The Patrol part 1 (fixed)

Story by The Dark Wolf on SoFurry

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#5 of The Patrol

i think i got it working this time :)

I am writing this on my iPod touch so chapters will be short and slow to come out and grammer wont be the best ever...but I will try my best to give you all the best I can...I am kind of new to writing stories but...and finaly this will be based on a patrol from the British army with a few edits here and there that I make the army people are called by nicknames or last names so that's why they seem's also based in a made up world with made up characters, and thing that is the same as other stories is not intentional...there might not be any yiff for a while/ at all because of my writing style. Anyway I hops you enjoy and please tell me how I can improve in the comments.

One more thing. The patrol is code named: NightStorm

OC is the one in charge 2OC second in charge ..................

The patrol of 8 Men was slowly walking through the thick forest. Due to the thickness of the trees they could barely see 10 meters ahead of themselves.

The scout who everyone called Ghost due to his unmatched skill with stealth stopped moving and crouched onto one knee. Each man slowly walked up to where he was and got in line facing left and right until the last man who was called Driver has signaled in.

Ghost performed a seires of hand signals to the OC indercating that they should get into a 6 meter spread because of the fading light of the dusk. LT Whitpen who was the OC pulled out his black water bottle and handed it around.

Ghost shook his head so he passed it back. Sgt Doyel who was armed with a heavy LSW took a swig of the water. Every man was wearing pure woodland camo with cam cream on their faces and hands. Apart from two who had gloves. His bush hat tipped back a little bit revealing his brown eyes and his black short cut hair. After having enough he passed it on and re-aimed his dark green and black light Surport Weapon at the trees surrounding them and scanned the area.

The next man was Pvt Snake and without letting go of his SA80 Assault rifle grabbed the bottle and passed it on. His blue eyes and short brown hair were hidden behind the battle helment and goggles we was wearing. His black leather boots were slightly damaged from previous patrols and combat situations.

Lcpl Segolia recieved it next. He unlike the others carried a L115A3 sniper rifle on his back and wore a ghillie suit. But was still holding his default SA80. He took the water and gulped down a mouthful before wiping his mouth with his gloved hand and passed it on. He then replaced the scrim-net over his face consealing mouth and nose but left his eyes uncovered.

Staff Sgt Graves took it and drank a small amount. He also carried a LSW but because of his mucular arms it was no trouble at all. He also had a M9 Pistol at his side. He says it's because he prefers the American side arms over the British USP's

Next it was Sgt major who got it. He was the 2OC of the patrol and also the youngest one there at only the age of 20 he had flew threw the ranks passing every test with outstanding results. His SA80 had a woodland camo strip of fabric wrapped around the pistol grip of the weapon so he would always go and pick up the same weapon from the armory before a operation. He quickly passed the offer of water and gave the bottle to the last man.

Pvt driver who was in the tail end Charlie part of the patrol took the water and had a small swig before passing it back up the line where whitpen put it in his webbing poutch. Driver was a very skilled hand to hand combat expert but only stays the lowest rank because he gets on the wrong side of officers very easiler. The only one that would have him in their patrol was whitpen and that was because of the friendship that they've had since high school.

Times like that quickly vanished when the war started. Most cities in Ersing were hit by gas attacks With no warning at all. The president of Galafar got shot and everyone blamed everyone else until the world was thrown into chaos. No-one knows who is allys with who anymore. This is why NightStorm are trudging through some forest in some country that someone felt like making a base in.

The base only houses 42 Soldiers. The base was meant to hold over 200 but was never compleated and the Men that were already there were told to stay there. Communication with anywhere else seems to be inpossable as it has been for months. The base held no armor. No aircraft and no Naval units. The transport helecopters that were bringing supplies just stopped. But the base already contained years worth of ammo, weapons and food.

Ghost asways brings up the Idea that if they can't get communication with anyone else then maybe there isn't anyone else left. Because they were in such a remoat area even if that did happen there would be no way of knowing it.

But NightStorm could not think like that their mission was to scout 6 clicks north of the base to look for activity. Whitpen checked the map that he pulled out of his pocket. Well it could not really be classed as a map but more of a red line going away from a blue dot on a green background. Hand drawn maps never work as required. He then mumbled to himself " if we go here" he dragged his finger across the line and tapped certain points "then make a RV here, we should be at our target area in 30 minutes"

He tapped Ghosts shoulder twice and he set off. A few seconds later whitpen followed. Until all 8 men were quietly prowling the forest again, weapons aimed at the surrounding area ready for the slightist sign of hostiles. Lcpl Segolia was thinking to himself 'nothing ever happens when we patrol, why do we always get sent out'

His ghillie suit was perfect for the enviroment and if he went prone he would be next to invisable.

Driver board of the scilence said "come on guys why are you so quiet? No-one ever shows up when we do this."

Sgt major Hunter. Then turned to him and said in an angry tone "Nothing happens because no-one can hear us. Now if you give away our position one more time I'll make you scream like a baby being boiled alive!" Without knowing it he had raised his voice to a shout. "Do I make myself clear soldier!!" without waiting for an answer he turned back and continued walking.

Driver smirked and wispered under his breath "we are not doing drill now Hunter, no need to shout"

Sgt major Hunter without turning around said "that's SIR to you soldier!"

Lcpl Segolia said in a hushed tone "both of you shut your traps or I'll shut them for you with my good ol' sniper's surpressor down your necks"

That recieved a small chuckle from SSgt Graves.

The Sgt major dud not reply. Even though Hunter is a higher rank than Segolia. The Lcpl has a very strong reputation for being a brutal fighter and is very good with his Tomahawk that he always has by his side. He got demoted from Cpl to Lcpl because of a small miss-understanding with 3 MP's...He hospitalised all three of them.

All of this time Whitpen was not intervening with this because deep down he agreed that even if they do talk, nothing will happen but even so he always walked with his SA80 at the ready.

The track that they were walking on then widened a little bit and the ammount of trees started thinning a little bit. Ghost performed the hand signal for a stagared formation then moved to the right hand side of the clearing while the other men moved left and right. The clearing was only a few meters wide but it's always better to be right next tho cover than the center of a track where you're easier to pick off.

They kept like this for the next few minutes. But then Segolia fell to one knee holding his head. Ssgt graves quickly said "Hold up" and everyone stopped moving and went into the prone position.

Lcpl Segolia was holding his head in his hands like he was suffering from a huge head ache. Graves walked up to him and put his hand on Segolias back. "what's wrong man?" he then crouched beside Segolia and held up his head and looked at his eyes. He the checked his pulse. Finaly saying "your ok what are you doing"

Segolia then said "don't you hear them?"

Graves said "hear who? What are you talking about?" he then scanned the area with his eyes to see if there was someone there that he had missed.

Hunter walked up to then and pulled Segolia to his feet "Get up Woman! I'm not going to carry you."

Segolia stood up and looked around. All eyes on him. "Who said that?"

Graves replyed "well I was talking to you about wh..."

Segolia cut him off "no...someone was saying ' us from the darkness' I heard them talking"

Whitpen said "ok guys set up a RV here" everyone got into a circle prone facing all directions. He then walked to Segolia and said "how many beers did you have today?"

Segolia replyed "none sir..I don't drink"

Whitpen then asked "did you hear anything else?"

Snake then said "really sir? You believe him? You know he's just making this up so he can rest his poor little footsey wootseys" snake make a gester to everyone else "we have wasted enough time already guys we need to move out before it's too dark to see"

Snake was right. The light was getting dimmer and dimmer. It would not be long until it would be pitch black.

Segolia then said "Sir I heard one thing but I don't know if i heard it correctly...they said 'walk through the White stone' "

Whitpen said "the White stone? What's that?"

Segolia replied "beats me sir...I think snakes right though. We should atleast get to our target area before we can't see"

Ghost said "ok let's go" and they got back into formation and kept on moving"

But Whitpen knew that what ever had happened to Segolia was not just a head ache. Something did happen...but what.

Roughly 5 minutes later the Patrol broke away from the trees and came to a circle of stone arch ways with perfectly circle stones surrounding them altogeather there was 6 arches. But when with the light almost gone they were clear to see like it was daytime.

Ghost without hesertation made a few hand signals to the others to make sure there was no-one hiding here. The men all moves out around the perimater which must have been atleast thirty meters squared. The arches stood roughly 7 foot of the ground. But the strangest thing was that this place was in a perfect square shaped clearing.

The men one by one shouted "Clear!" and regrouped in the center.

Sgt doyel then asked "sir what are your orders?"

Whitpen replied "well let's secure this area. We cleared it but someone might be away and comming back"

Lcpl segolia looked at the Arches. They were all a dull Gray shade apart from one which seemed to be brighter..White even. "walk through the White stone?" he looked at it again. "sir this may sound stupid but do you think that has anything to do with the message I heard?" he nodded toward the stone arch.

Whitpen looked at it and said "go check it out...I'll join you in a second"

Snake just said "your both crazy"

Segolia walked over to the White arch and ran his hand over the stone... Even through his gloves the stone was freezing cold to the touch. He pulled his hand back slowly and examined the stone. There was some scraches in it, almost like markings. But they were very faded.

Whitpen walked up and said "seen anything?"

Segolia asked "sir? You seem to believe what I'm saying where ad the other men...mainly snake seem to think I am crazy"

Whitpen then replied "I don't know son...i just have this feeling that you are not lying."

Segolia then tryed to step through the arch but he just couldn't do was like there was something stopping him from doing it.

Just then he heard one word 'Ersing' he turned to whitpen and said "Ersing?"

But before he could say anything else the arch filled with a bright White light, yet it was not painful to look at. It was almost...mystical.

All of the men grouped over to it. Ghost put his hand through the light expecting to just go straight through it...but the light rippled and seemed so open for his hand. He said "it's like putting you hand in water...well nothing is happeni.."

Suddenly he was pulled through the light so fast that no-one had time to react. Doyel shouted "GHOST!!...sir we have to go in there after him."

Whitpen then said "I don't Know what this is or what happened to ghost but we are not just going to sit here when a man could be anywhere."

Snake said "No Sir! I'm not going through that!"

Hunter grabbed his coller and shouted in his face "your officer gave you an FOLLOW IT!!" then roughly let go of him. "we are all ready sir!"

Whitpen said "ok what ever happens men we stick that?!"

All 6 men shouted "OOH-RAR!!"

Whitpen said "Damn right! Now let's go"

All of the patrol ran through the strange light in quick sucsession until everyone was through. Then as suddenly as it came on...the light vanished. Leaving nothing but the quiet night and the sound of the trees blowing In wind.


Ok please tell me what you though and if you what me to keep writing this...thank you