My life as a furry (Roommates and bully's part 3)
#5 of My life as a furry
Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon or Pokemon
My life as a furry
____________________Next day_________________________
(Breakfast time)
"Good morning" said Ian
"Morning" said Max
"Morning" said the rest of the group at the same time
"Hey Ian is it true that Will got drunk last night?" asked Tony
"Yea" said Ian
"Oh my god are you ok did he rape you?" asked Ethan in a panic
"Im fine I bunked with Max last night" said Ian
" IAN!" screamed Will
"How are you feeling?" asked Ian
"You know since you did this to me!" yelled Will
"I was only defending my self from getting raped by you."
Said Ian
"Shut up!" said Will in a rage
Than Will pushed Ian into the table and hit him. Seeing this Ethan got up from his chair and puts Will in a choke hold and backing him away from Ian. Than the cafeteria staff called the cops to pick Will up.
"Are you ok?" asked Max as he was helping Ian up.
"Im in some pain but I'm all right." replied Ian
"Well its juvi time for Will." said one of the cops
"Juvi? For this?" asked Ian
"This is his third offence so he will be going to juvi." Said the cop
"Looks like I need a new roommate." Said Ian
" Ill be right back I have to make a call." Said Ethan
"Ok" said the group
__________________After breakfast______________________
The group split up and went to class. Class was boring but soon enough it was over and on went the next one. It was now passing period and Ethan is no where to be found.
"Hey guys have you seen Ethan?" asked Ian
"No not since he left to make that call." Said Tammy
"That's odd." said Casy
"I know it's not like him to leave without telling us." Said Max
" Yea" said Tony
"Im sure he has a good reason for it." Said Ian
Then everyone went to there 3rd hour class's Ian went to western siv Max and Casy went to art and Tammy and Tony went to chemistry.
______________________In class_________________________
Ian sat in his desk worried about Ethan he tried to forget it but seeing the empty desk ( where Ethan sits ) in front of him just put the thought back in his head.
"Ethan where are you?" Ian thought
"I hope your all right." Ian thought
By the end of class Ian did not get any work done and just went to find Max and go to gym. It toke about a minute to find him.
"Hey Max." said Ian
"Sup" said Max
"Ready to go?" Ian asked
"Yep lets go." Answered Max
___________________Lunch time_____________________
Every one went to lunch when they got to the lunch room Ethan was there sitting at the groups table waiting for the group to arrive.
"Where were you!?" asked Tony
"Calm down Tony." Said Ian
"I had something important I had to do and I was in a hurry I'm sorry guys." Said Ethan
"Its fine don't worry about it ok." Said Ian
Then everyone got their food and started to eat and talk like nothing happened. After about 20 minutes everyone was done and cleaned the table up.
______________________After lunch______________________
"Hey I have to get something from my locker." Said Ian
"Ok" said the group
"Ill go with you." Said Max
When they got to Ian's locker there was a crowed gathering around it. Moving through the crowd Max and Ian made it half way before Max stopped him.
"Stay here ill check it out." Said Max
"Ok" said Ian
Max made his way past the crowd to see a note taped on Ian's locker. Max picked up the note and read it.
________________________On the note____________________
Hey faggot you better watch your back.
Its payback time for making a fool of me.
Welcome to hell bitch.
________________________End of note____________________
" Hey what is it?" asked Ian
"A note." Said Max
"What dose it say?" asked Ian
"You don't wana know." Said Max
Then Ian took the note to read it when he did he gasped. Then Max and Ian walked back to the group.
"You look like you seen a ghost." Said Ethan
"Read this." said Ian as he held up the note.
"Don't worry I wont let him touch you." Said Ethan
"Thanks" said Ian
______________________Next day_______________
(Lunch time)
Everyone was eating and talking when the office intercom made a loud sound signaling it was turned on for use.
"Ian and Ethan please report to the deen's office thank you."
So Ethan and Ian walked to the deans office.
"Ah Ian I wanted to talk to you about the roommate situation." Said the deen
"Ok than why is Ethan here?" asked Ian
"Ill get to that in a minute but first since Will is in juvi you don't have a roommate and since it's mandatory to have one I have taken the liberty of finding you a new one." Said the deen
"Ok who is it?" asked Ian
( To be continued )