High School Chapter 4

Story by blahman919 on SoFurry

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#4 of HighSchool

Chapter 4

Back to School

John sat down in his first block class, History. His mind was stuck on what happened between him and Elliot minutes ago. He didn't see Elliot in the hall or in his class room so he didn't know what to do. There were still several more minutes until the last bell, normally John would stay out until the one minute bell, but today his heart was beating fast and he couldn't think correctly, just as he was whenever he got scared. He tried to calm down by taking a few deep breaths but they hardly helped.

John's mind was racing, not just about why Elliot had just walked away like that but also about what he had wanted to tell John. John sighed and put his head down, he was going to do as he always did and sleep. John closed his eyes, all he saw was Elliot walking away from him. He couldn't get it out of his mind. He was able to slip into a troubled sleep a few minutes after the first bell rang. John was woken from his dreams by the bell ending first block. John slowly got up from his desk and walked to his second class, unlike normally he went straight there.

John sat in the same seat as the day before and put his head down. He wait for the first bell to ring before he sat up and looked back. Elliot was sitting behind him, looking away. John looked forward again, and then put his head back down.

The rest of the day went by slowly. Elliot never said anything to John, which made John even more worried and nervous. Finally the last bell rang, John had just changed out of his gym cloths, they had played basket ball, it was him and some other fur against five others. He had scored seven goals, his partner four. The other team had got six goals.

John walked out to his car and looked around. He sat down in his car and waited. Waiting to see if Elliot still wanted a ride home. Even if John had messed something up or anything like that he would still take him home.

After a few moments John was about to start up his car and drive off when he saw Elliot walking towards him. John unlocked the doors of his car as Elliot walked up. He sat down, closing the door behind him.

"John.." Elliot started then became quiet for a moment. "I-I'm sorry about today."

"It's ok Elliot."

"I really wanted to tell you something, but.. it's just... I don't know."

"You can tell me anything, I won't judge or anything."

"Well....it's just that..I'm uh...I'm bisexual." Elliot said lowering his ears and sitting lower in the seat.

"Oh, well.." John started.

"Please don't hate me or anything because of it." Elliot added.

"Don't worry I won't." John said and put his paw on Elliot's shoulder. "It's fine, I'm fine with it. And, well, I..I am too."

"W-what?" Elliot asked looking at him.

"Yeah, I have been for a few years." John told him. "Though I don't know if I have met the right fur, male or female, but I might have found them."

"O-oh." Elliot said. "Well, I have had a few mates, but haven't had one in a while."

"Well, keep looking. You never know where or when you will find someone." John told him. "Ready to go ?"

"Yeah I'm ready." Elliot said. "Um, are you still going to hang out today?"

"Yeah sure, I'd love to." John said smiling.

John started up his car and pulled out of the school parking lot. He turned on the radio and Hanging by a Moment by Lifehouse was playing. John glanced over at Elliot, he was staring out of the window. A secret smile crossed John's lips and he looked forward again. A few minutes more he pulled into Elliot's house.

"So, what you want to do today?" Elliot asked as they walked into his room.

"Anything, I don't care." John said sitting on Elliot's bed.

"Well, we can play some games, go back outside, whatever." Elliot told him.

"I would say video games but those controllers hurt my hands. I'm going to get you an Xbox." John told him.

"You told me that already." Elliot said giggling.

"Oh yeah I did. Remind me on our way hom- err here tomorrow and I'll go pick one up." John said.

"You know, if you want you can stay here." Elliot said.

"I don't like to impose." John said.

"Well, wait till my mom gets here and I'll ask her." Elliot told him.

"Um, ok." John said smiling. "Wait will I have to sleep on a couch?"

"We have a guest bedroom."

"Oh, good. My wings get so cramped on couches, and in my car." John told him.

"Well that bed is one of the biggest you will ever see."


"You don't mind if I play while we wait do you?"

"Of course not, I don't mind watching." John told him smiling,

Elliot smiled and turned on his PS3. He put in a game and began to play. John sat watching, but not the game he was watching Elliot as he played. But if Elliot even started to look towards him John would look at the screen.

Elliot switched games several time as the hours passed, John sat happy that he could spend time with Elliot. They talked some but mostly John just sat watching him play. John heard a car pull up in the driveway and then a car door shut. A moment later a second did the same. The front door of the house opened and then shut.

"Wait here, I'm going to go ask." Elliot said.

Elliot walked out of the room, leaving John alone, and nervous. He hated meeting parents. He took a deep breath and waited for Elliot. After a few moments Elliot called for him. John walked into the living room.

"John, meet my mom and dad." Elliot said pointing to a female husky and male wolf.

"Hey, I'm John Dragoon Al, nice to meet you." John said to them.

"Hey, Elliot told me you wanted to spend the night?" Asked his mother.

"Yeah, I don't have my own house." John told her.

"Well any friend of my son is welcome." She said.

"Thanks." John said smiling some.

"Just don't get into any trouble, I'll get the bed ready for you. Go to sleep whenever you like, and have Elliot show you the room when you get ready."

"Thank you very much." John said.

After having dinner with Elliot's parents and Elliot, him and John went back to his room. Elliot laid on his bed, John sat on the edge of it.

"So, what is there to do here other than PS3?" John asked.

"Not much, could go back outside, or sleep." Elliot told him.

"Well, I'm kinda tired form today, so I think I might just go to sleep." John told him.

"If you want. I'll show you the room." Elliot said.

Elliot lead John into the guest bedroom. It was a little smaller than Elliot's room, but still nice. It had a huge king sized bed in the center of the room and a night stand next to it. John thanked Elliot for everything then laid down. He closed his eyes and he was fast asleep.