Young love resides in the schools...
Samantha looked around the room cautiously, waiting for everyone to get away before hurrying out.
"You know man. I see her run out every day like she's scared a somethin."
"Dude. She isn't a furry, quit actin like she is and keep your mut tail out of trouble."
"Whoa dude. You just can't handle the fact that she is. I mean, look at her ears when you see her. Not human dude."
"Still, keep your tail where it belongs and I won't break your neck."
"I wonder why I still hang with you sometimes."
Because you're a stoner, you do crack, meth, and even marijuana all at once. I wouldn't be surprised if you had any shrooms in your backpack.", Ster said.
He picked up his backpack and head out the door. It puzzled him. No one liked her. He had been a half born dragon enrolled here to find a girl atleast like so. He had the tail, the wings, the scales. And he had a artial snout. But the human genes remained dominant. Though all he found in her was those cute dragon ears.
"Yeah, that settles it."
He took out his phone, pressing a few buttons then the phone picked up.
"Principle Jerry~. I gotta find a girl. Mind helpin me?"
"Son, just look for her."
"Dad, I have one class with her and have not seen her afterwards since school began."
"Ok. You know her name?"
"Uhm. Samantha Ohnei."
"Oh, her? She is supposed to be a dragon by what her parents told me but she shows only her ears? I say she doesn't want anything to do with you or any other furries. Probably hates herself. She hangs out in the library during lunch."
"Thanks dad."
"Heheh. Ship off the 'ole block. Your welcome."
He closed the phone and went down the halls of the school, passing by many teachers who rushed to the lunch room. Ster spotted a human looking girl down the hall and smiled, heading there to meet her. She seemed frozen by fear when he approached her and she blushed madly. Then the smell hit him like a wall of water bursting from a dam. He took a big wiff then blushed for his reaction's sudden take over.
"Oh, I'm sorry, i-it was just instinct I swear!"
"You...You are part dragon..."
"Correct. So, you're not mad?"
"I have to go."
She left him in the hall, heading to the girls bathroom. Ster just looked on in confusion, not comprehending anything as probable other than that she was in the height of her heat. If she walks through those halls a few of the males will end up grabbing her. He walked down the hall, stopping in the center and middle of the long hall. The next twenty minutes went by slow. But he kept himself occupied by swaying to the tempo of a song he played through his head over and over. The high piched tweet of the bell was only audible to him and the other furries. The humans could never think to hear such a high pitched sound. He leaned against the wall and as Samantha passed he stopped her. She flinched, whimpering at what might happen next.
"I wouldn't go that way. Follow me."
He lead her the other way, going through the door to the outside and pulled her by her arm all the way around the school. By the time they got to her class all the males had been sent to class by the hall monitors and one stopped them both.
"Where are you two supposed to be?"
"Sir, she is...uhm...lets just say its that time of the month for her and I'm trying to help her get past the dogs so that none attack her."
"Oh...Lets just not talk about that. For now just hurry to class. And hey. Be good to her."
"Uh, no. We aren't in love or dating, we just...
"Oh. Ok. I thought you two were."
"Sir, this..."
He looked at her ears then behind her spotting no tail.
"What are you supposed to be? I can't tell whether you had surgery done on your ears or you're missing a tail."
She blushed and he backed up.
"Oh, I'm sorry. Lets just get to class."
The whole day he helped her dodge the few sports jocks who had hunted down the scent from the vents themselves all the way down the hall, dodging a group of large wolves. At the end of the day they stopped them both at the front door.
"Ok love birds time to separate. And we'll take it from here Ster."
He looked at Samantha.
"I'm sorry but even if I tried I would lose."
He leaned in to whisper something.
"Just go with it and I'll take care of the rest. Trust me."
She nodded and walked down the steps, following the wolves. Ster waited till the all stopped looing at him then pulled the blowdart bamboo shoot that took him weeks to carve and loaded it with a dart, aiming at the nearest wolf. The grey hound dropped to the ground and as they looked at him, Ster used an entire set of blowdarts, taking down each one. The last almost raking it's claws on him as he blew the dart out and into his shoulder.
"Told you. Now lets hurry and get out of here before they wake up."
She smiled at what he had done, dropping a thesaurus on one of the wolves' head when passing by.
"You see, they can't do anything to you. It's against the law. Stick with me and I'll fight for ya."
She blushed, taking hold of and hugging his arm as they walked.
"Will you..."
She blushed, her face bright red as she pushed the words out.
"Will boyfriend?"
he stopped. Looking at her with sudden emotions and thoughts flaring through his head.
Ok man. Which path? hot and smooth talkin? Or be the cutey with style?
"Sure. If it makes you happy that is."
"It does..."
They walked over to the parking lot and she waited patiently for her mother.
"Hey. You need a ride?"
She walked over and wrapped an arm around his.
"You sure are loving these feelings aren't you?"
"I...I like how warm and happy they make me feel. W...would you mind if I...stayed over at your house for a bit? My mom doesn't get off work for another two hours."
"Well, sure. You aren't trying to...You know...Get in my pants are you?"
"Maybe. The recent spike in hormones from my heat makes me think on both subjects. But I'm not expecting."
"Listen. You can stay. I'm fine with it. My parents don't get home for another four hours, so we're good."
He opened the passenger door of his car and she stepped in.
"Thank you."
"It's no biggy. You deserve it."
He closed the door and got in on the other side, starting the car and driving off to his house. The drive had been short, lasting only three minutes. Once there he helped Samantha out the car. She quietly got out and put her things by the door as she entered the building. It was a small home, being of a dining room upon entry connected to what looked like a dining room, a den, two hallways, and the kitchen. Ster laid down on the couch which was near the large window peering outside at his silver 1979 year model corvette. He just seemed to relax, enjoying the peace and quiet.
"Uhm...Mind if I...uh. Lay with you?"
"Sure you can."
He held his arms out as she laid down with him on the couch, snuggling her head under his.
"Hey Eiva! Come look at this!", his dad's voice sounded through the house. His dad had been sitting in a chair, reading a book which was now open upside down on the coffee table. His mom peaked her head around the kitchen door looking at the two. Ster wiped his face with his hand.
"Can you not see how much she is blushing? How long she takes to speak? How slowly she moves?"
"What are you getting at son?"
"She's shy dad. Not only that but because she's in...I mean she has troubles. Female troubles. I'm just tryin to help her deal with the pleasure."
He realized what he had said.
"God dang It! I meant pressure!"
"Aheheh. I see son. I'll leave you two alone for now. Let you two have some alone time before loving."
"Dad. Get out. Just. Get out."
His dad left and his mother's head disappeared behind the door.
"So, Samantha. How do you like my parents which are apparently home early?"
"They're...How do I put this...They wish to know when you're going to have sex with me. So I'd say they are a little immature minded when it comes to sex and you being the one to do it."
"Yeah...It happens a lot. I guess just laying here for two hours in the peace and quiet isn't going to happen."
"Do you...Really like me?"
"Well. I've been looking for a dragon female or a female that is part dragon for a while now. You may have just the ears, but that's good enough for me."
"Actually...I'm wearing make up."
She sat up, removing her shirt and showing the many blue scales underneath, mixing beautifully in color with his purple scales. Her face was not partially snouted, but held the features of the human instead. He wipped some of the make up off and the scales underneath became visible. His eyes followed the beautiful scales up and down her body then she noticed where his eyes wandered. She held the shirt over her breasts, having never taken it off her arms. She put the cloth back on and Ster got up as well.
"Would you like to wash those beautiful scales of yours?"
They made it too the bathroom and she turned the cold water off as he took out a rag. She had cleaned most of the make up off but then he got what she missed, looking at her clean face.
"You look better this way."
"Would you help me undo my tail?"
"You have a tail as well?"
"Of course. I've been hiding it though."
She dropped her skirt, showing the straps which held her long tail to her hour glass figure. Ster blushed and reached for the belt. He closed his eyes and opened them with her right in front of him. She staired into his eyes, kissing him with passion and wrapping her arms around him. She was where she wished to be more than any where else. Though as they parted he blinked a few times, shaking his head.
"Your tail..."
"Oh yeah..."
She pulled some straps and Ster pulled a few, releasing the spinal extension. It dropped to the floor like a rope would from unwravele around a post. Samantha leaned in on Ster again, kissing him. He followed his fingers along her body, reaching for her crotch and giving it a massaging squeeze. Samantha threw her head back in protest. She separated, pushing him back.
"You have pulled me out of the closet, allowing me to walk easy without having to hide my face and became my boyfriend. But this is a little too fast, even for you. You didn't even grab me the right way."
He looked at her in a dumbfounded way.
"Damn. You're right. We could go a few days of hanging together then go on a date. By then your heat should be over though."
"About that. My heat just started this morning.", she smiled.
She put her skirt back on, letting her tail fall out of the frills.
"I like not having to where that belt. It makes my tail hurt after a few days."
"I'm glad you liked it. But for now, I'd like to get back to that comfortable couch. With you of course."
She smiled and they both laid back down on the couch, sleeping with her head on his chest, Ster holding her close to him.