A Spirit on the Rise - Episode 2

Story by Fawks Silverwind on SoFurry

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#2 of Spirit Force Adventures!

Part 2 of what might end up a 5 part series. XD

Not much new to say here that I haven't said in the first part already. I am not a writer, but hopefully someone will enjoy this :3

All characters are mine except...

Watchdog belongs to: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/thewatchdog/

Hawkeye belongs to: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/aeapanda

Buck belongs to: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/wilkfiadh

-The days after-

Ever since high school, Fawks had been putting up personas to help protect his secret identity. This much hasn't changed since then, but the hero side turned into someone a bit more heroic than the comic foil that Crimson Kit/Vulpine was. Spirit was a very exaggerated version of what Fawks thought a hero should sound like. He was strong, confidant, and tended to speak rather loudly with a pun or quip for any situation he was in. "Fawks" was a quiet, sweet guy that liked to be in the back, but was extremely friendly when you actually talked to him. He was very klutzy too, and hugely into comics and table top role playing games, but he had perfected this "nerdy" act to be someone that you couldn't help but like, or feel bad for. His true self was only ever seen by people he really trusted, or in situations when he felt relaxed enough. It was a mix of his other two personalities, but not quite so extreme. Basically, he was more daring and open than the public version, but he wasn't as loud and over the top as his hero side unless he wanted to be for dramatic or comedic appeal. He has a big heart and is fiercely loyal, but has no forgiveness to those that hurt others or would betray him; as it only reminds him of his terrible father. Any other quirks would be thanks to his brother Conner, such as being a huge tease with a love for seeing others squirm or blush.

Fawks hadn't been able to be himself for a little while, at least not around others. It was starting to weigh on his mind as he'd miss the days he'd just chill with his bro or good friends back at home but there were other things to worry about right now! After the first week of classes, Fawks was just starting to get a taste for the difficulty of college life, but the vulpine didn't think it was gonna be so bad. The teachers were nice except for his dumb-ass of an art teacher, that wouldn't know GOOD work if it bit him on the, well you know. The 19-year old took classes from noon to the evening to keep from getting in the way from his late night escapades, and it was working out so far. Gave him plenty of time to sleep in after those long nights.

His roommate, Cody, was thankfully rather full of himself and often easily distracted. The colt also seemed to have a crush on the hero that saved him the week before! Which struck Fawks as rather amusing because Cody tended to treat the fox as his own personal project to make an ugly duckling a swan. He wasn't all that bad a guy, he just really loved to be the center of attention. Probably why he ever attempted to try out the hero stuff in the first place. If there was ever going to be a hero that would be backed by a corporate sponsor, or would make a bunch of tv appearances Cody would have been that guy. Not to say he wasn't at least very in shape for the job. The young horse was never shy about his body so the fox had a -very- good idea of what he looked like. Didn't help that he always smelled fantastic. Was is the body wash he used, or maybe just his natural scent? The fox's eyes would often drift just below the waistline when he'd think about this sort of stuff.

"You see something you like, pervert?" Cody always had a cute face when he'd act annoyed, or if he actually was, Fawks couldn't tell. Have you ever seen the Pokémon cartoon? If you have, think Jigglypuff and you'll know what I mean. He sat on the edge of the bed with his legs spread to proudly displaying the full fabric pouch of his black satin thong

"No! ...I mean, I do.. I mean.." Fawks blushed and looked a bit flustered.

"Listen, Fawks. I know I'm suuuuper cute, but you've gotta find some dweeb that you can call your own. I've got my heart set for another..." The tone of his voice had become sweet and dreamy as the colt's mind drifted off, his cheeks blushing and his barely covered crotch... jumped!

The fox's ears shot up and eyes went a bit wide, face nearly completely red, "D..do you always have to sit around in a thong?"

As if woken up rudely, the horse stuck his tongue out at the fox, "Shhhhh! This is my place too. I can dress how I want! And if I wanna be naked..." The stallion swayed his hips as he stood up. He pulled the back of his underwear down as he faced the fox to make the fabric in the front -just- loose enough to give a teasing peek underneath..! He spoke the next sentence in a sultry tone, "I'll do it~" He then snapped the fabric back in place, "Now keep your eyes on your games.. or books.. or whatever it is you do at night. Just where -do- you go, anyway?"

The fox gulped and looked away, still bright red after seeing that sight, "Ahh.. a s-study group!"

"Guh.. why couldn't I have a hunk for a roommate?" He pouted, rather cutely. "I'm gonna have to train you to not be so... dweeby!" The stallion got up and ruffled the fox's hair, winking before pulling the vulpine into a hug "Don't you worry though. I haven't met a project I couldn't handle~ Say..." The stallions hands started to explore his roommate's body..! "..you feel a lot stronger than you look, foxy!"

The fox's heart jumped a bit and he quickly pushed the horse back! "I uh.. I work out sometimes.. between studies! Umm.. don't you have class soon?" The fox was backed against the wall as the stallion looked at him with a rather coy expression

"Hmmmmm... you're right! I've gotta liven up the place! But.. you're keeping something from me, foxy~ If I'm gonna remake you, I'm gonna have to know eeeeeverything about you.. And stop wearing so many layers! Show off your body more!" Cody jumped out to lift the fox's shirt up, which made the fox yip and yank it back down before his toned abs could be seen too much, rolling away from the colt, "Awww... foxy woxy shy? I'll fix that too~"

"Have fun at class, Cody!" Fawks darted into the bathroom and shut the door with his body pinned against it, heart pounding in his chest and pants just a little tighter than they should be...

"Don't worry, Fawks! I'll make you come out of your little shell and experience real adventure for the first time~ Ta tah!"

Cody quickly got dressed and scampered off soon after that. The stallion thankfully wasn't too observant, but he didn't know how long he'd be able to keep up the study group excuses with how hands-on the horse seemed to be. With the "danger" gone for now, the fox went about his normal day. Went to his classes. Spent some time studying and chatting with classmates. He'd sometimes trip and fall on his face as he walked through the halls, or even just stumble around the campus grounds. Bumping into people and apologizing with his purple eyes all big like a puppy's; but it was weird, that feeling he had on his first patrol was coming up again. Every now and then he'd swear he'd see someone in a hood watching him, but whenever he'd actually look, the figure was gone. This could be bad.

Ever since the hero's first night on patrol, the fox had been a lot more careful about where and when he'd pop up as Spirit Force. Always doing his best to cover his tracks by taking different paths back to his apartment. He hadn't felt like he was being followed since that first night, at least until now. Who could have found him out already? What a terrible start to his solo career!

-Exposing a hero-

It was the second night on Hawkeye's scouting mission to learn more on the candidates for Spirit's secret identity. None of them seemed to really stand out, but Fawks was the one of current interest given his background - or lack of one, and the city he came from. The hooded hero took her time and was always calm and calculated when she was watching her targets. Always staying just out of sight while she studied their movements. The only thing that ever stood out to her was that the fox seemed like he might know he was being watched. She didn't much care for this as it might taint any information she could gather. She pulled out her phone for a scheduled check-in, calling Eddy this time around.

"Why did I agree to do this again?"

~"Because you're amazing at doing this sort of thing? Have I mentioned how awesome you are?"~

"Right... Well, I've been at it for two days. Either this guy is the biggest klutz I've ever seen, or he's laying the act on pretty thick. I haven't found much of anything out of the ordinary so far."

~"It -could- be an act. People are different when they put on the mask..."~ Watchdog couldn't hide a somewhat regretful tone in his voice.

"...So why don't you just meet him one night and talk to him yourself?"

~"Oh sure. It's -perfectly- normal to go up to someone and say, "Nice weather today, right? Oh by the way, do you go around at night in green tights?"~

"You -know- what I mean. Listen, I've been hearing about this new group that's really starting to stir up the various crime bosses in the city. We might want to prepare for that instead. I don't want this new guy getting in the way."

~"Always got your mind thinking ahead, eh? Where would I be without you? Heheh.. Alright, I'll try and confront him myself if I see him again. By the way... you sure Fawks is still in his room?"

"I haven't seen him leave, but he did close the curtain and turn the lights out. Hang on, I'll go in for a closer look. Hawkeye, out"

With such grace the heroin tumbled through the shadows towards Fawks' window. She scaled the nearby drain pipe and worked her way across the wall to his balcony. With great care she poked her head through the open window. Her yellow eyes looked around and she saw nothing. Not a soul in the room. With a sigh she rubbed her forehead and then called up Eddy again.

She spoke with a somewhat annoyed tone from losing her target, "I didn't see anyone leave.. but he's not here.."

"Got away from you too? He's a slippery guy. Go ahead and call it for now. I'm tired of all this sneaking. Crazy powers or no, I'm gonna take it from here. Watchdog, out"


The hooded figure tucked the phone away and quietly moved away from the building. Darting off into the shadows to go do whatever it was she had to take care of as the eccentrically clad fox hid himself in an empty room across the street, certain he saw someone watching him this time. It was one of the good guys! With how she was dressed and the weapon she carried. Spirit figured that must be the sharp shooter, Hawkeye. The fox let out a sigh of relief but he didn't dare go over there. There was still a chance they couldn't prove who Spirit was, otherwise they wouldn't be watching him. Showing up as Spirit Force, outside his apartment, with Fawks not in the room! That's practically giving it away. It's not that he didn't want to meet them but he wasn't gonna let his identity be given away so easily. Once the coast was clear, the fox hopped out of the window and scurried up to the roof.


-Confrontations galore-

It was just another warm august night as the masked fox traveled to a side of town he hadn't been to yet. It was nice looking, but it had a darker side as being part of a crime lord's territory.. Spirit had little information on the area, or the thugs that would try to run it, but he figured there were still innocent people there that would need someone to protect them. That's what he was here to do after all! It was a pretty clean neighborhood, which the hero suspected was to help make everything seem more legit. It was about 3 AM before he finally ran into one white tiger harassing a couple most likely on their way home from a bar. He was a rather well built guy carrying a knife almost big enough to be a sword. Spirit crept up behind the crook, but the big cat was warned by the way too gabby dalmatian that happened to spot the hero coming. The struggle didn't take long, but the guy was damn good with that blade. Every swing of his arm was so clean and precise he managed to gash the hero's leg before the muscle bound foe was finally disarmed and brought down with a smack across the cat's temples. One of the bad things about traveling so light is that you don't have room for much first aid. Fawks had to rip the tigers wife beater and use it to wrap around the cut. It wasn't a great look, but it had to do.

Seemed like even the bad guys were "upscale" in this district. The fox didn't even get back into full stride before he spotted another robbery in progress! This time around it appeared to be a bank, it was weird though; it looked ritzy, but it wasn't a big name place. The masked figure ran over to attempt to scout the place out. He could see two goons with guns outside the entrance, but not much else. There were no windows other than the ones up front, and the fire exit didn't even have lock to pick! Fuuuuu... Spirit hated using the front door. The fox took a deep breath, the purple, wispy aura covering his body before he jumped down to greet the villains. He landed with a quiet thud in front of the two lookouts, "Hello! I'd like to make a deposit~" The hero grabbed the shep's rifle and pulled it forward with one paw before the other smashed hard against the dog's face, sending it back against the wall to knock him out.

"Shit! We got..OOF" The doberman was stopped short with a quick kick to the gut. He tried to raise his gun but the fox struck just the right spot on the dog's outstretched arm to make it freeze. Pain shot through the canine's body as several more hits slapped against his chest and throat, bringing the bruiser down. There was no sneaking in now.. he heard the storm of footsteps come to a stop inside the building. With that.. Spirit walked in casually and posed in front of the door. One hand on his hip and the other pointing out at the 8 darkly dressed individuals. They had taken cover behind tables and counters and all had their guns aimed straight at the glowing hero... piece of cake.

"It's past business hours, boys! How about you -invest- some time in jail instead?"

"Stuff it, hero! You're messing with the wrong group. This money rightfully belongs to the masses, so just turn around and walk away!"

With a heroic grin on his face and raised eyebrow, he looked towards the apparent leader and shook his head "But I'm all dressed up! You think I wear this outfit just for the looks?" And before anyone could respond, the masked hero ran forward at the closest goon. Taking her weapon to knock it into the air with bullets hitting the ceiling, making dust fall onto the group as the fox snapped the arm of the cat.. burglar... ooooohh.. he saw what they did there. "What's the matter? Fox got your arm?" He slammed the girl down hard after coughing up the dust the fell on him.. he had to be quick. He didn't know how long he could keep his aura up, and he clearly had some work to do with that many guns staring him in the face.. The hail of bullets crashed and crackled against the purple energy only to do nothing as the fox danced and spun gracefully around the room, making his way towards the rabbit in the back. The rabbit that spoke earlier was a short man. Probably in his 30's and clearly with a chip on his shoulders. Standing next to him were two massive pit bulls in sunglasses. Why they wore them at night the fox didn't know. They looked exactly alike with a mix of white and gray fur - must be twins. They looked like they could handle themselves though. The bunny with his two body guards, shouted out orders to the rest of his men.

"Idiots! Just fight him! Pile on him and fight him hand to hand!" He stomped hard, reaching into his pack to pull out some kind of canister.. He spoke with a cold, almost feminine voice as he smirked like he knew just what he should do. The rabbit wasn't dumb. He was paying attention to everything the hero did. "Look at his leg! You can hurt him!"

The fox gulped a bit, he forgot about that little detail. This was not good for his image at all! With that order the remaining three goons dropped their guns and pulled out an assortment of weapons; a skinny looking wolf with a chain, a snarling, pudgy looking rottweiler with a bat in hand, and the last was a burly, tall panther with his claws bared and looking rather sharp. The three quickly closed in like a team, they must have worked together like this before! The chain whipped through the air and wrapped around Spirit's arm to hold him in place just long enough for a clean bat swing to the back of the hero's head. The aura flickered, but did not stop the full force of the hit, stunning him for just a moment as the villains hooted triumphantly. With the focus back in the hero's eyes, Spirit grabbed hold of the cold metal rings around his arm and tugged hard to throw the wolf off balance, and use him as a shield to block the swiping panther!

"Chain combo~" Fawks spun around and kicked the rottweiler hard to the knee, breaking free from between the bad guys as they stumbled about, groaning. These guys were surprisingly good! Nothing like the common thug Spirit would run into on the streets. The muscle bound panther lunged at the fox once more, but Fawks was ready this time. The hero grabbed the goon's arm and used the momentum to spin the big cat around and send him flying at the wolf who had just gotten back to his feet. There was a loud yip as those claws once again found their home in the canine, making him cuss out his partner in crime. "This is no way to scratch out a living! Give it up, boys. Spirit is here! So you don't stand a... ghost of a chance~"

The rabbit groaned in disgust and rubbed his forehead, "Ugggghhh... SHUT UP! The boss is -not- gonna be happy about this!" He suddenly chucked the canister into the fight with a grin... it was teargas!

The smoke expelled quickly into the fight, clouding up the front of the bank. The fiend didn't even care about his own lackeys! The fox coughed and choked; eyes tearing up under his mask as he stumbled through the cloud. The purple glow of his aura flickering in and out as he tried to fan the smoke away... and then suddenly a fist smashed the fox's chin, wearing a pair of brass knuckles around it. It was one of the pit bull guards. They had slipped on a gas mask and wasn't affected by the smoke at all. With his aura down, the fox took the full force of every brutal punch as both elites knocked the fox around. The first three were coughing, pissed at the rabbit, and hurt, so they stayed out of it.

"Heh.. ran out of jokes, jackass?" The hulking dog grinned and continued to beat on the stumbling hero. The fox could barely see anything as he tried to guard against every powerful punch swung at him. He managed to kick a dog in the balls and broke the nose of the second.. which only seemed to make them angrier. They quickly piled onto the fox and grabbed his arms to keep them stretched out as the vigilante's body was pinned under their considerable weight. The smoke finally cleared as the fox lay there on his chest with a cut lip, coughing up a bit of blood. His body was badly bruised and it felt like his arms were close to snapping with the way he was being held..

"Now now.. not on the first date! You've got me I guess.. I'll just be on my merry way and you can.." One of the pit bulls held Spirit's head up by his hair. His body was aching, but he couldn't let it end here just yet.. He had to push himself harder. He could not be so weak!

"Oh no! You've already come this far! We want to congratulate you for thoroughly getting yourself fucked up. Why not stay for a little unmasking celebration?" The bunny walked over with a smug grin on his face. "Can't have you looking so dressed when we present you to the boss, now can we?" His paw reached out slowly for the black fabric that covered the fox's eyes..

"Ehhh, I'm booked this month..!" With an almost painful shout the fox's aura returned and exploded from his body, shoving the two goons off and the bunny backwards onto his ass. The hero quickly sprung up to grab the guy in charge and slam his head back against the tiled floor. He was frail; it didn't take much for the once grinning rabbit to be knocked out. Which left the two pit bulls, a panther, a bleeding wolf and a rottweiler still standing..

"Mitch! Oh now you've dun it. Let's tear him up!"

"Oh screw you! I'm gett'n' outta here and telling the boss!" The wolf and the panther nodded at each other and ran right at the door. Fawks had a little trick left though. He had stopped glowing again only to have his aura creep around on the ground like a snake still attached to his feet. Tentacle-like arms sprung up suddenly and grabbed the wolf and cat by the ankles to send them falling face first onto the floor.

The fox spat blood out of his mouth, cracking his knuckles with a not so pretty looking smile, "I'm sorry, but I'm not done sweeping.." He ran at them, delivering a flying kick to the black cat's chin "..you off.." The hero grunted and started slapping his palms into the wolf, with paws charged with the deep purple energy that once covered the fox's whole body. Every hit enhanced by what felt like hundreds of hot pins striking the poor canine with every hit he took. The thug's whole body soon going limp as he lost control of his muscles, ".. your feet!" The others had already charged forward at the masked fox. The rottweiler's bat came down hard only to be stopped by a floating, solid disk of energy that clung to Spirit's arm like a big shield. The hero was panting hard and his muscles felt like they were on fire as he constantly manipulated his spirit aura to do more things, he couldn't hold back though. His protection was gone in favor of more offensive uses, which had the fox quickly dancing away in a curricular motion around the room to dodge the flying fists of the two big dogs. Every movement was fluid to make his aura stretch from his limbs like whips to strike the foes from a distance. Never letting them get close enough to do much harm back at the hero. He struck them relentlessly, trying to put them on the same level as he was, but the two pit-bulls would not back down!

"Git over 'ere!" Exclaimed one of the bruisers. It was soon down to just the two big guys as the third dog was knocked away with a close quarters strike to his chest. The wind quickly knocked out of him as his body went limp on the floor. Sirens were becoming louder in the background. Fawks was running low on time. The cops would only complicate Spirit's getaway or even try to arrest him, too!

"Look, I'd love to stay and get to know you boys more but the clock is striking midnight on this little party. Give it up!" The two of them must have been twins, they looked too much alike not to be. They looked between each other and both pulled out two grenades, yanking the pins!

"We're gonna git out of 'ere.. and you's gonna let us, got it!?" They both backed away towards the door with the armed bombs held up high.

They didn't look like they were kidding, so fox just raised his arms up and shrugged. "Let's not get things -blown- out of proportion here.."

"Later, freak!" They tossed the grenades down at Spirit's feet!

Spirit threw the lens-like energy shield up in front of him as soon as he could, letting out a yipe before they exploded! But it wasn't what he expected; there was a bright flash and the fox's ears were left ringing. Flash-bangs. The hero stumbled, blinded for a moment as the two goons ran away. He rubbed his eyes and could hear the ringing getting quite loud now, wait, that was the sirens! He shook his head and limped towards the still unconscious rabbit and rottweiler, binding their arms with zip ties, but not having time to get to the others, the cops where here. The hero made a break for the fire exit, darting out as the spotlights form the cop cars shined into the building.

"There's someone in there! Shoot him!"

-The League!-

"Fffuck... what kind of police force is this!?" The fox climbed up to the roof with haste and then jumped off to glide to the next building across the street as police on foot seemed to chase after him. He could hear a helicopter not far behind, making the tired fox start to panic a bit. "Shit shit shit shit..!" He ran down the maze of alleys and roadways, throwing his only two smoke pellets down to try and give himself cover. Ducking into buildings as spot lights and gun fire came down from the hovering aircraft that joined the scene.

"Come out with yours hands in the air!"

Yeah right, they weren't out to capture, they were out to kill! News choppers were coming in like buzzards, trying to get a good look at the target the cops were chasing after. While in mid stride a shot finally hit the hero in the thigh to make the fox trip and tumble out of a window. Glass cutting his face a bit as he flew through the air and had to roll hard onto the asphalt. It was actually clear where he landed for a brief moment, but then suddenly a car came screaming down the road and stopped firm in front of the injured hero. The passenger door swung open as a mutt in a mask exclaimed, "Get in!" The fox was exhausted and bleeding out, he didn't have too much to lose and quickly got in before the mutt stomped on the gas and drove out of there.

The helicopters didn't seem to follow them as they drove off into the night. Only the street lamps lighting the inside of the car as the injured hero tried to relax himself in his surprise getaway. There was an odd, familiar scent in the car that reminded him of the Twilight Mobile. Most likely from the various tools and gadgets that were no doubt in the car. The sirens soon became dim in the background and the fox caught his breath, taking a moment to recount the night in his head when the mutt spoke:

"You sure don't do subtly very well, do ya? I thought you were more slippery than that!" Even through that same forced gruffness that Conner would do to his voice when speaking as Twilight, he sounded like a nice guy. "There's a first aid kit in the glove compartment." The mutt pointed out where it was, keeping his eyes on the mirrors to make sure no one was following.

Fawks reached in and started to tend to his wounds, biting his lip with a painful groan as he tied off the bullet wound.. he finally started to get a good look around at the mutt and the car he was driving. The light was rather low, but the tinted lenses in his mask helped to offset that. "...So you're the Watchdog? I've actually been looking forward to meeting you! I'm a big fan of others in my line of work.."

"Heh.. you've heard of me?" The mutt's tail seemed to wag just a bit to the recognition before the serious tone to his voice returned. "Alright.. so as you've probably noticed already, we have been watching you. A new hero in our city with above normal skills and abilities doesn't exactly stay secret for long. Spirit Fox, right?"

The green clad hero couldn't help but sigh a bit, wiping the blood off his lip before smiling his trademark grin, "Not quite, actually. You can call me, Spirit Force! The Spirit of Justice!" He cringed a bit from exerting himself to be expressive physically as well as verbally. "I didn't know I was such an interesting subject. Not that I haven't studied on you and a few others, too. I just wish we could have met on a better night. Crime seems to have taken a bite out of -me- tonight!"

Watchdog smirked a bit, "No stopping that tongue of yours it seems! Well, down to business. The fellows you were trying to stop are actually a part of a rising organization. At least we think so anyway. They call them selves The Hoods. The leader of those "Merry Men" thinks himself a modern day Robin Hood, but steals from just about everyone and doesn't care who gets hurt in the process if it means he gets the money where he thinks it should go. Those "cops" were actually in the pocket of the crime boss that owns that part of the city. That was -his- bank that was being robbed, and I don't think he appreciated that! You've made yourself quite the target! And word is gonna spread that you aren't quite so invincible, as the rumors have claimed."

"Heheh.. You noticed? Those dirt bags really knew their stuff. It's rather embarrassing I got surprised like that. Didn't think a year off duty would dull my senses that much." The fox was a bit flustered and tired looking after having to push his powers so hard. His power came straight from his strength of will and strength of ki. The hidden gem around his neck could focus it, but it always left him a bit weak for a while after so much usage.

"Well your sense of justice seems to be in the right place. I don't think you're such a bad guy, so I'm gonna make you an offer... Join my league. It's hard doing stuff on your own, and we can help you. Give assignments, equipment, intel on.."

"Wait.. what?" Spirit coughed a bit in surprise and looked at the other hero, his demeanor cracking from the confidant Spirit Force to show something a bit less over the top. "Just like that? You save me and offer me membership to your team? You barely know me!"

"What, a college student from another town just trying to protect the innocent in my city? I think I have seen enough."

The fox blushed a bit harder at the comment, "Hey now.. I never said I was going to.."

"Listen, I don't wanna fight with you. I don't wanna stop you from what you're doing. I just wanna help. And as a sign of trust I'm gonna take you to someone I know to help fix you up. It would be hard going to a nurse's office and explaining the bullet wounds and bruises..."

Spirit was a bit light headed for the loss of blood, but he nodded and regained his proud grin, "Heh.. what a gentlemen! I'll... I'll consider your offer. I must admit; the solo life is a lot different than I thought it would be..." Fawks blinked a bit and shook his head., he could feel himself losing consciousness. Not here, dammit..! "Uggh... remember me.. as I once.. wasssss" The fox's eyes rolled into his head and his body went limp.

"Hey now.. don't be passing out on me!" Eddy looked on in concern as he tried to shake the fox awake. Too much blood loss. That bullet might have grazed an artery!

"Watchdog to Hawk! We've got a medical emergency. Prep the equipment!"