CSYA Ch8: Sunrise, Sunset, Swiftly Fly the Years
#3 of CSYA
Cyan team sat in front of Vladimir Kahn's high backed chair, which was turned away from them. Vlad was reading reports on their progress over the past six years. Thrax, Emma and Zane were all now twenty-one, and were about to receive their first mission.
The three of them had grown over the years. Thrax's muscles were more well toned. His horns corkscrewed from the back of his skull for seven inches and had been stained black, which complimented the silver scales of his head. He wore the same kind of clothing as when he was a teenager - black crew-cut-to-v that showed his copper, with black jeans - but with an addition: white panties. He had grown into one of the best martial artists in CSYA, and was respected by all of the younger members as such, whenever one of them had challenged him, he stayed on top.
Emma had slightly larger breasts, her mane flowed to the small of her back, and her bangs framed her face. Her tail reached almost to the middle of her lower legs. She wore her gray spaghetti-string, and fishnet leggings, but she wore cut-off jeans instead of the short-skirt she had worn as a teenager. She was officially the best marksman in all of CSYA, and was rumored to be able to use a 50 caliber rifle to kill a fly while leaving the wings intact. She had loosened up a little after the first time she had had sex with Thrax, and had grown to like Zane in that way as well.
Zane had gotten much taller, he was the tallest of the three at 6-foot-2. He wore a similar light-blue hoodie - opened - but with a red tank-top, and holey jeans. He still talked the most, but was also the most silent sneak in all of CSYA, he was even able to sneak up on the stealth instructors. He was faster than Thrax in an all out sprint, but could never keep up with him in any combat style. It was even rumored that he could wear all black and hide in a snow covered tundra.
The three of them sat quietly as they waited for Vlad to speak. After a while he finally turned around, revealing the bat to have been wearing his white suit, and he put the papers onto his desk.
"Well, Cyan team," he said, "you are about to start your first mission, here it is," he passed them all a piece of paper each.
The three of them looked at their sheets of paper and nodded, Thrax with a slight hesitation. They would all go through with this, if they did not, they would be shut out of CSYA forever, and left to fend for themselves without any help whatsoever. But that was not the only reason, they also wanted to be the best. Ever.
"Good, you will carry this out tonight. You will be provided whatever you need," Vlad stated, "and you will succeed. I know that you can, and will do this."
Cyan team nodded, then left, heading to where they would get their equipment, in the second basement, where only fully fledged members of Vlad's mob were allowed to go, or even know about. The three of them gathered everything that they would need: silenced pistols, knives, and even a black sedan - they all had gotten licensed while pretending to be adopted as part of the different staff members' families, so that the DMV never once asked where they came from.
Once they were ready they left. Their first target would never know what hit them. The three of them drove for a day, then spent the night at a motel under false names. They thought about doing something while they were there, but decided against it so they could get the job done by their deadline. In the morning, they left, after paying for the night. Then they were on the road again.
Eventually they came to a stop at the edge of a suburb at the expensive district, with all of the mansions. They stopped just within view of one of the smaller mansions. It was white, with Corinthian pillars holding up a balcony above the ornate front door.
It was too early to go after their target, so they decided to continue driving for a few hours, heading to a local restaurant so they could eat. They got simple, affordable meals that were filling, but not so filling that they felt stuffed, and they let Thrax eat the pennies, discreetly, from their change. They kept going around town until eleven at night.
They drove back to the rich district of the town and turned off their car near enough to the target's house that they could easily reach it in case things went poorly, yet just out of hearing range, and sight, of the mansion itself. They donned all black-cotton clothing before they left the sedan, the only parts of their bodies that were not covered in clothing were their eyes, muzzles, and ears - horns in Thrax's case since his ears were like a reptiles.
Once they were out of the sedan Zane took the lead, heading toward their target's house. They moved swiftly and silently, darting from shadow to shadow, avoiding the lights from the neighborhood. Once they got to the mansion, they went around the side to the garage. They picked the lock to the side door of the garage and went in. The garage had a limo and a Ferrari inside, indicating that their target was home.
They then opened the door to the main house. The door opened to a kitchen, that had every available piece of counter space taken up by appliances. They had to walk even more carefully now that they were in the mansion, sound traveled more easily between interior walls than exterior. Emma's hooves had to be wrapped in cloth so that her hoof falls would not clack against the granite floors.
Once through the kitchens they went through the dinning room, then out to the hallway. There was a lot of finery all throughout the mansion, but none of them took notice, focused on their objective and making sure they were not discovered.
The three of them had to go through the living room to get to the stairs. They were halfway through the room when a light came on. Each of them turned to the doorway that they had just come from, where a white rabbit was standing in a gray nightgown and sleeping cap.
"Who are you? What are you doing here?" The rabbit had a very persnickety, high class voice that was full of both anger and fear. He noticed the silenced weapons that they all carried.
Thrax took of his cotton ski-mask and glared at the rabbit.
"Mas- Mister Jacobson?" the rabbit's eyes opened wide.
"Hello Silvester," Thrax replied coldly. "Long time, no see."
"I told them not to have you sent away, that you only needed-" Silvester began.
"Bullshit," Thrax said. "You were glad when it happened, because then your employers' name would be free from a 'stain' that you had always hated."
"Mas- Thrax," Silvester had never used his first name before, giving Thrax pause. "I did resent that you marred your families name - a butler is only as good as the family he cares for after all. But I hated that it had come to that, to send you away. It came as a shock when your father said that you were never allowed to come back, and even more of a shock when he bade me to dispose of everything that proved you were ever born. Even so far as to send your birth certificate with you when you went away."
"Get to the point old man," Thrax interrupted.
"The point is this: I'm sorry, for everything," Silvester said, downcast.
"Well Silvester, then I'm sorry too," Thrax pulled the trigger of his pistol. He may have been the worst shot of the three, but there was no way that he could miss from only halfway across the room. The pistol made a slight peauw sound as the bullet left the barrel.
Silvester crumpled against the door frame, a patch of red near the center of his chest that slowly began to spread through his nightgown.
Thrax put his mask back on and the three of them proceeded up the stairs with Thrax in the lead. They moved even more quietly than before as they neared the target's bedroom and stepped onto the upstairs hallway. It only took about a minute for them to reach their destination. Zane pulled out three small vials that were filled with oil, he snapped off the narrow end of each one and greased up the hinges so there would be no sound.
Thrax slowly opened the door, revealing a king-sized four poster bed that had two occupants sleeping soundly in it. Thrax quickly crept up to the two forms, level with where their heads were, and shot them, two peauws in quick succession. He did not look under the covers to make sure they were dead, instead he unloaded the rest of his clip into the two forms. Once his pistol clicked empty, he threw back the covers.
He was rid of them finally.
The three of them left as silently as they had come, the only track they left were the bullets in their targets. There would be no possible way for any of them to be traced from those bullets though, for the pistol that Thrax had used would be disposed of in a smelting plant owned by Vlad's mob.