
Story by TheoOtterholt on SoFurry

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I had been wandering around in that god-foresaken forest for hours, with no sense of direction about me. It was getting dark, and to make matters worse, I was pretty sure that I was being followed... or worse, hunted. Whatever it was, it was huge, and seemed to be not only around me, but above me as well. There was almost no daylight left, so I stopped and set my pack by the nearest tree. I jumped back immediately as the tree seemed to move, part of it trailing around itself and out of sight. 'What the hell was that?!' I thought. My question was soon answered , as an eerie hissing came from behind me.

As I turned, my heart nearly stopped. Slithering down from a tree was an enormous female Serperior, her tail still trailing down the upper branches. "And what kind of Pokemon are you, my dear?" she asked, her head held high. Her voice was soft and almost... hypnotizing. "M-M-My name is Rhett." I stammered. "And I'm a Buizel. I'm not exactly from this region." I noticed her tail begin to curl in my direction. "And what brings you into my forest, little one? Surely you must have a reason for entering my dominion uninvited." She said, with neither anger or irritation in her voice. "Well, you see," I said, taking a step back. "I'm looking for a friend of mine, another Buizel." Her ruby-coloured eyes lit up with excitement. "There's more of you?" she asked without raising her voice. Her emerald-topped head lowered to my level, her forked tongue flicking in my direction. "How many more, dear?" I shrugged nervously, "Just one, a female." This was not going well.

She raised her head back up, resuming her regal appearance. "Only one... I see. My name is Valencia, and I will take you exactly where you need to be to meet her." My excitement was easy to see. "Really? You'd do that?" She smiled sweetly and nodded. "Just climb onto my tail and we'll begin." I should have never believed her, but my excitement at the thought of seeing River again blinded me. Smiling, I pulled myself up on the end of her tail, holding on to one of the palmate leaves near its tip. Her tail coiled loosely around me in an almost comforting way. "Wouldn't want to drop you, dear." she said, her eyes meeting mine.

As soon as I met her gaze, her coils tightened around me, to an almost crushing degree. I struggled as they tightened further. "I would save my energy, my dear. You're gonna need it." she said, a slight glint of malice in her voice. She coiled around me again, covering my body up to my floatation sac. I continued to struggle, but to no avail. Her nose met mine as her tongue flicked over me. I turned my face away, blushing at having my cheek licked. Seeing this, she responded sweetly, "Oh, it's nothing like that, dear." Great, I thought. If that wasn't her intention, then there was only one other thing that could be one her mind. Realizing this, I struggled madly against her powerful coils. "Oh come on, dear. Don't make this difficult. Just relax, it'll be easier for the both of us."

She opened her mouth wide over my head. Looking up into her saliva-covered maw, I noticed two things. One, her fangs were (thankfully) folded back against the roof of her mouth, and two, her eager, gaping throat. As she lowered her mouth over me, I continued to struggle. "No! Don't! Please don't!" The last word was muffled as her lips gently closed over me. It was hot, sticky, and her breath didn't smell too nice either. A tear ran down my cheek. So this is how it was going to end. Digested by a snake in an unfamiliar region, and I would never get to see River again. I felt the top coil loosen as she pressed her head further down over me. I greedily gulped in fresh air when her mouth opened. My head met the back the back of her throat as her jaws closed over me once again.

Her throat was somehow even hotter than her mouth had been, causing me to draw in breaths of her own putrid breath. Another coil loosened, and more of me disappeared into her maw. I was now up to my shoulders in her throat, which was starting to pull me down, taking several heavy gulps. I listened in horror as I heard the swallowed saliva traveling down to her stomach. Another coil loosed, and my feet vanished from the outside world. This was it, I was trapped. I stopped struggling, realizing my efforts were futile. Noting that my tail was still outside her mouth, I wagged it lazily. Another tremendous gulp pulled my hips to the back of her throat.

Facing downward, I was making quite the bulge in her throat. I felt her slurp in my tail, then another greedy swallow pulled me completely into her throat, only my tail still in her mouth. Now gravity was having an affect on my descent. I was soon greeted by another pulse of her throat, and the overpowering sound of her swallowing me. A few more increasingly powerful swallows later, my face reached the entrance to her stomach. Her throat muscles struggled to push me through the tight opening, but eventually, to my displeasure, eventually succeeded. I landed with a sickening squelch into a pool of what I assumed to be acid. Much to my surprise, it turned out to not be acid, but water. It was also free of any smell.

I attributed both of these to her being a grass type. Her stomach walls suddenly closed over me in a gurgling embrace. I heard her muffled voice from outside. "There, right where you need to be." I felt her lay her head over her mid-section, putting more pressure on her stomach, forcing me into a laying position against her muscular walls. The water rushed over my face, and was surprisingly refreshing. I heard her voice again, "Don't worry, my dear. I know where your friend is. She will be joining you shortly..." her voice trailed off as she bagan to chuckle. I needed to find a way out, fast. And I sure as hell wasn't taking the back door...