Upon a Heart so Lost

Story by Vex Redangel on SoFurry

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Vex is my character and Nekka is a friend (right now) of mine.

Upon a Heart so Lost Written with Love by Vex Redangel

Vex sat there, dumbfounded. He could not believe what he just saw. A new neighbor that is gay?Vex thought he had hit the jackpot. He never could have imagined another homosexual fur in the apartmentcomplex, let alone an extremely cute fur. He was a Siberian Tiger with grayish blotches all over his body.He had beautiful eyes. The gold and blue colorings made Vex want to stare into them all day long. His tailwas so long, it could have at least 2 feet dragging on the ground.
Vex had to snap out of his trance on the gorgeous beast. He got up and walked to his apartment,not saying a single word to anyone. He walked up to his door and fiddled with the doorknob. After a fewattempts to open his door, he finally got it opened. He walked in, closed it, and started giggling uncontrollably.He found him. He finally found the one he hoped for. He never felt this happy, this fast, this high on lovebefore. He thought over and over in his head just how to get him to go out with Vex.
A couple of days later, Vex heard a knock at the door. Walking over to the door, his heart startedto race for some reason. He hoped it was him. He wanted it to be him. Soon, everything was going slowmotion as he reached for the doorknob. Slowly turning the knob, his heart raced with anticipation. He slowlyopened the door, took a look at who was there, and passed out.
"Hey! HEY! Are you alright?"
Vex slowly opened his eyes and the the gorgeous fur holding him. I wasn't dreaming, he thought.This is real. He is actually holding me. Vex snuggled into the beasts fur and took in his scent. He smelledof incense and tobacco smoke. He could also tell there was a slight scent of musk on the beast.
"Uhhh... Are you okay?" the beast asked.
"Yeah... I'm better than ever," Vex said still snuggled into the man's fur.
"I came over to see if I could use your shower because mine doesn't want to run but I think I have a better idea. My name is Nekka. What is yours?"
"Vex..." he said, not really paying attention.
"Well, Vex, you don't seem too busy. How about you help me shower? I need to know how these bloody showers work here."
Snapping back into reality and focusing on what he said, Vex started giggling and got out of his arms. "Come on, this way," he said, grabbing Nekka's hand. Vex dragged him to the bathroom and shut the door.
"Vex? I don't think I need you IN the shower with me. I just need someone to show me how the showershere work."
"Oh..." Vex said with his ears folded down. "I... I'm sorry.. I'll just get out of your way then..." Walkingto the door, tears starting to fall from his face, he said "Just holler if you need anything." With that said,he closed the door, walked to his room and lied down on his bed, crying. He never felt something so strongyet so saddening in his life. He wanted him but he didn't want him. Am I just that repulsive? Is that why Inever had the right guy that truly cared for me? Or am I just not wanted? He heard a squeak and ignoredit, thinking it was the ceiling. He still heard the water running but not like a person was in it. Again, he ignoredit and decided that maybe he needed some rest. He closed his eyes and started to drift off.
A couple hours later, he awoke with some metal banging around. He walked out of his room, fearingthat a burglar might be in the house. A familiar scent entered his nose and he immediately knew who it was. But why was he still here? He should have finished his shower hours ago. Wait, NO! He couldn't.
Walking into the kitchen, he noticed Nekka standing in front of the stove and making something thatsmelled delicious. Vex couldn't place his finger on it but it was something he had before. It was somethingexotic.
"Well, good morning sleepy head. I wanted to apologize so I kind of went into your room after myshower. I noticed you were asleep so I thought maybe waking up to a nice dinner made by a man you obviouslyhave a crush on might cheer you up a bit," Nekka said while doing a few knife tricks before shoveling whatlooks like scallions into the pan.
"I...is this from your place?" Vex asked, blushing.
"Most of it is. I can pay for what I use though."
"No no. It's fine. Um, what did you do when you noticed I was asleep? I doubt you have been cookingfor over an hour."
Nekka blushes slightly and said, "I kind of slept with you... in the nude"
Vex giggles. "I got one wish then," he said grinning.
"Oh really now? Is having dinner cooked by me another wish of yours?"
"It is. Though I'd want it to be a romantic dinner. But seeing as how you want to take it slow, I'm fineeither way."
"Well, I don't mind dating you. It's just that, I ended a very bad relationship and I want to take it easy.Kissing is fine but no sex on the first few dates. Ok?"
Vex beamed at the thought of having him as his own. "No problem."
"Well, dinner is done. Where do you want to eat?" Nekka asked, holding two plates of what looks likeSzechuan Beef. Smacking his lips together, he motioned Nekka to sit next to him.
"I'm not usually good at taking it slow so you may have to guide me a bit."
"That's fine."
They sat in silence as they ate. Only catching glimpses of each other every so often. After dinner, theysat on the couch and watched TV. Vex looked at Nekka, wanting to kiss him more and more but too afraidto. Blushing, he snuggled into his warm fur.
"Vex? Sit up for a minute."
Vex sat up and the moment he did, Nekka grabbed him and pulled him into a kiss. Vex was in shockfor a sec but quickly melted into the kiss. Searching each others mouths, they played with their tongues.
"Nekka, I love you."
Nekka stared at him, dumbstruck then replied back to him, "I love you too, Vex"
The two of them sat their for a second then Nekka grabbed Vex and carried him to the bedroomand shut the door.