Prologue: The gaining of power
Prologue: The gaining of power
Life. It's perhaps the greatest mystery that the people have tried to understand. The most common questions appear to be so vague that it's not possible to come up with an answer. Why are we here? How did we come about to be so diverse in looks, species, and intelligence? Not one person in all of Alsydra knew how we came to be as we are. Some believe in a god above the clouds that made everyone. Some believe in evolution. Some think each species came from a different planet in other parts of the galaxy. However, there is one fact we all know. Some of us take our intelligence and move into fields of research that we shouldn't walk into. One of them is Genetic mutation. This is how my ending began. Let me start at the beginning, the very beginning.
Like most, I was born in a hospital. My mother going through massive amounts of pain as I am birthed. My father in the chair next to the bed, his paw on the verge of breaking from the force of my mother's grip. Then there's the doctor and nurses preparing to clean and wrap me when I'm born. Normally the process of giving birth was simple, and quick. Not for me. My mother was very tiny, a full five foot zip. Why does that matter you ask? I was more than 13 pounds being born. And in the end, I caused my mother's death. That night, I vanished from the hospital. My father was both sad and furious. Especially when he was told that they didn't know. Only one group knew where I went, and they controlled everything.
So there it is. I was kidnapped by the government. The facility I was brought to was one of many, each one had a specific purpose of research. The one I was brought to was made for the reason of altering DNA and body alterations to make the perfect being. It was a tough year. The scientists were being pressured for results, and no suitable 'test subjects' had been brought in. Or so they thought.
It's about time I told you my name. I am Mouko. No surname. I'm a pure Siberian tiger. Funny thing is that I remember my entire life, from the very beginning. The first few months of my life I was injected with some sort of chemicals. I don't understand what it was and I don't care. All I know is they deemed me a failure and threw me into a foster home at the age of 6 months and 19 days. I wasn't adopted, ever. Years passed in that place and I grew more violent. Bigger than anyone my age, I quickly became a bully of sorts. I didn't torture for money. I simply did it because I was bored. When I went to school, the other children stayed away from me. By the age of seven I had been kicked out of three schools. And I was deemed to be a developing psychopath.
I quickly learned that puberty was going to be an interesting period. At eight years old I had hit it early. Within months I looked like I was twice my age. My muscles had begun to grow rapidly and I discovered some interesting abilities. The drugs pumped into me when I was an infant had not only been effective, they had done much more than the scientists had anticipated. Fire and water began to act strangely when I was in an agitated state. I slowly learned that I could control and manipulate these. It had become a game, and over the years I had learned much more. What began as just fire and water moved to fire, water, earth, air, lightning, light, dark, and even sound. In private I practiced, learning martial arts and improving myself. Eventually after the leader of the group home made me particularly angry, I used my skills and burned down the home. And so at the age of 14, I ran.
I learned to control my anger and bury my emotions deep inside. During the process, I changed my Identity. I took a new last name, got a fake Id and passport, and entered high school. Being as smart as I naturally was, it was easy to surpass the people in my classes. Sadly even after all I did, I still stood out. At age fourteen I was almost seven feet tall. I was considered attractive. Although it didn't matter to me. I was bored of the drama that came with school. Hearing who hooked up with who and the so called fighting that the jocks perused. Then one day, a dozen of them had attempted to pick a fight with me. They called me a freak and pulled out weapons. Of course we were a few blocks from the school, so I turned to face them. A couple ran away from me as I glared, but most held their place. When I warned them, they attacked. They used barbaric weapons. Baseball bats, chains, and even knives. And then after seeing some of my own blood from a shallow cut, I lose control. I had killed four of them, and the scene was caught on a local shop security camera. Yet again my life was turned and I had to run.
A month later I found myself being pursued. When one caught up to me, I knew who they were. Fifteen years earlier they had taken me from a hospital. Now I'm not so helpless. And neither were they. I found that they had strange abilities as well. None were ass powerful or at such a large scale as my own. But numbers can beat power. So I was captured again.
When I had awoken, I was trapped on a table in a small room. It was such a cliché to have woken up in such a way. I was sure I could break out easily but I waited. I was interested in what they wanted. I soon found out. I was dragged into an operating room, Put face down on the metal table, and strapped down. Without being medicated or knocked out, my back was sliced open and they did something. It was more painful than anything I have ever felt. Like something was connecting every nerve ending and melding my spine to something. It was heavy, but soft. Later I discovered what was done. They fused wings to my back. What started out as grey wings later turned a shiny jet black. My body adapted to the wings perfectly. But took months to heal, and would be years before I gained the full capability to use them. I was trapped. And after being threatened, I decided to break out. It was easy. With my full abilities, I breezed through security. When I got on the outside, I ran. When I got to the nearest town I stole new clothes. They were stylish. A pair of combat boots, black jeans, and leather gloves. I wore no shirt, and folded my wings back. Around my neck was an amulet forged from some sort of metal melted from a meteor. It was in the shape of wings. Very suitable considering what happened.
For years I had ran, until they stopped coming. I was aware of constant observation however. But for the time it seemed to be pointless. I got rid of his surname once again and took tests. I got perfect scores on collage entry exams. But instead of going right to college I decided to wait. So at age nineteen, I picked a town and stayed there. I tried leading a normal life but was unable to. Being who I am, it was hard. I reached a full height of eight feet three inches. Much taller than any normal Siberian tiger. I was around the height of most stallions. My fur was pure white, with black-red stripes along my body. I was always shirtless, even at the workout centre where I worked. I enjoyed it immensely. Probably because of the people I met. I discovered I was gay. Did I care? The answer would be no. I refused to be in any sort of relationship. I was in danger and might have had to run at any time. I couldn't do that to anyone. My emotions returned, my anger was still able to be controlled. My powers were at their height. But I hardly used them. However things changed, somebody from my past returned unexpectedly.
His name is Damon. He's a mid height fox. Very tall compared to most foxes. Standing at six foot five, the unique black fox was like kin to me. For weeks we talked, had small conversations. After awhile he came more, coming for the purpose of seeing and talking to me. I learned that we went to the same school when I was 14. And that he was also gay. I didn't know what to say. I couldn't tell him I didn't like him because that wasn't true. So we grew closer. And as time passed we were inseparable. Now you know my life story. We are at the present. But my story hasn't begun. I have my whole life ahead of me. At least I assume that.
I now lived in a small out of the way town. I won't mention the name because you can't find it on a map and nobody really cares to remember it anyway. Population, less than one thousand. It was small. It had one grocery store, a few small businesses. A workout centre where I worked, a k-12 school with less than one hundred students, and a small theatre. Besides that there was nothing. Flat farmlands, dirt roads, and an occasional tornado. It didn't bother me. The people were nice and stayed out of each other's way. I worked at the workout centre. Being how I am, I was hired almost on the spot.
"Hey mouko!!" Came the familiar voice as I walked into work through the front doors. A certain tall black furred fox ran towards me. He stopped in front of me and gave me that familiar smile. I knew what was coming next. "Let's go see a movie. There are a couple new one's coming out tomorrow"
With a smile I nodded "That'll be great. I have tomorrow off so we can go grab a bite to eat beforehand."
"You and food. I swear if you didn't work here, you'd probably be fat!" He chuckled. His innocent blue eyes always seemed to shine. Although he was nineteen as well, he sometimes acted like a child. I always thought it was a cute little trait. However I still wonder why he isn't scared because of what I did.
"Yea yea yea.. I get it. Anyway I have to get to work. Come see me at lunch. We can go outside for some fresh air." With that, I walked away to the back room. I put my stuff in my locker and checked in for work. The hours passed slowly. Reading magazines and helping members. As well as signing up a new one every now and then.
When lunch came I smiled. "Hey Jordan take over the counter!" After my co-worker replied, I walked out the front door. I was almost immediately pounced by a certain fox. "I waited for you. Let's head to Boston pizza today. I'll buy" I shook my head and agreed. When Damon got something in his head he never gave it up. So there was no use arguing.
After a long lunch, we parted ways and I went back to work. It was dull and at the end of the day, I happily closed up the centre and walked home. It was a nice day for July. It wasn't uncomfortably hot. I guess there is always a plus side to living in the northern parts of the world. However it still had its days. After a night of gaming, eating, and playing my ps3, I went to bed. The next day was uneventful. Damon seemed to have not gone to work, because I hadn't seen him in the morning or lunch. And after work was over, I went home and called him. No answer. "Damon... Where are you?" I whispered to myself.
About an hour later tires screeched to a halt in front of my house. Damon came running out and crashed through my door. Immediately my eyes clouded over and my arms lit up, black fire coating my arms and paws. The air around me seemed to become as hot as an inferno. Just as I prepared to obliterate whoever came in, Damon called out my name. Quickly I put the flames out just as Damon ran in. He stopped, grinning widely. "Is it hot in here or is it just me?" He laughed as he said it. "No it's not you. It's me" I had replied, half joking, half serious.
"Joke over bud. I have great news!! I got accepted into Anthro academy for the gifted!" He had practically yelled it out. And he held out his acceptance letter.
"That's great. They sent me a letter last year after I took my aptitude tests. Them and about a hundred other collages. So when are you starting?" I looked over the letter quickly. I noticed he was majoring in law. I was surprised. Damon as a lawyer? I couldn't see it. But he did have his moments.
"This fall. I was wondering.. Since you already have a spot there.. Can you come with me? I don't want to be alone there." His voice sounded a little sad when he said the last few words.
"Why? You can make new friends. I have no interests in being around so many people. All the frat boys and annoying sorority girls. Me being as good looking as I am, they would never leave me alone. Plus if one of the upperclassmen decided to mess with me. You know what happens when I get mad. I can't control myself." Damon looked hurt, but he growled and looked at me seriously.
"You're so selfish. I want you to come with me. Both for your own good and myself. Yes I am being a little selfish as well but it would be good for you." Just as he said that the phone rang. He panicked slightly "Don't answer that!!"
Raising one eyebrow, I walked over to the phone and picked it up "Hello?" And the person on the other end spoke back. My eyes went wide and I turned on Damon. He looked guilty. "Fine. Set me up. You have my scores. I'm not paying a dime."
With a glare at Damon, I walked into my room and looked around. "Looks like I'm going to college.
This is just my first story. Criticism will be nice. I hope you all liked it. Feel free to message me with advice or maybe even a spot as a student at college. Thanks for reading!