A Furry Love Story - To Room 7

Story by anthroguy101 on SoFurry

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#9 of Scraps

So Henry went on through the day

Until he heard a sound

He pushed a button on his wrist

And this is what he found

The meeting place was to be moved

Away from room thirteen

The meeting would be someplace else

Inside a room more clean

The room was also in a place

That was far more hidden

It would be by the car garage

Inside of room seven

So Henry grabbed all that he'd need

From the suite hotel room

With only 15 minutes left

He did so with a zoom

When Henry arrived to the place

That he would have to be

Outside there were some standing guards

That made him feel queasy

Yet Henry still would go inside

Because he could not miss

Potential epic turning points

Were nothing to dismiss

The projectors were all aligned

To show what was to come

And on the table were they plates

Piled high with lots of chum

So Henry found a place to sit

Where they had marked his name

For he was guest of honor and

He'd relish in the fame

But much to Henry's own surprise

Sitting across from him

Was learder of the government

His Majesty's PM.

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