The Stranger. Chapter 2.

Story by Devon Bearcoon on SoFurry

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The Stranger



This chapter doesn't need much of an introduction, it's the 2nd part of many in this series that I am writing. Thank you all for the feedback and comments on the last chapter, they were very helpful indeed. And thanks to a certain someone in particular, you know who you are! I hope you guys enjoy this next part!

C hapter 2.

The shrill whistling sound of the Kettle shot through the air like a bullet, breaking the awkward silence that lingered throughout my tiny house as I quickly dashed across the room and into the kitchen to take it off the heat.

My living room wasn't exactly huge; it only took a few seconds to dash across it and into the kitchen. There were just two arm chairs at the far side of the room in front of a large bay window, overlooking a tiny potted garden outside and the leaf covered streets below. A small coffee table sat in between the two armchairs and on the left side of the room, two book cases filled with everything from J.R Tolkien to Terry Pratchett occupied the entire wall. Opposite, an old antique wall clock hung on the wall along with various other photographs in frames, and of course my desk was pushed up in the corner nearest the kitchen, various computer paraphernalia littered across the pine surface.

I didn't usually have many guests except occasionally my parents, and sometimes my sister would drop by now and again to check up on me and make sure I wasn't "partying the house into the ground" - she's always way too sarcastic for my liking. But the little house was quite perfect for what I wanted really.

A long, greyish-blue rug lay on the floor in the centre of the room, covering the pine floorboards and stretching all the way through the double doors and into the kitchen diner at the other side of the house, where I was making 2 cups of tea.

"Milk and Sugar?" I called out to Owen, who was quietly sitting in the armchair nearest the corner of the room, still wearing his coat and in deep contemplation, the dim light from the tall floor lamp next to him casting a dramatic shadow which stretched across the room and towards the door.

"Just milk, no sugar, please" he replied solemnly, looking up but not making eye contact. I nodded and set about making the two cups of tea before bringing them in and setting them down on the coffee table between us. "I prefer reading." I said as I sat down, hoping to spark off some conversation.

"I figured, there's no TV in here!" Owen said, glancing around at the room briefly as though it was no surprise to him that I was without a TV, his eyes settling on a basket of newspapers by the desk in the corner. "A young person reading the news? Now that's a rare thing too." He continued, letting out a slight giggle as he sipped his tea.

"Well, TV is a luxury I would prefer to live without, really. I find more enjoyment in books, and if I need to catch up on the news, I'll buy a newspaper." I explained, trying to make myself sound somewhat intellectual. Was I trying to impress him now?!

Owen smiled and nodded, and then added "So, how long have you been at Cornwall College?" his voice tinged with anxiety as he spoke, I saw his breath turn to steam again and I could see him trembling slightly as he set his cup down on the coffee table. Or was he shivering? It was pretty cold in there.

"I've been here for about 6 weeks or so, studying Media, like you. Although, I've not seen you about before, yesterday was the first time I've seen you." I responded, watching his expression carefully.

"You've probably not noticed me." He said quickly, and continued "I tend to keep to myself. But I've been here for a long time." Owen regarded me with a solemn look, pausing his words as his ears started to droop down a bit, I could see a little puff of his steamy breath where he'd let out a sigh before he repeated himself, "A very long time."

I could feel the loneliness hanging onto his words, and it was an all too familiar feeling. Pushing the sinking feeling away, I briefly shook my head as if to snap out of it, "Well at least you're not the only Labrador here now! I'm sure we'd get along as friends." I quickly chirped, hoping to brighten his spirits a little bit, "That should help the time go by a little quicker?" I continued beaming a smile as I did and looked over at Owen.

His ears had perked up and a smile had crept across his muzzle, only for it to disappear just as quickly as it had appeared. It was almost as if he'd remembered something terrible, his expression turned sour as if someone had just slugged him in the chest with a football, there was something in the way of him feeling any happiness. Whatever it was, I sensed the awkwardness and quickly shied away from the conversation. "Is the tea all right?" I asked, changing the subject.

Nodding and taking another sip, "It's perfect, thank you." he said as his expression returned to its usual calm but also distant look, "I'm not usually one for tea, I prefer coffee but, this is nice." He held the cup between both of his paws and shuddered a little, letting the warmth from the cup warm him up a little.

"Glad you like it! I find Coffee just keeps me awake late at night, I feel somewhat restless even on the best of days. Are you warm enough? You've still got your coat on." I said, looking at the shivering Fur in the armchair next to me.

"It's okay I won't stay long" Owen said quietly, he briefly glanced over to the hallway; I could tell he wanted to get out of here. "I should probably be going actually, I don't want to burden you with my problems and I'm sure you've got things to do." He said, standing up abruptly, taking a final sip and setting the empty cup down next to mine before making his way over to the hall.

"I've got no plans, honestly its fine, maybe we could have some dinner later or catch a movie?" I said, attempting to make him change his mind, but Owen was already putting his shoes on. "Please?" I added, letting the word hang in the air for a second, there was a brief pause which only emphasized my desperation, still feeling that strong urge to connect with him for some reason unknown to me.

He paused, and stood still contemplating, his silhouette almost ghost-like in the haze of light washing in through the frosted glass of my front door. "Sorry, Mat. I really shouldn't be here." Owen said as he turned around ready to leave.

"Wait!" I put a paw on his shoulder and he half turned around, looking back at me in expectation. "Thanks for the chat." I said quietly, "You can come over any time." I could barely make out the Labrador smiling in the dimness of the hallway. Then, surprisingly, he turned around and hugged me.

"No, thank you." Owen whispered as I returned the hug, placing my arms gingerly around his body I could feel him still shaking. Was he shivering or trembling? But, for some reason I let myself hug him tighter and I felt warm when I held him there. A warmth that travelled up through my fingertips, up through my arms and into my shoulders, it made me tingle, and the fur on the back of my neck stood up on end as I felt it travel down my arms and into my chest. I let out a slight gasp, as I felt a feeling that I hadn't experienced before, and basked in it for a brief moment.

The embrace had only lasted a few seconds and then was awkwardly cut short, both of us blushing slightly as we stepped back from each other and Owen towards the door, turning the handle to open it. Had he felt the same feeling?

A cold breeze shot through the hallway as the door clicked open, a thin slither of light staining the dark wall. I studied his expression as he looked at me again; he seemed at ease for the first time since I'd met him. Maybe we were going to get on all right after all?

"Thank you." He repeated, flashing me a smile as he swung the door open and hurried down the steps and out into the leaf covered streets below. He almost seemed to disappear in the bright autumn sunshine. I didn't say anything. I'm not even sure if I could if I wanted to.

I just stood there at the doorway for a moment, slightly bewildered at what had happened, the cold breeze gently whipping up my headfur and cooling my blushing cheeks. I watched him as he made his way down the street before seeing him glace back at me, a smile still on his muzzle as he disappeared around a corner.

A few seconds passed before I realized that I was standing there staring into space, turning around and wandering back inside, I shut the door behind me. Gazing at the Thermostat on the wall as I did, jeez it was cold in here. "No wonder he wanted to leave so quickly", I thought as I turned the dial up a little more before making my way into the living room and sat down where Owen had been sitting just a minute ago. The armchair was still warm as I sat down in it, feeling the warmth wrap around me as I picked up my cup. It was stone cold, quite a contrast from the cosy armchair, "Great, even the Tea has gone cold now!" I said to myself, enjoying the warmth for just a few seconds longer before reluctantly getting up from its warmth and taking the cups into the kitchen.

I slung the cups into the sink and began to run the water to wash them up before noticing a small piece of paper stuck to the bottom of one of the cups. Rather bewildered, I carefully peeled it off from the base of the cup and studied it.

"Thanks again X, 643714 " The little note read, it was handwritten in pencil and I knew exactly who it was from. He must have written it whilst I was out in the kitchen making the tea. I let a grin creep over my muzzle and I folded the paper up neatly, slipping it into my jeans pocket as I continued to wash the two cups up.

Soon after I finished washing the cups I sat back down in my armchair and took out my phone. Turning it around and around in my paw over and over I pondered over the idea of calling him. He might not even be home yet for all I knew; after all I didn't know how far away he lived.

But what would I say? I slipped the phone back into my pocket and made my way across the room and over to the mirror in the hallway, shuddering as I feel a draft rising up through the cracks in the bare floorboards, I looked at my reflection in the dusty mirror. Making a shape like a phone with my paw I put it up to my ear as if I was on the phone.

"-Hey, I was just calling to ask if you fancied grabbing a pizza or something tonight?- No, too casual."

"-Hey there, it's Mat, I was just wondering if you fancied something to eat later on? Maybe a movie?-_No, too many options."_

"-Hi! It's me, I found your number you left me and just phoned to ask- Aaaaargh this is so hard!?"

I slammed the imaginary phone down and stared at myself in the mirror, frustrated. I paused for a second and picked up the make-believe phone once again, looking myself in the eyes.

"Dinner, my place, 30 minutes." I said assertively, slamming the fake-phone down into its invisible receiver, grinning. "Ugh, this is so hard!" I said as I wandered back into the living room and slumped down in the armchair, taking out my phone again I stared at the blank screen for a few seconds before quickly constructing a text message.

'Hey Owen, it's Mat, I figured you wouldn't have left your number if you didn't want me to text or call. Just wondered if you got home safely?' And sent, I clicked the button and watched the little mail icon post itself in the mailbox on my screen; indicating that the message had been sent. I felt the feeling of butterflies fill up inside me, as I waited anxiously on the edge the seat, my gaze set on the screen of my phone that I held in my paw.

The only thing breaking the deathly silence in the room was my heavy breathing and the ticking of the clock on the wall. Seconds seemed like minutes, minutes seemed like hours, and then eventually after what seemed like forever; #Ba-ding!#, The sound of my message tone rang out through the room as I fumbled to unlock my phone and read the text.

'Hi, got home safely thanks, I'm not doing anything this evening if you maybe fancied hanging out?'

Success! I think he liked me!? Was this my chance?! I could feel that unfamiliar, but warming feeling of excitement rising up inside me as I stared at the screen, unable to sit still from such happiness; I was practically bouncing up and down in my seat. A freight train could have smashed through my house right there and then, and I wouldn't even have looked up. My heart was pounding in my chest and I let a broad grin smear over my muzzle again as my paws started to eagerly press buttons, writing the text message that would eventually make the next few days very interesting indeed.

'Sure! Sounds great, your place or mine?'