PAIN! poemn

Story by bighorse on SoFurry


When you asked me for dinner it was a mistake. Why did you ever even think i was safe to be around.But instead of eating you for miss using your choice of words I fell in love with you. You no longer be the light of my life.Your the pain to my agony now.Because you told me 6 months later you loved another,but you did not have that right to rip out my heart so I ripped out yours and had it for dinner literally.Since you can no longer speak i use the words of pain easyer then you did after all the student learns for the master.I'm more of a fool then ever but at least another worthless soul is not earthbound but resting forever. This shapeshifter was your horse then your wolf that hunted you down like prey. So never again speak but thin before you use words again.