Chapter 5: a Troubling Reunion
#5 of The Last of the Umbra'Kahn
Chapter 5: A Troubling Reunion
Sar'Kal made his way down the hill and entered Sharanol from the south. He quickly made his way towards Korek's shop on the outskirts of town and as he drew closer to the shop he could hear the sound of Korek busy at work striking metal with a hammer. He walked up to the main door and when the sound subsided for a moment he banged hard on the wood. The sounds inside the building stopped and Sar'Kal heard Korek set his tools down and grumble about being interrupted. Korek soon opened the door and looked at Sar'Kal with an expression of confusion.
"Kal? Is that you?" he said through squinted eyes. He was covered in soot and ash, and was extremely sweaty. He looked as though he had been working for a long time. When he realized it was Sar'Kal standing in front of him he beamed at him and stepped outside. "Kal! What are you doing back so soon? We didn't expect you for another three days."
"Well something happened on my mission and I wanted to get back here as quickly as possible." Sar'Kal's expression changed to one of worry. "I need to speak with you and Tia as soon as possible Korek. Will you be finished working soon?" He asked quietly.
Korek looked at Sar'Kal, his expression changing to match; he didn't like how Sar'Kal was acting. "Yes Kal, I'll be finished in just a few minutes. Why don't you head on over to Tia's, there is actually something we need to talk to you about too." He turned to return to his work; ignoring Sar'Kal's question, then as Sar'Kal turned to leave, Korek stopped and spoke. "Oh! Kal... avoid the town, I wish to speak to you before anyone else does." Now Korek's tone had changed to one of sadness. He left Sar'Kal outside and went to finish his work.
Sar'Kal wasn't able to finish his question before Korek shut the door. Now even more worried than before, he started to make his way around Sharanol to Tian'shal's house. He carefully avoided ay people he saw and successfully made it to the house without any trouble.
He walked up to the back door and gave several firm knocks on the hard wood. He heard some shuffling around inside and soon heard footsteps approaching the door. When Tian'shal opened the door it took her a moment to register who was standing in front of her. When it finally hit her, she beamed at Sar'Kal and quickly embraced him in a tight hug.
"Kal! You're back already! I'm so glad you made it back so quickly!" exclaimed the tigress with a huge smile. She released him from her embrace and ushered him inside. She let him drop off all of his stuff in his bedroom and then joined him out in the sitting room. She sat in a large cushioned chair across form Sar'Kal, who was currently seated on a large cushioned bench along the opposite wall.
The room was about twenty foot square and relatively sparse except for a couple paintings on the walls and a large ornate rug on the floor. The walls were painted in warm tans and browns and the wooden floor was polished smooth from years of wear. On one side of the room there was a medium sized window which let in just enough light to brighten up the room. On another wall was the front door of the house which was centered between two smaller windows. Along the third wall there was the opening to the cooking area and dining room. The last wall opened up to the main hallway. On the right was Sar'Kal's bedroom and on the left was Tian'shal's. The hallway ended at the back door to the house.
Sar'Kal sat on the padded bench below the large window and looked at Tian'shal with a smile. She smiled back and they talked for a minute, just catching up after Sar'Kal's absence.
The happy mood was suddenly broken when Tian'shal stopped and looked at Sar'Kal with an expression of deep sadness and spoke.
"Kal... Have you spoken with Korek yet? Have you heard what happened?" She spoke very quietly and with a wavering voice.
Sar'Kal frowned and looked at Tian'shal. "No Tia, he said to come here and that he would be over in a little bit, and that he would talk to me then. Why, what has happened? I don't like this. I have had a bad feeling ever since I left and now I come home to this. Please tell me what has happened!" He spoke in a very concerned tone and motioned for Tian'shal to join him on the bench. She moved and took a seat next to Sar'Kal before speaking.
"No... no you should speak with Korek, I promised him that if you got back I wouldn't say anything until he got here. I'm sorry Kal." She looked at him with a very sympathetic expression and embraced him again while they waited for Korek.
They didn't have to wait long. Within ten minutes Korek was knocking on the front door and Tian'shal got up to let him in. He had cleaned himself up a bit and as he took his seat in the chair across from Sar'Kal he looked at him with a concerned expression. Korek wasted no time in speaking.
"Kal... I suppose you want to know what has happened to make us so secretive. I'm afraid that it's not news you want to hear but you deserve to know." He sighed and looked Sar'Kal straight in the eyes and spoke quietly. "Kal... Ranulth's son Kendric has been killed."
As Korek fell silent, Sar'Kal sat there dumbstruck, his mouth opening and closing like a fish, unable to find words to speak. He heard Tian'shal give a small hiccup as she began to cry quietly.
Kendric was a friend of Sar'Kal's, though only fifteen years old he had always been a kind and generous young man. He was the sole apprentice of the towns carpenter and the only son of the old shopkeeper Ranulth. To hear that he was dead and worse, that he had been killed was a heavy blow to Sar'Kal. Deep down he believed he knew what had happened.
When Sar'Kal finally found his voice he spoke quietly holding back his raging emotions. "When?" was all he could mutter. He looked at Korek with a pained expression.
"Yesterday." said Korek, also with a quiver in his voice. "Kal I should warn you, some of the townspeople have been whispering that it's because of you. I don't believe it, but there are many that do. That's why I wanted you to avoid the town." He looked at Sar'Kal with an apologetic expression and then he looked down.
This clinched it for Sar'Kal. That which he had been afraid of had finally happened. He stood up and paced around the room before stopping at the entrance to the hallway. He spoke in a solemn voice. Korek and Tian'shal both looked up as Sar'Kal spoke. "The thing is... I think it was because of me." Tian'shal tried to interrupt but Sar'Kal raised his hand for silence and continued speaking. "On my mission I overheard my target speaking with a wolf spy." Both listeners gasped as they heard this. "The spy said that Worliman had been looking for someone for the past five years, and that he believed that their king now knew where this person was." He paused as realization crossed his friend's faces.
"Sharanol... the spy said this person was in Sharanol and that the king has sent their most skilled assassin to take care of him. I heard that three days ago, and I'm sure it took a while for the information to get to the spy. So you see... this is because of me." A single tear ran down his face as he turned around. "When is the funeral?"
It was Korek who answered. "It will be tonight, it's a full moon and-" he was cut off by Sar'Kal.
"Good... I will be leaving tonight after the funeral then. I should at least pay my respects. But for now I need to sleep, I have a lot to think about and I haven't slept for three days. Please wake me up at sunset." With that he turned around and walked into his room and shut the door behind him. They heard the lock click and Tian'shal began to cry softly as Korek moved over to comfort her.
It took a few minutes for Tian'shal to compose herself enough to speak. Once she had calmed down, she and Korek sat in the sitting room and talked about what they would do.
"Well, if what Kal said is true then he really has no choice. It really is best if he leaves. Of course we're going with him as we've always known we would, right Korek?" Asked Tian'shal; a bit flustered and her eyes still red from crying.
"Well of course Tia there's no question about that. However, the only problem is that he plans on leaving tonight. We will be hard pressed to be ready by then; it's already almost mid afternoon. I'll need to close up my shop and speak with some of the other shop owners, and you will need to pack any supplies we will need." He started to ramble before Tian'shal snapped him out of it.
"But where do you think he will go? He wouldn't go back to Umbra'Kahn would he? I mean... there's nothing left there." She looked quite anxious as she spoke.
"No... I don't think he would go back there. My guess is that he would go to the capitol city. If that's not his plan then we should convince him to go. I'm pretty sure that he can find some answers there; besides, its time the king knew that there was a survivor of his kind." He was pacing the room as he spoke.
Tian'shal nodded her head and stood. "Yes, I think that is a wise decision Korek. At the very least it gives us a definite destination. It's about a two week journey to the capitol city on foot if I remember correctly. I had better get started packing." She looked at Korek and when he agreed she ran off to prepare. Korek then ran off to get some things from his shop and to talk with some of the store owners about what they should do about a new blacksmith.
Several hours later at sunset, Tian'shal knocked on Sar'Kal's door to wake him up. When he opened the door, she gave him a quick hug and then walked back into the sitting room. After she left, Sar'Kal changed into some more formal clothes. Some black cotton pants and a white linen shirt. He also wore his dagger on his belt and the black metal bracer on his right forearm, he felt naked without them. He then packed everything he wanted to take with him into his backpack and a large bag. He packed his leather armor, a few sets of clothes and the report he had taken from the wolf. As he was about to leave, something caught his eye. He walked over to one of the cabinets and saw what it was. It was a small watercolor painting of him, Korek and Tian'shal all standing with their arms around one another. He smiled and carefully rolled the painting up and placed it in his backpack before exiting the room.
As he walked out into the sitting room he was surprised to see several large bags sitting on the bench as well as Korek setting down his swords next to the pile. Tian'shal entered the room and added a large skin of water to one of the bags, which he saw was filled with food. Neither of them had noticed him and when he set his stuff down they both jumped and looked at him smiling.
"What's going on? Where do you two think you're going?" asked Sar'Kal incredulously. Tian'shal frowned, and Korek glared at him as he nearly lost it.
"Where do you think we're going!? We're going with you of course!" Korek's voice was harsh.
"What!? No you're not! You Ca-" started Sar'Kal, but he was cut off by Tian'shal who was also beginning to get upset.
"Yes we are Kal! We've known this day would come ever since we found out who you were. We accepted it and have shown it to you time and again. We meant what we engraved onto your sword Kal and you would do well to remember that! I refuse to argue with you about it so stop trying!" She was trembling now as she finished speaking. Sar'Kal had never seen her so upset before.
Sar'Kal was about to say something, but then he remembered what Korek had told him before his mission about her past. He realized that his friends really would go anywhere with him and his frustration was soon replaced by deep gratitude for what his friends had done for him over the years. His expression softened and he smiled at his friends and spoke.
"You're right... It was wrong of me to try and stop you, I should have been thankful for what you have done. I know it must have been hard for you both." He walked over and embraced Tian'shal and then backed away and shook Korek's hand and thanked him.
They finished preparing and when everything was ready in the sitting room, Tian'shal went into her room to change into some nicer clothes for the funeral. Korek also left to change, but he returned before Tian'shal had finished. Sar'Kal and Korek waited in the sitting room for Tian'shal. When she reappeared, she was dressed in her finest silk dress. What surprised Sar'Kal and Korek was what she was carrying in her hands. She was holding a finely crafted bow and a leather quiver filled with arrows. The bow was made of what appeared to be ebony, and it was intricately carved with vines and flowers. The quiver was dark brown leather and plainly decorated. She smiled and spoke as she set them down with the other items on the couch.
"I almost forgot about these." She laughed, but at the confused and somewhat surprised expressions on her friend's faces she elaborated. "It's been a while, but I used to be quite good with the bow. I used to go hunting with my father, seeing as how I was his only child. The bow was a gift from by him on my sixteenth birthday, and I made the quiver myself." She finished speaking and looked at her friends.
Korek just smiled, but Sar'Kal was trying very hard not to ask what she was bringing it for, he didn't want to get her upset again. Finally Korek spoke; his voice was very solemn as he looked out the window. "Well you two, it's dark now. The funeral will start in a few hours once the moon is at its highest point. What are we going to do till then?" he finished with a questioning look.
At that same moment, Sar'Kal had remembered a question he had wanted to ask Korek earlier. He motioned for Korek to come closer and he whispered so only he would hear. "Korek, I wanted to ask you something earlier but I forgot. It's not a question you're gonna want to answer, but I need to know the truth, its important."
"Ok Kal, what is it?" replied Korek a little nervously.
"I need to know how Kendric was killed. I need to know exactly what wounds he had suffered. I had forgotten, but now I remember what that wolf spy had said. I'm afraid of who Worliman might have sent." Sar'Kal was almost frantic as he finished his question.
Korek looked at him worriedly before speaking. "Well... I saw the body only briefly, but I saw no discernable wounds. However, I only saw the front, and I heard someone say something about a wound on the back of his neck, bu-" he stopped. Sar'Kal had gone completely rigid, and his eyes were dilated and flicking around nervously. "What's wrong Kal? Why are you-" he was interrupted by Sar'Kal speaking frantically.
"Korek, are you sure that's what you heard? Absolutely sure?!" He was now pacing in front of Korek, his hand had inadvertently moved to his dagger. Korek was getting scared now, and Tian'shal was looking over at them but not interrupting.
"Ye- Yes Kal, I'm absolutely sure, now what's wrong!?" Korek asked desperately.
"Korek... you remember the memory I told you about... the memory that came back to me... think hard...what sort of wound had all the guards suffered?" Sar'Kal was just letting Korek fit the pieces together for himself now. Then a look of realization and horror appeared on the lynx's face. He spoke quietly in a shaking voice.
"You d-don't think they sent him do you? I mean..." He stopped as Sar'Kal interrupted and spoke.
"Korek, I'm going for a little walk, I'll be back in time for the funeral, I promise. Don't follow me, it's not safe." He spoke slowly and deliberately, and before Korek could try to stop him, he walked over, gave Tian'shal a hug and quickly went into his room before leaving the house through the back door. As he left, Korek thought he saw him opening a familiar brown bundle, and a small glint of steel.
Sar'Kal left the house and quickly made his way into the forest around the town. He didn't know where he was going, but he figured that if who he thought was out there, really was out there, then he wouldn't have to wander for long before they met.
Sar'Kal wandered around in the forest for about an hour. He had gone halfway around the town and was beginning to worry that he wouldn't find the person he was looking for. Then, as he made his way around a massive oak tree on the opposite edge of town he heard a twig snap behind him and to his left. He stopped and quickly turned, there was a small flash and a thud as a knife struck the tree mere inches from the smaller figure's head.
"Well well well... we meet again young prince. It's been a long time." The fox spoke in a calm, un-aggressive tone. He was wearing simple travel clothes and was apparently unarmed. He reached over and pulled the knife out of the hard wood and smiled, before tossing it aside and out of reach. "That was very close young prince, but please put those away. I am unarmed." Sar'Kal glared at the fox and let fly with another knife. His aim was dead on, but the fox moved in a blur and the knife went whizzing by. The fox frowned and spoke coldly. "If you do not cease these hostilities, I will have to immobilize you so I may speak.
Sar'Kal was trembling with anger at the fox that stood before him. The same fox who had killed his father. He watched as the fox moved a bit closer and then stopped about ten paces away. "I suppose you remember me then, judging by your apparent anger." The fox did not speak harshly; in fact it was quite the opposite. Sar'Kal ignored this statement as he decided the throwing knives would be of no use. He decided to play along for now and speak with the fox. When he spoke, his voice was surprisingly calm, doing his best to make the fox drop his guard.
"Why did you kill Kendric, fox? What was the purpose in that?... Answer me!"
The fox frowned. "Oh yes... the boy... that was indeed an unfortunate incident. You see, as much as I regret killing one as young as him, it was necessary. He had stumbled upon my camp in the day and when I returned he saw me and made to run back to town. I could not let him compromise my location so I did what I had to. His death was instant and painless, that I can assure you." The fox had not moved, but as he spoke he leaned against the nearby tree and made himself comfortable. It appeared that he truly had no harmful intentions.
Sar'Kal spoke again, this time his anger started to show. "Kendric was a kind and innocent young man, fox, and a friend of mine. What you did was pointless and cruel. Also... In answer to your question, yes... I remember you quite well. It's one of the only things I remember in fact. I remember quite vividly that day when you killed my father and left me to die at his side. After you left, the ceiling collapsed and I was knocked out and severely wounded. I have no recollections of anything before that day, but that I remember." Sar'Kal's anger was beginning to rise as he continued speaking. His voice was becoming less and less controlled. "So if you're keeping score, that's now three things that you have taken from me! I can never forgive you for what you have done, not for as long as I live!" Sar'Kal's bracer began to glow as he moved suddenly.
What happened next was so fast, that it was just a blur. Sar'Kal quickly drew his dagger and charged the Fox, using the last of his energy reserves to boost his speed. However, the fox moved with even greater speed and dodged the blow and before Sar'Kal could react, the fox landed several light blows at various points on Sar'Kal's body. Sar'Kal was horrified as his body went limp as he appeared to have lost control of his limbs. He landed with a thump on the hard ground, unable to move, but still alive and apparently unwounded. He could move his head, but his limbs were immobile.
Cautiously the fox walked over and grabbed Sar'Kal under the arm and positioned him so he was sitting upright against the tree. Sar'Kal glared at the fox as he moved away and sat down against another tree to face him. When he spoke it was in a tired and reserved tone.
"I am sorry for that young prince, but it is best for both of us if you listen to me tonight." He paused and looked at Sar'Kal for a moment before speaking again. "It just occurred to me that I do not even know you're name. You may remember mine, but in case you do not I shall tell you. My name is Feneric Caldor." He stopped speaking and looked at Sar'Kal expectantly.
Sar'Kal thought quickly about how he might get out of this situation, but when no answer came he decided he had better give up fighting it. With a sigh, Sar'Kal spoke through gritted teeth. "My name... is Sar'Kal. I am the only remaining son of Daero'Kal, king of Umbra'Kahn; the man that you killed on that day five years ago." Sar'Kal's bracer was still glowing as he spoke. Feneric seemed to notice this and frowned.
"You really should learn to control you're emotions better if you plan to continue wearing that bracer Sar'Kal. We really wouldn't want a repeat of what happened in Korimond, now would we?" he asked calmly.
Sar'Kal's eyes widened as Feneric said this; surprise glinted across his face. "How do you know about that?" he asked in a quiet tone. His bracer was now beginning to return to normal.
Feneric smiled. "Come now, surely that's an obvious question. I have been following you ever since that night. You see... I was on my way to this lovely village and on my way I passed through Korimond because we had a contact there. I was actually in the building when you had your little outburst, but once I got up to the room you were already gone. I quickly made my way out of the city and low and behold, when I got within sight of the forest, I saw you just crossing the threshold. It was indeed a lucky break. I followed you for a while then decided to go on ahead to set up camp and wait for you."
Sar'Kal was confused and apparently his face showed it because the fox gave a quiet laugh and smiled again.
"I suppose you're wondering how I got here ahead of you and why I didn't just kill you in the forest. Well I'll answer the first part and then the second. Firstly, if you remember that day five years ago then I'm sure you will remember the Manticore I flew off on. Anyway, it's still around and I rode it to get here before you." Feneric paused for a moment to let Sar'Kal speak, but when he remained silent he continued.
"As to your second question, I wont lie to you young prince. It is true that I was sent here by my king to kill you; however, I have chosen to stay my hand. My true loyalties were with the previous king of Worliman, not the arrogant upstart who rules now. As I said, I have been watching you, and I believe, despite your outburst in Korimond, that you can safely carry that bracer. If this were not the case you would have been dead days ago." The fox never moved as he spoke and he kept his green eyes locked on Sar'Kal's. His gaze was intense and penetrating.
Sar'Kal pondered what Feneric had said for a moment before looking up. When he spoke it was in a calm voice. "You seem to know much about this bracer Feneric. I know very little about it other than the fact that it was my father's dying wish for me to keep it safe. Is there anything you can tell me about it, seeing as how I'm the one carrying it?"
Feneric looked at Sar'Kal and pondered this for a long while. After what seemed like ages he spoke. "Hmm... I suppose I can tell you a bit about it, though truth be told I know little of its original purpose. What I do know is this; It is an ancient artifact from an age long past. It feeds off of the emotions of the one who wears it. I have come to believe that when it was created, it was meant to be balanced in the way it was affected; each emotion giving it equal power. However I have concluded that something went wrong in its creation. What it could be I have no clue, but it and its counterparts are highly susceptible to anger." Feneric paused for a moment to let this information sink in. After a few moments of silence it was Sar'Kal who spoke.
"But what is it that powers it? In Korimond it released such destructive energy... I have never seen anything like it. Surely there is a safer place for it than with me."
By this point Sar'Kal had forgotten his anger toward Feneric. He had gone so many years without knowing anything about his past, or the history of this bracer, that this opportunity to glean some knowledge had completely diverted his attention. He looked at Feneric questioningly as he finished speaking.
"Well Sar'Kal... Suffice it to say that there are very few other places where it would be safe. Only certain people have the ability to safely control this bracer and its companions. Only people like us." He finished speaking with a small smile. Sar'Kal was trying to figure out what he was talking about.
"But... what do you mean by 'its companions' and 'people like us'? I need to know!" He was frantically trying to piece together the information he had just received, but there were too many holes.
"No. I'm afraid that I have told you everything I can for now. Just remember that emotional balance is crucial for anyone wearing that bracer. Don't be fooled. It is extremely dangerous in the wrong hands, yet... I trust you to keep it safe." With that he turned around to leave but stopped as Sar'Kal spoke; a hint of his anger had returned to his voice.
"Wait! ...You know that I can never forgive you for what you have done Feneric. I still consider us enemies and will do so forever, or until you are dead." He spoke in a cold tone.
"Very well then Sar'Kal... However, you should know that I am not your enemy. It is true that five years ago I did not even consider this to be true true, but times have changed. I will be watching you young prince, I'm sure we will speak again. Oh! Your body should recover in a few minutes so don't worry." With this Feneric walked off into the dark forest, leaving Sar'Kal to ponder what had just happened. It took Sar'Kal's body about ten minutes to recover enough to move and after he was able to stand on his own he began to head back to the house.
He made his way back to the house quickly and quietly, all the while thinking about what had just transpired. He reached the back door within ten minutes and knocked lightly on the hard wood. He heard a commotion inside and the frantic shuffling of feet. The door opened suddenly and Sar'Kal saw that Tian'shal had been crying heavily, and Korek had his swords drawn. He put them away when he saw Sar'Kal at the door.
"Damnit Kal! Don't ever do anything like that again! We were worried sick! You were gone for almost two hours and we were beginning to fear the worst." Exclaimed Korek as he walked up to Sar'Kal and pulled him inside. Tian'shal closed the door behind him and then embraced him in a strong hug. She released him and they all went back into the sitting room. Sar'Kal explained what happened out in the forest, and after many questions from Korek and Tian'shal he apologized for running out like he had. They then turned their attention back to the occasion at hand. Kendrick's funeral would take place in little more than an hour and they were getting ready to leave.
After a minute of silence Sar'Kal spoke. "I want to speak with Ranulth before the funeral starts. I need to tell him what really happened to his son." He was solemn as he spoke and he looked at the floor. "Would one of you please do me a favor? I want to speak with Ranulth alone. Could you please tell him and ask if he would speak to me privately?"
"Sure thing Kal, I'll go to his house right now, I'll come get you if he agrees."
Korek spoke quietly and then stood up and exited the house and ran off down the main road. Once he was out of sight Tian'shal moved closer to Sar'Kal and spoke softly.
"Kal... I wish you had told me earlier what you told Korek. I really wish you would stop excluding me from these discussions. I will always be there for you if you need me so please tell me these things." Her voice was not harsh, but calm and soothing.
"I'm sorry Tia... you're right, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it. However... I can't promise that I will always tell you everything. I promise tell you what I can, but there will likely be times when I will need to keep secrets, from both you and Korek. If you are going to go with me I need you to accept that fact." He looked at Tian'shal and their eyes met. She looked as though she really wanted to protest, but she eventually closed her eyes and let out a deep breath.
"Very well Kal. I wish this weren't a fact, but I am no fool. I can see what you mean and I agree that it may be necessary. I don't like it, and I really hope that you will tell me everything you can. Remember, Korek and I will always be there to help you, but just remember, it's a lot easier to help someone when you know more about the problem." She finished speaking and leaned in and laid her head on Sar'Kal's shoulder.
"Thank you Tia. I understand, and will bear that in mind through our travels." He put his arm around her shoulders, pulled her into a half-hug, and kissed her on her forehead. "It made me very happy when you said you were going to go with me Tia. I just wanted you to know that." Tian'shal looked up at Sar'Kal with a smile and returned his embrace. They sat like that for about five minutes before Korek returned with a frown on his face. He came in the front door and looked at Sar'Kal
"Kal... Ranulth has agreed to speak with you; he wants to talk at his house immediately so you had better get moving. I don't think you will be able to avoid other people though, so be prepared. Tia and I will walk you over there." He finished speaking and motioned for him to come.
Sar'Kal and Tian'shal both stood and followed Korek out into the calm night air. They made their way quickly to Ranulth's house near the center of town. When they reached the house there was a crowd of about thirty people waiting out front. The three friends stopped and looked at one another before making their way over to the silent crowd.