the odds are against me chapter 3
#5 of The odds are against me
"Ok this is getting old give them back now!" I h...
"Ok this is getting old give them back now!" I heard David yell I peeked around the corner to see James running down the hall with David's crutches. "NO I think I'll keep them "he said as he ran ever closer. As he got to the corner I stuck my paw out and tripped him. He didn't even have time to yelp as he hit the ground. "WHAT THE HECK IS YOUR PROBOLUME!!" he yelled as I bent over and picked up the crutches. I put my paw on James back. David limped over to us and grabbed the crutches. "What's going on here class started five minutes ago" we heard a shout as the principle aka my dad ran up. I steeped off James back and stood back as he stood up I raised my fist and made a punching motion to scare him. It worked he stumbled back "Did you see what she just did". "I'm fully aware of what she did but a straight A student doesn't beat someone up for no reason and I'm happy to let you know she's my daughter so back of mister" he said looking proud. "Listen dad I--" "No sweetie I want to hear it from mister Randy because you have lied to me in the past and I know randy won't lie" he said giving an intimidating glare at poor David.
As I looked up at the taller lab with broad shoulders I got nervous. I never knew Verona's dad was the principle but I guess I should have known. I mean really he is the only other black lab in this town except for his wife and daughter. "I um sir he and um" I got nervous and was starting to sweat. "I'm waiting" he said in a serious and intimidating voice. "I um I" the ground approached fast as I fainted in fear of the big dog.
"DAD STOP" I said running over to David who had landed on his crutches. "What did I do?" he asked crouching down. "He's been through a lot he acts all tough but he's a big softy I tell you later right now deal with the jerk behind us" I told him busying myself with the task of trying to wake my best friend up. "I'll just ask you what happened then" herd my dad said stepping in front of me and looking down at me. "I don't know all I know is that he was running down the hall with David's crutches and David was limping down the hall using the wall for support yelling at him." I said gesturing behind me. I felt David move in my paws and looked down. "Time to get up Davie "I teased. "No, five more minutes mom" he said in a gorgy voice. I burst out laughing even my dad was chuckling. James tried to sneak away but was stopped by my dad. "And where do you think you're going other than my office "my dad said pointing to a door up the hall. James walked slowly with his tail tucked under his legs and his ears being laid back. Once my dad was out of sight I picked David up and carried him wedding style to the drinking fountain. I set him down and used my hip to press the button and cupped my hands under the stream of water. After I had got enough water in my hands I dumped it on his face. "HOLY COLD!!!!" He screamed out as he shot up. "Good to see your finally up sleeping beauty "he wiped around at the sound of my voice his eyes wide with shock and fear. "You know I don't like to be scared veronica" he said in somewhat of a grumble.
"Now dry off we need to get to class" I said looking at my watch. "Yes mom" he said under his breath before shaking his head fur dry.
The rest of the day went by as usual. Till after school I decided to walk home instead of ride the bus like I usually do. The whole time I was walking I was grumbling under my breath before I suddenly stopped I suddenly stopped. I sighed and looked up at the sky. "Why veronica why are you so cute and hot and funny and smart" I growled at myself. "It's ok I knew you had a crush on her buy your actions" I heard a voice behind me I looked back with a horrified expression and when I saw who it was I almost vomited from nerves. Standing about a foot away was my best friend Nathan. He is a is a green furred monkey I know what you're thinking that it's an odd color for a monkey but his favorite color is green son he just dies his blond hair green. "What do you mean?" I asked my face starting to heat up "well you are always making googly eyes at her and last time I read your journal it had a page with Mr. and mrs.Cassey" he said making faces at me. "YOU READ MY JOURNAL HOW DID YOU EVEN FIND IT IF YOU TELL VERONICA THIS I WILL END YOU!" "Tell me what?" came veronicas voice from behind me. I glared at Nathan and he gave a wicked smile "our friend David has a journal and in that journal is a whole page dedicated to "before he could finish I tackled him to the ground.
"What's your problem?" I asked pining him to the ground. "Well it all started when I got bored and wanted to stalk you then I was going to ask for twenty dollars but you started talking about" again I put my paw on his mouth with my paw. Still pining the slightly smaller monkey underneath me I turned to veronica. "Now's not a good time let's talk later how's about six" "Oh I can't I forgot to mention I met this really cute guy and I'm going on a date with him how about tomorrow" she said with a grin. I felt my heart shatter I had to fight back tears as I said" Shure tomorrow I said faking a smile. "Mk bye David and Nathan don't be so mean" she said jogging away I watched her till she turned down around the corner before breaking down crying. "Dude you ok" Nathan asked "wha yeah I'm fine" I said hobbling down the street. "Dude let's talk come on man" he said jogging to keep up even though I had a broken leg I was still three times faster. "JUST STOP FOLLOWING ME AND LEAVE ME ALONE!"
As I watched my friend go tail between his legs I started to feel guilty about almost exposing his secret. I walked home trying to think on how to help him. Half way home I thought to warn his family so I took out my phone.
After dialing the number I waited for an answer. "Hello" I heard David's mom say "hi Ms. David might be a little upset when he gets home Veronica is dating this new guy and he has a huge crush on her". At that moment I heard a door slam and sobbing "I got to go "I heard a click and the line went dead. I really wish I could help but if I told her not only would he skin me alive but it probably wouldn't help much. I decided to go visit Gorges grave he would know what to do.
A short walk later I had reached the cemetery most would be creped out being I a cemetery two weeks before Halloween but I was fine. I walk down the rows looking for the grave of a good friend it had been at least four months since I had visited last. I finally got to the tombstone staring at it I sighed "I wish you were here you'd know what to do, I mean you where his best friend other than me" I wisped looking up at the sky. I closed my eyes and just stood there after a few minutes I walked home still thinking about a way to help David and to think this happened two day before his sixteenth birthday along with what happened with his dad it seems that the odds are against a seventeenth birthday. As I walked through the front door of my house I saw my 4 year old sister playing the living room. I dropped my back pack and walked over when she noticed me she said "up up" rising her arms I smiled and lifted her off the floor and carried her to my room. I set her down on my bed and went to my computer after starting the computer I looked back at her to see her sleeping peacefully with her thumb in her mouth. I turned back to the computer and started planning a surprise party for David I sent out the invitations over email and made Shure our reservation at benihana was set up. After a while my mom came in I had started to day dream at the key bored she rapped a blanket around me and kissed me on the fore head I just smiled as I watched her retreat to her room across the hall.
It was seven twenty I had been crying for the past four hours and I still wasn't ready to stop. Me and my brother where sitting on the couch him cradling my head in his lap stroking my cheek. We were watching "how to train your dragon" one of my favorite movies for the 8th time my mom insisted I watch. I could tell she was trying to get Veronica out of my mind by giving me everything I loved. My mom came in with a tray full of all my fav stuff but I just stared at the TV blankly. I watched as Hiccup picked up an eel and threw it away because of Toothless reaction "Yeah I don't really like eel much ether" he said wiping his hands off on his tunic.
My mom grabbed the remote and turned the movie off I continued staring at the 52in plasma screen TV. "Alright up" she said in a stern but loving matter I sat up but stayed silent. "I have to go to work but Justin will get you anything you want" she said "there's chocolate ice-cream in the freezer and I just put some bacon bites in the oven they should be done soon "She said before walking out the door. I just sat there staring at the TV my brother next to me "how's about I go get one of your favorite cd`s and we can listen to some music" he said getting up from the couch and jogging to my room me just blinking my eyes.
He came back with a good charlotte on of the best bands in the world in my opinion but I wasn't in the mood. My brother put the cd in the stereo and started the music but after two songs "don't want to be in love "came on as I listened to it my eyes started to water as I thought about Verona. My brother saw my change and was about to turn it off when I told him to let it play with a simple "no". I could tell he knew I was bothered by the song and wanted to turn it off but he stayed put.
I don't wanna be in love
Feelin' good now
Don't be afraid to get down
Say I don't wanna be in love
I don't wanna be in love
to the beat
to the beat
to the beat
You got nothing to lose
Don't be afraid to get down
We break up
It's something that we do now
Everyone has got to do it sometime
It's okay,let it go
Get out there and find someone
It's too late to be trippin' on the phone here
Get off the wire
You knew everything was good here
Stop what you're doin'
You don't wanna ruin
The chance that you've got to
find a new one
Everybody put up your hands
Say I don't wanna be in love
I don't wanna be in love
feel the beat now
If you got nothing left
Say I don't wanna be in love
I don't wanna be in love
Back it up now
You got a reason to live
Say I don't wanna be in love
I don't wanna be in love
Feelin' good now
Don't be afraid to get down
Say I don't wanna be in love
I don't wanna be in love
Now you know what to do, so come on feelin' good
As the song came to an end I just let it go and started to cry my brother hurried over to the stereo and turned it off. He then walked over and sat down next to me. After a second I buried my muzzle in his shoulder sobbing. "I'm so sorry David I didn't know I'm so " beeb beeb beeb he was interrupted by the oven timer as he got up and walked to the kitchen I grabbed a tissue and blew my nose. I looked up at the sealing a said in a horse whisper "why Veronica why?"