A Necromancer's Heart Chapter 4

Story by Wolfboy235 on SoFurry

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When I awoke I was in my room. I looked around my room for the first time since I got back from the hospital. A bookcase filled with many different books, a desk with a chair set in front of it. upon my desk sat my sketch pad and a few pencils. To the left of my desk stood the wardrobe.

I sighed getting out of my bed, heading paver to the wardrobe to get some cloths to face the day ahead. I didn't have many cloths. Only two sets really. I grabbed the first set Bedford heading for a shower.

There was only one setting for the shower. Cold. Freezing cold. I washed with a bar of soap. It didn't take long, a couple of minutes at the most. Wrapping a towel around my waist I walked over to my cloths. What I had was a ripped red T-shirt, boxers - surprisingly in good condition - and ripped jeans. I unwrapped the towel from my waist and began to dry myself. When I finished I took the cloths and put them on.they fit at least. 'Ripped cloths is better than no cloths I guess' I thought before heading down stairs for some breakfast.

Mum was in the kitchen pouring two bowls of cereal. Walking up behind her I wrapped my arms around her saying a quiet good morning. She turned a smile on her lips.

"Morning hun," she said. "How did you sleep?" I told her I slept well but that I had a strange dream. Her brow crumpled. 'I must have loads of strange dreams' I thought my own brow crumpling. She asked me to tell her about the dream. So I did.

We spent most of breakfast discussing my dream. In the dream there was a castle that housed a royal family. It stood near the back of a city. The royal family consisted of me and three other brothers and two sisters. Mum told me that I had that dream a couple of months ago. After we finished discussing my dream and eating our breakfast mum told me to head out for the day she was going to be cleaning. I nodded before asking what I could do for the day.

"Why don't you practice your necromancy, see if you can get use to it." she said smiling. "It might be a little rusty but I'm sure it won't take long to get use to it again." I smiled before leaving the house to let her clean and to practice my necromancy.

I did go far from home. Probably a block away. Mainly cause I didn't want to stray to far from home, but also because...I don't know I guess I could sense corpses. As I get closer the sense of the corpse got stronger. I eventually found the body of someone. A fox maybe in his late twenties. I wasn't sure about bring someone back to their rotted decaying body. It didn't seem fair. None the less I tried.

After the first ten tries I was beginning to loose hope I my power. I didn't understand what I was suppose to do. 'why don't you just try focusing on the spirit being drawn into his body' someone's voice sounded in my head. 'Em...h-hello, who's there?' I ask myself through thought.

'Ah so you can hear me. Good' I could hear a smirk in the voice. 'Then do as I said and focus on the spirit or soul being brought back to his body.' the tone was kinder than last time. He knew yelling wouldn't get a good reaction from me.

I did as he said, focusing on the on the spirit being brought back to the body. I close my eye to help me picture the person standing beside his body again.

"How did I get back here? Hell, why am I back here?" I opened my eyes and gasped. The man looked at me. He was in his twenties, quite tall with piercing blue eyes and accusing look on his face.

"Em s-sorry sir but would you mind helping me with my necromancy please?" I asked eyes pleading. He narrowed his eyes looking at me.

"You, a bloody kid pulled me all the way from the after life to ask for help on something I don't even know how to do." He shook his head a little before letting out a chuckle. "Sure kid just tell me what you need. Oh I'm Tom by the way." I smiled saying my thanks and telling him my name.

We stood by his body for a while. Me trying to send him back into his body. He just stood there smiling telling me quite often to just relax and not to push myself. 'I've already made my first friend and he's dead.' I thought. My inner voice chuckled at me telling me how silly I could be sometimes. After about twenty tries I actually got Tom back in his body

"Well done kid," he said with a skeletal grin. My inner voice congratulated me as well. I was proud but it wouldn't have been possibly with out their help.

'Right time to release our new friend don't you think?' I smiled thinking the question of how I would go about doing that. He told me to think of separating body from spirit. Tom told me to ask him to do something. Furrowing my brow confused by his sudden knowledge.

"Em, o-ok. Sit please," he sat at my command. I was fascinated by this new discovery. We went to the cemetery and found his family. I asked Tom to find me a shovel. He brought back two. I told him I was going to burry him. That it was the least I could do. He grinned again thanking me. We dug the hole for at least an hour.

"So, what do you get out of this?" Tom asked suddenly, I wasn't sure how to answer as I really didn't get anything except from a new friend and learning how to use my power. So I told him just that. He seemed thoughtful for a moment before nodding and smiling at me. He told me that the last time a necromancer had brought him back to his body they had been after some information, he had thought that I had wanted the same information. Or in general just information.

We decided to talk for a few hours before he would be hurried with his family. He told me the tragic tale of how he died. I cried and told he smiled, obviously he hadn't seen someone who had sympathy for his fate.

Tom had died on the way to his girlfriends place with a ring. He was going to propose to her. However he never got there as some of the the local gangs murdered him, taking both the ring and his money that was to be used for a romantic diner for Tom and Sarah.

"Where are the gang now?" I asked him abruptly. He looked confused, but he said that their place or hideout wasn't far from the grave yard. I quickly released him and asked him to show me. He shrugged letting it slide as mild curiosity. So we left the grave yard for the gangs place.

It was a five minute walk from the grave yard. We arrived outside a run down flat. Smashed windows, tattered drapes drifting out the windows. Some blood stained the walls, windows and the front door. I shivered look like a torture building, but it was probably nice before. I cautiously stepped forward.

"What the he'll are you doing?!" Tom yelled at me. My ears flattened against my head. I told him I wanted to get the ring back for him and give it to Sarah. A soft smile crossed his lips, "You don't have to do that," he told me "Sarah knew I loved her," I smiled but edged a little closer.

"You know you could die in there," my inner voice spoke out "Necromancer's are only good in a fight if there is a body to control" he explained. I nodded but I couldn't help myself from running quietly to the door and opening it without a sound. Both Tom and my inner voice were shocked by my action.

"Get out of there!" Tom yelled coming after me. I continued anyway stopping at the front desk. The room had a tattered rug and the front desks paint was beginning to flake off. The was a hole in the middle of one of the panels on the desk, an old check in book on top. A busted radio was to the right of the desk. Walking round the side of the desk and looking at the check in book I saw some names, none of course that I recognised.

Loud foot falls sounded from the the room above. I ducked under the desk as the foot falls continued down stairs. "we are gonna die, well done Soul," my inner voice nagged. I shushed him before asking if I could use telepathy with ghosts and spirits. He pondered before telling me it was possible, that it - in a way - was like commanding a spirit while it was in a corpse, "...so in a way your theory could work, why what a you planning?" I told him that if it is possible that I could ask Tom to scout ahead with out having to use my voice. He pondered it for a while before telling me to try it.

I crouched there trying to relax my nerves to concentrate on talking to Tom as if he were in his body again. After a few failed attempts I finally managed to get the message to him. He popped his head through the panel before asking me to keep my voice down. I told him I didn't say anything, still using my new technique. He gapped at me before grinning at my break through. I grinned back before asking him to scout ahead of me and warn me if I need to hide. He nodded telling me just to sit tight for now till the guy who had come downstairs had left. Nodding I sat there waiting for his okay to come out of my hiding place.

About fifteen minutes later Tom's head peered through the panel and he gave me the all clear. Nodding I got out of my hiding place ears perked listening carefully to all the nothingness that drifted through the building. 'Are they asleep or something?' I thought my brow creasing with something like worry. Shaking it of and heading for the stairs to begin my search for Tom's ring for his girlfriend.

I had enter about three different. Each filled with thugs of different shapes, sizes and species. As soon I had decided that they were not the room that I needed to be in I left, silently closing the door behind myself each time. I decided that one more door would do before I gave up and. much to my inner voice and Tom's displeasure, come back tomorrow.

I crossed the first floors landing to the final door at the end. Tenderly I opened the door and right there. Sitting on the bedside table was the ring. Tom had fist pumped and my inner necromancer gave a small applaud and congratulations. I had beamed before becoming very serious again and crunched padding softly over to the bedside table. Gripping the cool mettle between my thumb pad and fore pad and slipping it into my pocket I turned ready to get the hell out of this place. I started away but soon my vision went dark and my inner voice cried out in anguish as did Tom.

I heard a soft chuckle and a deep voice.

"Surely you didn't think you could come into my room and steal whatever you want without paying a price." that was all I could here before consciousness drifted away . Abandoning me to whatever fate awaited me. Well, for now at least.