A Story of Light and Dark-Chapter Three
The third chapter to my story! Hope you all enjoy!
Chapter Three.
"What is this human doing here?" "Does he not know about us?" "We should kill it." "No, leave it be. We will follow him and see what he wants."
********** The next morning came bright and early, but Ismier was already finished packing up camp. Soon after he was back on the trail of the elk. It only took him 2 hours to find the heard. Un-packing his bow he strung it and notched an arrow. A twang was heard then a thud as the arrow found it's target, and it struck true, Ismier was always sure of that. As all the other elk ran, he went to claim his kill, but before he could get it something hit him upside the head knocking him out cold. *********** "I told you not to hurt it! And what did you do? You threw a stone and knocked it out!" "Bu-" "But nothing! What is worse is that you brought it here! Figure out something to do with it." "Ok...Sorry sir." *********** Ismier woke in a small cave, dimly lit by a small fire. "I know you humans need the warmth from a fire..." said a clearly female voice. "Ya, thanks. But the question I have is where the hell am I? And who the hell are you?" "You're in my 'house' as you humans would say, and my name can not be pronounced in your language" she said. "Alright, well is there anything you would like me to call you by, then? A name that I can pronounce?" Ismier asked. "Well, I suppose you cold call me Sarani." she said. "So, err, Sarani, do you mind showing yourself? I would like a face to talk to as well." Ismier said. "You may not like what you see..." she told him. "Doesn't matter. It must be better than talking to the shadows." he said. After considering for a few moments Sarani got up with the rasp of scales that sent a small shudder down Ismier's spine. As she moved into the light Ismier gasped, he was looking at a dragon! "Well shit" he said, attempting to get up but wincing as he received another wave of pain from his injured head. "I am sorry if I have hurt you," she said. "Damnit! Well, what possessed you to throw that stone at me then?!" "I-I...sorry," was all she could manage to get out, as a single tear rolled down her cheek. "Now hang on! Don't cry!" he started but was too late as she walked out of sight further into the cave. "Shit! Pops will kill me if I don't go and apologize! If there is one thing he nailed into my head it was never treat a woman poorly!" Wincing as he got up he made his way towards the back of the cave by following the sound of her crying; delving deeper, and deeper into the cave until he came out into a large room, and on the top of a hill he saw her. The place he was in was more than magical, somewhere, although seemingly from nowhere a light emanated down onto a small grassland with a few trees here and there. Ismier was stunned by the beauty, but what seemed the most beautiful of it all was Sarani. She laid upon the hill, her scales the color of a ruby, shining brightly in the mysterious light. Walking up to her he said "Look, I didn't mean what I said earlier. I was mad and I wasn't watching my tongue." She responded by lifting her head up and staring right into his eyes. "It's ok. I would have been mad too." They each continued staring into eachother's eyes, however both looked away a few moments later, blushing heavily. Ismier was confused as hell. How could he really feel this way about a dragon! 'I mean, sure she is beautiful...but what the hell am I talking about?! I...just can't help it. Besides, she seems real nice. This is wrong! But it feels...so right.' Ismier thought to himself. Sarani's thoughts where in the same area, 'He's human!' she told herself. 'So what? He seems to care about me...' 'But what if he says no?' 'It won't matter...I have to ask him.' She told herself, finally coming to a conclusion. "Ismier..." "Yea?" "I know this will come across as a bit surprising but...I think I love you." she said, looking at him. "I...think I love you too." said Ismier, "But our species are so different. No one will approve!" "No one will have to know!" she said. "We should think about this and mull it over after a good nights sleep." "I agree" she said, while lifting a wing, inviting him to snuggle up and get warm. And he did not refuse, walking up and getting comfortable as she brought her wing down lightly around him, keeping him warm and keeping him close.
Ah, but is it love, or lust? Perhaps neither, or perhaps both? Only time would tell. Time...Something that I always had enough of.