Freezing Betrayal (Chapter 2)
Freezing Betrayal
Chapter 2
"Why won't these fools give up already?! Ripping them to pieces was fun for a start, now it's just work..." Huffing annoyed to himself as he slammed one of the many Cr'aan's who had invaded the frozen spire into the crystaline wall, Kaitio took off up the stairway to find where Therdac himself had gone. Leaping back and forth between the slashing claws and snapping fangs from the demonic spawns, he soon found himself surrounded by a large group on the top of the stairs. "But again, why ever complain when one get a real challenge?" Flicking his tail as a broad grin crossed his face, the feline cyborg leaped right into the assambled force of the Cr'aan, wreaking another portion of havoc among them.
Meanwhile in his own chambers where he was supposed to bring what items was necessary to track down what he had since far back lost, Therdac found himself in his own share of intense battle, as the room flooded with Cr'aan at the moment he entered. Slashing one after the other in half, he span his scythe around before throwing it straight towards a small group of the demonic spawns. Before they knew what hit them, they fell to the ground all one head shorter. Grabbing his scythe that came back to his hand like that of a boomerang. Therdac took what he needed and took off down the hallways looking for his feline companion. Upon coming to the large stairway, his sight was greeted by nothing but a massive ammount of Cr'aan bodies, and a content Kaitio sitting in the middle of the hallway waiting for him. Shaking his head slightly with a slight laugh escaping his lips, Therdac moved past the corpses and down the stairway with Kaitio beside him before asking.."Do you ever do anything the easy way, Kaitio?"
Upon hearing his question, Kaitio let out a laugh of his own before his gaze rose up to the Cryocian's eyes. "And take the risk of getting you disappointed? Ha ha, that's the best joke of the day." Shaking his head slightly as they walked out through the main gates, Katio noticed one of the downed demon spawns began to get back to his senses after he had been knocked out cold. As he passed it by, his hindleg came up kicking it's face right in before he huffed. "Stay down, you filthy mongrel."
Over the following days the two companions travelled across wide, barren, frozen wastelands towards what Therdac had described as *The cold's worst enemy*. Pulsing through the deep snow, Kaitio coughed a few times before asking.."Why is it that you just *had* to live in the opposite end of the realm when it comes to finding the damn border to that....whatever that fellow's name was?"
"Because otherwise I would have been next to my untimely demise from the very start, Kaitio. As well as, that it would've been much harder to lay up a plan like this without the elder's notice. Besides, you wanted to make use of your peculiar talents in helping me to regain my mortal form, so why this constant complains about distance?" Therdac as in return while he helps his friend to get loose from a small frozen chasm where he got stuck in between two massive ice blocks.
Mumbeling a little annoyed to himself, he looks up to Therdac as he helps him to get loose. "Yeah yeah, you and your bloody logic, Therdac. I just hate to be walking such long distances when we are open targets from all angles." As he got back up, he looked up at the skies seeing what looked like a massive swirl of clouds that formed just above the barren plains they both wandered across. "The weather sure does change fast in these parts. Eh, Therdac?"
"The weather?" Therdac raised an eyebrow at Kaitio before his gaze turned up against the skies, seeing the strange swirl himself. Once the strikes of thunder began to fling back and forth in between the clouds, Therdac immidiately knew that it meant vast trouble. Flinging up next to Kaitio, his paws moved in a number of fast gestures, before he raised them up towards the skies, and over a few moments, a bright blue screen of energies formed as a dome above them both. Not too long after the barrier formed, massive arcs of lightning began to strike down right at them, Therdac held them off as good as he could, but over time his strength weakened. "I..I..I can't..keep this up for long..."
Looking back and forth a few times, Kaitio wasn't to sure what was happening at first, but soon he realized that they would both be toasted if he didn't do something, and fast. Thinking about how to avoid the strikes of thunder during an ordinary thunderstorm, Kaitio at first looked for nearby object that were higher than them, but without any luck. Just as Therdac's barrier began to shatter piece by piece, Kaitio looked down and began to dig himself down through the ice and into the frozen soil below. Coming a very good 20 feet down underground, he cleared out a small chamber in a cavern he stumbled across, dashed back up the shafr he came through, and snatched Therdac down with him. The second after their withdrawal below groundlevel, Therdac's barrier shattered, and the storm was free to rage across the plains. "You alright, Therdac? You look pale." Kaitio nudged the Cryocian who leaned back against the cave wall, competely exhausted from his attempt to hold the entire storm out himself, trying to get him back up. But as it were, he was more or less knocked out cold by the overwhelming effort he was put up against.
Throughout the vast halls of the frozen spire, the Cryocians loyal to the elders searched through the remains of the Cr'aan, trying to uncover what had truly happened in their absence. "Custodian Theril. We've searched through the entire spire, but yet no trace of reasons or intentions to why the Cr'aan came to attack here." Blinking a few times in surprised from the report from his minion, the Cryocian Custodian Theril Asin immidiately commanded the majority of the remaining minions under his control to fan out and find Therdac and bring him back, no matter the cost. Wether it costed them their lives or him his own life.
~~~~Back to the two companions~~~~
Back safely below ground, Kaitio took himself the liberty of scouting the surroundings out while Therdac regained his strength after the stormstrike. Exploring the many tunnels that had been dug around below the plains, he wondered who would have made this vast tunnelsystem and why. As he came to the end of one of the tunnels, Kaitio noticed a small breeze came out from a tiny crack in the stone below his paw. Gently patting against the crack, he wanted to see if he was feeling right, but in the blink of an eye, the thin screen of stone below him cracked open, and he fell right down into thin least he thought so before he slammed into something even harder than the stone....metal? Groaning slightly from the impact with the hard surface, Kaitio's gaze scanned it for a few, noticing that it was not metal. It was some sort of carapace, and was..moving? Raising his gaze further up, he was greeted by the sight of a huge bright red reptilian eye. Not taking his time to find out whatever it was he stood against, Kaitio crouched down and leaped off from the creature, in an attempt to avoid placing the entire area at risk due to his nuclear power-core. Just as he jumped onto the creature's head, he took off into the dark, hoping for that he was heading towards an escape route, only to be greeted by the sight of a giant wide open maw, lined with razorsharp teeth waiting for him...........