Chapter 4: Night of Truth

Story by Spiritmoon on SoFurry

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#4 of The Last of the Umbra'Kahn

Chapter 4: Night of Truth

It took Sar'Kal six days to get to the coastal city of Korimond. The weather had stayed calm and the journey had gone by quickly. The pleasant weather had enabled him to travel almost four hundred miles along the coast in six days. Yet, even with all this good luck, he had been having a bad feeling of foreboding since he had left, that he couldn't explain. With this bad feeling looming over him, he was determined to get his mission over quickly and get back home to his friends.

When he reached the city he was first surprised by its size. He had never been to the port city before and was surprised at how busy it was. Most of his jobs had been in the small outer cities and he rarely saw anything bigger than about a thousand people.

In order to not be seen he skirted the city and took in the details of the surrounding land. He needed to find a good place to stow his backpack for a quick escape. He explored the area and found a copse of trees behind a large rock ledge that was hidden from sight.

This is a good place, he thought, it's still only about noon. I should take a nap; I'll need my strength for tonight. He then lay down on the ground and quickly fell asleep.

Sar'Kal awoke at sunset and began to ready himself. He stretched and put on his new leather armor that Tian'Shal had given him. Then he decided to try what Korek had mentioned to him back at the workshop. He took out his new weapons and sat down to meditate. He lay the blades across his lap and put a hand on each. When he felt the energy begin to seep into his body he attempted to focus its flow into the metal. To his great surprise the weapons acted as though they were extensions of his body. The energy flowed into them without any resistance. Sar'Kal was astounded at how much energy they were absorbing. It took ten minutes just to fill the weapons, and then he focused it into his body, filling it until he could hold no more.

He opened his eyes and stood up, it was now dark outside and he finished getting ready. He put on the new sheaths for his weapons and was pleased at the design. The scimitar hung across his back and was easily accessible. The sword-breaker was stored horizontally on his lower back where he could easily reach it with his left hand. He could easily and quickly draw both weapons simultaneously. When he was ready, he stowed his pack in a hollow tree and took off toward the city, taking care to remember how to get back to the copse of trees.

Sar'Kal made his way swiftly to the base of the large stone wall that encircled the city. He waited until the sentries up top had moved on and then focused his stored magic into his legs. He leapt up with unnatural strength and landed quietly on the top of the wall nearly thirty feet above him. He then leapt down off the other side and into the dark city.

The city was mostly quiet, but there was a lot of sound coming from the poor section of town and the gambling dens nearby. He made his way into the wealthier area of town and noted some likely escape routs, through alleys and up a narrow street. The buildings were large, and growing larger as he moved on towards the building he had been told was his target. The building where the merchant Mordran Vorlanos lived was a massive structure of stone and wood. It had a somewhat tiered design and it was nearly five stories tall and extravagantly decorated; even more so than the buildings around it. However, Sar'Kal immediately noticed that there were a great many guards around the mansion as he had expected there might be.

He silently stalked through the shadows around the building, looking for a weak point in the security. To his dismay the security seemed uniform all around the building; there was a small wooden wall around the main structure and guards posted about every fifty yards.

Well I guess I have no choice, he thought as he peered from around a smaller building, I'm gonna have to cut through, and then quietly make my way over that wall.

He decided on where he would attempt to get over and then pulled two of the throwing knives out of the small loops on his belt. He tested the weight of them both then took his aim. The two guards were standing next to each other about five paces apart and when one of them turned his head the other way, Sar'Kal let fly with the first knife. It struck its target dead between the eyes and the guard crumpled to the ground. The second guard turned around, but before he could make a sound the second knife hit its mark and he joined his companion on the ground, unmoving.

Sar'Kal quickly checked to make sure the other guards hadn't heard anything and then quietly moved up and dragged the bodies back into the shadows. When he was sure the coast was clear he leapt over the wall and landed without a sound on the other side. It was dark, but his eyes pierced through the darkness and he could see that there was much less security on the inside of the wall. There were about three sentries standing in the large open courtyard and only a few more positioned around the rest of the building.

He made his way closer to the building and looked up at the tiered structure. All of the windows were dark except for one. There was a single flickering light that shown through the window at the top of the building. Sar'Kal smirked at the simplicity of it.

This will be easier than I thought it would be, he thought. Then he once again focused his magic and leapt up onto the second floor tier, and then the third, and on until he quietly landed outside the lit window. He could hear voices inside and he stopped. He slowly peered around the edge of the window into the dimly lit room.

There were two figures in the room. One was a slightly heavyset leopard who matched the description of Sar'Kal's target. He wore some ornate robes and was listening to his guest intently. The guest was a rather small wolf with light grey fur. He was dressed in travel clothes and looked as though he had been on the road for a while. It was he who was now speaking. Sar'Kal wanted his target to be alone so instead of making himself known he retreated a little from the window and listened to the conversation going on inside.

The wolf spoke in a soft, if not somewhat tired voice. "Yes Vorlanos, the king is quite aware of what you have done for us; rest assured that you are in his good graces. However, the king no longer sees any need to seek information from you, and so he has sent me with your last payment." Sar'Kal heard the loud clinking of a large sack of coins being dropped on the table between the two.

"I trust that it is all there then?" asked Vorlanos. His voice was guttural and unpleasant, an odd trait for one of the feline race.

"Yes Vorlanos it's all there, now if you do not have any questions I will take my leave. I need to be on my way to my next contact in Varala. However, the King has asked me to answer any questions you may have in a show of good faith." The wolf finished speaking with a rather impatient tone in his voice.

"Well that certainly is thoughtful of him now isn't it?" smirked Vorlanos. "Actually, I do have some questions. For instance, why has your king been sending spies to meet with me and others here in Shar'Kahn? Is Worliman truly preparing for an invasion, and if so then can I rest assured that when that time comes I will be remembered and not killed?" Vorlanos stopped speaking and looked at the wolf expectantly. Sar'Kal smirked at the Leopard's stupidity.

"The rumors of Worliman preparing for war are indeed true. We are in our final stages of preparation as we speak, however we will not mobilize until-" The wolf stopped speaking with a worried expression, like he had said too much. "As to your concern for your safety, you need not be worried Vorlanos, as I've told you countless times. Now if that is all I will be leaving." the wolf turned to leave but stopped as Vorlanos spoke.

"Actually I do have another question. What was it that made your king suddenly start severing his connections in Shar'Kahn? Has something important happened?" He finished speaking and crossed his arms across his chest.

"The king has told me to answer your questions and so I will, however this I answer against my better judgment. The King has begun severing his connections in Shar'Kahn because for five years now Worliman has been looking for a certain person. With this person missing, the king did not want to begin his campaign. However, now the King believes that this elusive individual has been found. He has sent our most skilled assassin to take care of him." The wolf stopped as Vorlanos spoke.

"But, what kind of person would keep Worliman from campaign and why? Where does your king believe this person is now hiding?"

"I cannot tell you who he is, but the king seems certain that this person is hiding in a small town to the north, along the border of Umbra'Kahn. Sharanol I believe it was called." The wolf's voice betrayed his impatience as he finished speaking.

When the wolf spoke the name of the town, Sar'Kal had to stifle a gasp. Sharanol was where He, Tian'Shal and Korek lived. This is not good, he thought, I need to get back. I wish this stupid Vorlanos would stop asking questions. Sar'Kal readied himself outside the window as Vorlanos spoke again.

"Ah, Sharanol, I know the place, small town, very secluded if I remember correctly. It is very difficult to find if you don't know where it is. And I believe you were quite right about it being close to Umbra'Kahn- ...Aha! I get it now! The person your king is looking for must be one of the Umbra'Kah-" He was interrupted as the wolf glared at him and spoke in a cold tone.

"Finish that sentence Vorlanos and I have authority to kill you. If you ever so much as mention this to anyone else you shall not live to see another day. I will take my leave now; Give me your report and I'll be going."

Sar'Kal's heart was pounding in his chest as he listened to the two inside exchange what sounded like a large amount of paper. Well that's it then, I can not remain in Sharanol. I'll head back quickly and say goodbye, and then I will have to leave. Sar'Kal's mind was swimming as he heard someone near the window.

The wolf had approached the window and was now about a foot away from Sar'Kal. It then occurred to Sar'Kal that he should get that report, it may prove valuable, he thought. He slowly drew his dagger and waited for the wolf to turn around. Sar'Kal heard Vorlanos say something, and then the wolf turned to respond.

Sar'Kal seized his chance and struck. His dagger connected with lightening quick speed and precision. It pierced the wolf's right side and went deep. Sar'Kal sliced to the side and ripped out his dagger. The wolf fell to the ground, half unconscious and bleeding profusely. Vorlanos screamed and attempted to leave the room but a well aimed throwing knife jammed the door.

Sar'Kal leapt forward into the room and stood up. He sheathed his dagger and faced the now cowering Vorlanos. "You are Mordran Vorlanos, correct?" asked Sar'Kal coldly.

"Ye-yes, I-I am," Stuttered the leopard. He was now backed into a corner and frantically looking for an escape route that wasn't there. He looked up as Sar'Kal spoke again.

"Mordran Vorlanos, you have been branded a traitor for crimes against the nation and are to be terminated by order of the king of Shar'Kahn. His majesty charges you with leaking vital information to the enemy nation of Worliman. Have you any final request?" Sar'Kal was trembling with anger at the pitiful traitor that lay before him cowering. He looked at Vorlanos with a look of disgust as the leopard groveled before him, feeling no pity for the pitiful spectacle.

"P-p-please... d-d-don't... k-kill me, I can give you gold... l-lots of g-gold. Just please d-don't kill me!" Vorlanos was now on his knees begging.

Sar'Kal was now visibly trembling with anger and disgust. "You are pitiful... You shall be remembered as a traitor and a coward for the rest of time." Sar'Kal's anger peaked and at that same moment his attention was drawn to his right forearm. His black metal bracer had begun to glow, and it seemed to radiate a malevolent energy. Startled, he stepped back and turned his attention away from Vorlanos.

Vorlanos seized this opportunity and pulled a small silver dagger from under his robes and leapt at Sar'Kal. Sar'Kal saw the leopard and his anger consumed him. He raised his right arm and his bracer pulsed. His fist connected with Vorlanos' chest, there was a bright flash, and Vorlanos was sent careening backwards through the wall into the next room with a thunderous crash.

Sar'Kal regained control of himself and as his anger subsided the bracer returned to normal. He shook his head and blinked his eyes hard, and looked around. He walked over to Vorlanos and faltered as he saw what had happened. Vorlanos' robes were burnt away where his fist had connected and his chest was completely collapsed and burnt to a cinder. Sar'Kal staggered back into the other room and looked around in a daze. He saw the dead wolf and then he remembered everything he had heard earlier. Fear once again gripped his heart.

He quickly grabbed the report from the wolf's body and then he noticed the sack of gold on the table. It was large and heavy, it contained a small fortune Sar'Kal guessed. He opened it and took only what he could easily carry, he didn't want to be laden with extra weight on the journey home. He took about half of its contents and then his ears flicked towards the hallway. There were sounds of people running down the hallway towards the room.

Sar'Kal leapt out the window and down to the ground. He sprang over the small wooden wall and into the dark streets. He kept running until he came to the massive wall around the city. Once again he waited until the sentries passed then leapt up and over. He found his way through the darkness to the copse of trees where he had slept earlier. He took his pack out of the tree and put the gold and the report inside. He changed into his travel clothes and cleaned off his dagger on the grass and put it away. As he was getting ready to leave he heard an alarm bell go off in the city. He hefted his pack and ran quickly into the nearby forest.

Sar'Kal kept running through the night until he was sure he was far enough away from the city. He found a small clearing and sat down to gather his thoughts. He stared at his bracer with a look of both wonder and fear. Something's not right about this thing. What happened, He thought. I need to find out what this thing really is. Then before he could ponder the bracer more, his thoughts turned to his friends. I need to get back as quickly as possible. There's no way of knowing how much time I have.

As he was thinking he fell asleep in the warm sunlight. He was exhausted from the previous night and slept for most of the day. When he awoke he meditated to clear his mind and to stock up on energy. He filled his body and weapons and then packed up and headed off again. He ran for hours on end without stopping, using the stored magic to bolster his own. The journey home took half as long and three days later he was on a hill overlooking Sharanol. He could see smoke rising from Korek's forge and took heart.

Nothing bad has happened yet, thought Sar'Kal with relief. Then that feeling of foreboding came back to him and he took on a worried expression as he began his descent towards the town and headed for Korek's workshop.