With Arms Wide Open. Ch,1

Story by Jorda on SoFurry

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Class is really dragging out, it feels like I have been in here forever. My teacher, Mrs. Hilton is a small fox; she is about 5 feet tall, she always wears out of style dresses. She is talking about how the moon affects Earth's tides. Her lectures are always mellow and apathetic. I look around the room of about 30 other kids, most of them look like they are about to fall asleep over the teachers boring lecture. The room was quiet except for a mellow old woman's voice, my phone vibrated obnoxiously in my pocket. I jumped a little over the sudden sensation on my leg. I look around and see a lot of students herd my phone. I slowly pulled it out of my pants pocket trying not to be caught by my teacher. If a teacher sees your phone in this school they will take it until your parents come get it. Seriously the teachers need to realize that sometimes text messages are more important than there repetitive teaching, But that is just how I felt. I looked down at my phone and it was a text from my best friend Kyle "dude, you're never going to believe this!" I replied with "Oh, yeah? What!?" I put my phone down on my lap and looked at my teacher, she was still pointing at a picture of the moon, blabbering away. Over the excitement of me wanting to find out what had Kyle all excited for, I forgot to turn down my phones vibrating intensity down. Moments later my phone obnoxiously vibrated again. My ears shot down, and I lowered my head. The teacher still did not hear it, even though everyone else clearly heard it. I looked back down at my phone, "well, looks like we got ourselves a new gay wolf in the school!"

Well before we move on I am going to tell you some things about myself and my best friend Kyle. Well, my name is Jesse Allen Woods, I am 17 years old. I am a gray wolf with a white belly with very green eyes I get asked out a lot, but I have never actually dated anyone. I just have never really had a legitimate crush on anyone. I am not conceded or anything, but I Get told a lot that I am hot. I'm 5 ft 8; I am pretty short compared to most of the kids in this school. My friend, Kyle Thomas Harris, he is a 5 ft 6 fox with hazel eyes; he is kind of scrawny but I think he is adorable. We go to Crawford High School; it's a big school with about 1200 kids in it. I live right in Crawford City; Kyle lives ten blocks down from me. Kyle and I have been friend at birth. Our mothers have been lifelong friends before us. So let's move on....

As I was about to respond the class bell rang, I gathered my thing up and headed out of the room. I am a little eager to find out what my friend was talking about. Kyle is sort of a spas, he is a very hyper fox. Me, I am hyper to, but I matured a little faster than my friend. I am sort of Kyle's rational advice giver; he likes to react to things on impulse. I soon get to my locker and see my foxy friend standing by our locker with a smile on his face. He threw his arms up in the air and said.


"So, what are you talking about we have a new gay guy here?" I said with a little eager in my voice.

Kyle just pointed down the hall. I followed his finger and my eye brows lifted. I could not believe how cute this wolf is. He is a Gray wolf with white ears and white hands. His perfect Tail was all white and fluffy; it is nicely brushed, but not too distracting from his absolutely gorgeous face. He spiked his head fur up with an adorable wave to it. He soon walked passed; I got a quick glance at his piercing green eyes. I mean a lot of people had green eyes; I just had a thing for them. He dresses so nice; he is wearing a grey shirt that is covered by a green fleece sweat shirt that complemented his piercing green eyes. his nicely fit jeans showed off how great of a body he had, not to muscular, but just a cute body. He was so pretty: hot and sexy ect. Words could not explain how I felt. I needed to go talk to him, but I was so nervous. I noticed that my tail was hysterically wagging; I reach back and hold it then glance over at Kyle that was staring at the wolf as well, but with a sarcastic look on his face. He turns around and digs through his locker.

"Kyle, how do you know he is gay?" I ask trying to sound like I don't care.

"Actually, I don't I just got the feeling that he was when he came into my first hour." He says then pulls two books out of his locker "but I will meet you in class, dude." Then Kyle Proceeds to walk away.

I was upset over Kyle not actually knowing if the new kid was gay or not. He kind of got my hopes up. Well now it was just me and this cute wolf in the left wing hall. He is frantically trying to find something in his locker. While he looks, He drops a lot of things all over the floor. Now was my chance! I rush over to assist him.

I picked up a book for him and handed it over to him "here." I said and smiled. We locked eyes for a few moments and He said

"Oh, thank you." He smiled and gently took the book from me. When he smiled at me it gave me butterflies all over my body, He is so beautiful I could barely take it.

"My name is Jesse, What's your name?" I ask him while my tail wags slowly.

"My...my name?" he looked a little confused, as if he had never been asked this simple question before.

"Yeah, what's your name?" I lifted one eye brow and smiled.

"Oh... Sorry, my name is Kaden" He looked a little embarrassed. He stood up to shake my hand. We were exactly the same height.

"Well, Kaden it's nice to meet you. "I grabbed his hand to shake it."What class do you have next?" I ask him as I look around the hallway.

"I have Art 3 next and I have no idea where to go." He said and his cute tail drooped down.

"Oh sweet, I have Art too. C'mon I will show you the way." I smiled and tugged on his arm. I was happy to find out he was a junior too because art 3 was a junior class.

We didn't talk much. He was a little shy. I hope it was because he was gay, and he thought I was straight. But, I was determined to make this guy my new friend so led him to the art room and we both walk in. The teacher makes us both jump with her loud screechy voice "LATE!" she glared at us for a few moments and then seen that Kaden was her new student. Her frown quickly turned into a smile. She came over to us

"Hello, my name is Mrs. Weatherly." She put her hand in ready to shake kaden's hand.

"HI, my name is Kaden. " He smiled and shook her hand.

"Well, have a seat wherever you want". She walked back to the front of the room.

I led Kaden over to the back table. A few kids stared at us including my best friend Kyle. I didn't pay too much attention to them. Kaden and I sat down and looked to the front of the room. The teacher shut off the lights and started doing a presentation over mixing colors. I looked over a Kaden paying close attention to the teacher. I don't know how somebody could be so beautiful. All I know is that when I am close to him I feel....I can't even explain how it feels, it's amazing though. I am falling head over heels for this wolf I just meet. He looks over at me and smiles, I ask him

"Where are you from?" I whisper as I glance at him and back at the teacher.

"I am from new bridge, my father moved us here because he got a better job." He said looking a little down.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I bet you had a lot of friends you had to say goodbye to." I tried to show empathy, but it was hard when you are whispering.

"Yeah, I don't think people in this school like me; they look at me weird." He said while looking at mine and Kyle's group of friends while they stared at kaden and I. They were trying to figure out why I was sitting over here with this kid, and not them.

"Well, you have one friend here." He looked at me and smiled, as he was about to say something I was tapped on the shoulder by Kyle. He nodded for me to come talk to him.

"Hey, Kaden I will be right back." Kaden shook his head softly and watched me be pulled away.

Kyle brought me over to my usual table. He looked at me and asked

"What the hell are you doing with that gay---?" I stopped Kyle immediately to defending my new crush.

"Dude, I am getting to know him, you all need to stop being so immature and make kids that are new here actually fell welcome to our school." I snarled then walked away. None of them could even argue with me because they knew I was right.

I sat next to kaden and said...

"They just wanted to know if you are cool or not." I said and lied to him. I didn't want to see hurt on his face. And he would be if I told him what they really said.

"Oh, what did you say?' he smiled and lifted his eyebrows.

"I said that you are a legit person." I smiled back at him.

"thanks." He laughed then looked back at the teacher. I got lost into his captivating blue eyes. I feel a bit like a creeper by staring at him, but I couldn't help it.

"I am glad that you're my friend Kaden." I said still staring into his eyes

He looks at me "I am really glad you are so nice to me, and that you're my first friend." He says while he looks me back into my eyes.

The rest of the class went by well. I felt bad because we had to choose partners for our project; And I chose Kaden, we were going to paint a picture of a house. I feel like I have betrayed Kyle in a sence. But, I really liked Kaden, he is a very sweet guy. I just hope he comes out of his shell to me soon, he's a bit shy. Kyle kept looking over at me and Kaden in disbelief. He looked like he was a little angry over it. I would have to tell him soon because my actions are starting to speak louder than any words I could possibly say to deny it....As we painted I didn't really flirt with Kaden over there being a huge possibility that he is straight. He has given me no further signs except a few smiles, but that could mean he is just friendly. About five minutes later the class bell rings.I put our new painting on the shelf and We leave the class together. I lead him to his next class then found out that Art is the only class that Kaden and I have together. But I promised him I would show him to the rest of his classes.

As the day went on Kyle didn't talk to me much, and I kept my promises to Kaden. I showed him to every class that he had. I was making myself late in my own classes by helping him, but it was worth it. Kaden and I didn't get to talk much, only on the 5 minute breaks between classes. But school was over and I was going to ask him to come and party with me and my friends for the 4th of July. But, when it was finally time to go to Kaden's last class to meet him, he wasn't there, I went by our wing and looked all over, He is gone. I decided that I would just have to talk to him on Monday. I was a really upset over not being able to find him, I really wanted to hang out. I left the school and it is all cloudy and rainy. My ears shot down over thinking that this is going to ruin the night. I then run to my car, it's a black 2008 jeep grand Cherokee. I love my car so much; my dad got it for me on my 16 birthday. I unlocked it from a distance and jumped into it. when I finally got to it; I sat in a puddle of water. Rain was still tapping my head and making my ear twitch. I look up; I left my sun roof open. I screamed "Fuck!" I hurried to turn the car on so I could shut the window. When the window was shut I grabbed some beach towels from the back and mopped up the water all over my car "Noooo, my dad is going to kill me!" I was very frustrated over leaving this window open. I sopped up as much water as I could. And left the school and headed home.

As I was driving I saw somebody walking in the pouring rain with only a hood on to protect them from the rain. I said "Dude, that sucks to be you." I laughed to myself and looked in my rear view mirror as I passed the Pedestrian. I slammed on my breaks and pulled over to the side of the road, it was Kaden," Awe why is he walking in the pouring rain." I said with sympathy to myself. His arms were folded and he was looking down. When he approached the side of my car I rolled down the passenger window and shouted

"Hey, Get in." kaden looked over at me and smiled and got into my car. My tail started wagging underneath me as he got in. 2"I looked for you, I couldn't find you anywhere. Why are you walking in the rain?" I said with sympathy in my voice. His ears fell down and he looked over at me

"My father and I got into a fight so he didn't come get me." He looked like he was about to start crying. It broke my heart.

"If you want to talk about it I am here for you." I said and looked over at him

"My father and I just don't get along anymore. I don't understand why he is short with me." A tear fell out of his gorgeous eye and slid graciously down his muzzle then hit his lap.

"I am so sorry." I put my hand over his and his head shot up and looked at me. I immediately took my hand off. And there was utter silence for a minute

"So you live on Hazel Street?" Kaden had told me that he did earlier today.

"Yeah, the last house on the left." Kaden said still upset over his fight with his father.

I drove down his street and pulled into their driveway and was stopped by a huge gate. It was slowly opend. I was in shock it was a modern day mansion. I mean, I lived in a very nice house but, not a mansion. It had a perfect lawn with some decorations. It had huge waterfall statue in the middle of the round-about. I could see a pool off to the side of the mansion. Before I put the car to a stop I looked over at kaden and asked.

"Do you wanna come hang out with me and my friends for the 4th of July?" I asked with anticipation.

"Um, I will ask my dad if I can." He looked down and started to get out of the car.

"Hey, um....can I get your number... so you can tell me if you can go." I felt a little stupid over sounding as nervous as I did. It's not like I was asking him on a date.

"Yeah, my number is 9342-675-7958." He smiled and made sure I got his number before he walked towards his home. He waved to me before he walked into his huge front door.

I left his home and started to make my way to my house. I was so happy that things were going so well with Kaden and I. I feel like there could be a chance that he is gay. Like, why else would he and his father not get along anymore? I could not wait to text him; I sent "hey, sorry about what is going on with you. But I would love for you to come hang out with Me." I finally seen a familiar road and turned into it. My house was the first on the right. My house was a grey three story house, even though it was in town you could see they view of the huge bay from our balcony. I parked my car and walked into my house. I didn't check my phone yet. I took off my shoes and went upstairs to my room, as I was going up the stairs I look at my phone and my ears droop down over not getting a text back. When I got to my room I shut my door and lay on my bed. As I was laying there in piece my phone obnoxiously vibrated, but this time my tail started wagging benieth me,it was Kaden!

"Yeah I don't know how I am going to get there but, I can go with you..... I feel like there is something you should know. I figure you are straight and all, but I can't help how I feel, I like you more than a friend, you give me chills when you are by me. Whenever I hear your voice it makes me tremble. You're the most gorgeous wolf I have ever seen in my life. I am sorry :(."

I jumped out of my bed over this text I got! I started to pace the floor while my heart was racing, my tail was wagging. I wanted to surprise him though. But what if.... No he just said he likes me... I will defiantly surprise him. I replied

"I will come get you in a few hours, and I don't care if you are gay. But I can't wait for you to come hang with me and my friends :)."