thinking that David hasn't gotten any sleep since she broke his heart and she didn't even know.

"So why are you here" she asked cocking her head to the side with a confused look on her face.

"I came to tell you that David has had a crush on you for a while now and when you told him you had a date yesterday it broke his heart and he now is depressed and a day before his birthday I just wanted to tell you I hope you make the right choice here, please" I said just wanting to get it over with and not really wanting to beat around the bush.

She just stared at me for a few seconds looking shocked and then seeming to finally come to her senses she gave a huge smile.

"What are you smiling at" I said a little annoyed at how she could smile when I had just told her that her best friend had a crush on her and that she was the reason he was in the depressed state.

"He does!" she suddenly screamed "I've had a crush on him to love them too afraid to tell him for fear that it would rune our friendship" she said energetically while bouncing up and down on her heels.

"Maybe you should go talk to him you know they can feel better" I suggested hoping she would go over right away.

"You know what I will I'll head over there in a few minutes I'll see tomorrow at school" she said before running inside the house and slamming the door before I could say goodbye. I smiled thinking I couldn't wait till tomorrow when we had his birthday party at Benihana.


As I slam the door I ran up the stairs into my room quickly trying to find a comb to call the knots out of my hair and putting on some perfume. After a couple minutes of getting ready I had picked out a fancy red shirt that I knew he liked and a pair of jeans. I then ran down the stairs and out the door eager to tell David that I had a crush on him to.

By the time I got to his house I was nervous as heck but walked up front porch knowing that had never took a chance I may never get to. After knocking on the door I step back and took a few deep breaths to calm my nerves. After a few seconds a little pop answered the door at first I didn't recognize him but then after to the closer look I realized it was David's little brother Justin.

"Hey can I speak to David" I said looking down at him with a smile

"Your Veronica Wright?" He asked looking up at me if an equally big smile

" yeah I am" I said hoping his brother would yell at me for putting his brother and his depressed state.

He walked off and after a second he returned dragging his brother along behind him. David looked like a mess his fur was all knotted and matted under his eyes. The second he saw me fresh tears broke into his eyes he moaned and pinned his ears back to his skull and his tail involuntarily tucked between his legs. I couldn't believe I was the one who did this to him my eyes started to water I couldn't bear it I had to get this off my chest now!

"Hi" I said just barely whisper not knowing how to go about the business at hand so I decided to try a go at this gently.

"Listen Veronica I'm not in a good mood just please leave me alone" he said in little more than a grumble.

"Listen David, Nathan told me everything and I never knew you felt that way and I do to I mean love you" I said I'm a fast jumble of words just to get it off my chest and make it feel so much better. So much for going above this gently I cringed internally.

He stood there for a few seconds before bursting out into full tears and lunged at me grabbing onto me in a tight hug that I doubt anyone could remove even with a crowbar. After a few minutes of him crying on my shoulder he looked up with tears still in his eyes he spoke in little more than a hoarse whisper " don't ever do that again" before lying his head back on my arm I slowly walked him inside and up the stairs to his room. After careful lying him on his bed I slowly lowered my face to his when our faces were as inches apart the door was suddenly kicked open.

the odds are against me chapter 4

aouthers note; Sorry high scool is catching up to me plus form october 24 im bussy starting at the 24th casue its my birth day then my brothers then the grandmas anaversery of her funeral then thanksgiving and then now i dont want to right because of i...

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the odds are against me chapter 3

Veronica "Ok this is getting old give them back now!" I heard David yell I peeked around the corner to see James running down the hall with David's crutches. "NO I think I'll keep them "he said as he ran ever closer. As he got to the corner I stuck...

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odds are against me:chapter 2

Claire "HE DID WHAT?!?!" I shouted as I heard what my son had done. "Claire please calm down" my chief said as he tried to hold me back so as not to let me drive to the hospital and yell at David. "Why john, why will he not listen to me?" I asked...

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