My life as a furry (Away to boarding school)

Story by Bell_the_gaomon on SoFurry

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#2 of My life as a furry


Iv uploaded pics of my school (also the school in this story) 


[Go to chapter 1]

Iv uploaded pics of my school (also Brimmington the school in this story) Click here to see them

Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon or Pokemon

My life as a furry

By Bell_the_gaomon

(In the car)

"I'm going to miss you wile your gone" Ian's mom said

"Don't worry mom ill see you on holidays" said Ian

"Ok hun but promise me that you will be careful" said Ian's mom

"I will" said Ian

The rest of the car ride to the airport was quiet until Ian arrived at the airport.

Ian opened the car door and got out then grabbed his bags and gave his mom a


"I love you mom" Ian said

"I love you too" Ian's mom said

"Bye" Ian said

"Take care" Ian's mom said

Ian made his way to get his boarding pass and head off to his plain. Once he sat

Down he pulled out a laptop and checked to see if Ethan or Max was online on

My space so he can tell him that he was going to attend the same boarding school.

Max and Ethan were not online so Ian closed and put the laptop back in his bag.

After a wile Ian got board and fell asleep but got woken up by the pilot on the

intercom telling people to get ready for landing.

Ian grabbed his stuff and got off the plane once he got to the street he hailed a taxi.

He put his stuff in the taxi then got in and closed the door and buckled up.

"Where to?" asked the taxi driver

" Brimington boarding school please" said Ian

"Ok" said the taxi driver

After a 5 minute drive Ian arrived at the boarding school so he paid the taxi

driver and got his stuff then walked to the office but then he bumped into


" Ow sorry about that" said Ian

Ian looked up to see who he bumped into and to his surprise it was Ethan.

" Ian ?" asked Ethan

"Ethan!" Ian yelled in joy

"What are you doing here?" Ethan asked

"I go to school here now" said Ian

After that Ian gave Ethan a big hug to show how mush he missed him.

" Max is going to be happy to see you" Ethan said

"Can you show me to the office so I can sign in?" Ian asked

" Sure follow me" Ethan said

Ian followed Ethan across the campus through the buildings and halls

After about 5 minutes Ethan stopped at a door and opened it.

"Here we are " said Ethan

Ian walked into the room it had a desk for the receptionist and a few feet

to the left was a door that led to the dean's office on the right was a bench.

Ian walked to the desk.

"Um im here to see the dean" said Ian

"And your name is?" asked the receptionist

" Ian Russo " replied Ian

"Oh you're the new student please go in the dean is waiting"

said the receptionist

Ian walked into the dean's office to see a female sakuyamon sitting at the desk.

" Ah Ian please come in and have a seat" said the dean

Ian did as he was told and sat down in the chair in front of the desk.

After the dean explained the rules and gave Ian his time table Ian was

sent on his way.

After school on the way to the dorm building Ian heard a voice

Calling his name so he looked at the direction he heard it from to see

Max running tord him.

"Max!" said Ian

"Ian is it true that your attending this school?" Asked Max

"Yep" said Ian

" What dorm room are you in?" asked Max

"Room 208" said Ian

"That's right across from my room" said Max cheerfully

"Cool" said Ian

Max and Ian walked to there rooms once Ian walked in the room he saw

a black veemon.

"Who are you?" asked the black veemon

(To be continued)

[Next chapter]

My life as a furry (intro) [Goodbyes and pain]

This is the story of my real life but i changed it a little so it fits it to the furry category the rest is all true. please forgive my spelling English is not my first language and forgive my format this is my first story plz comment and check out...

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homophobia and u

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