High School Chapter 2

Story by blahman919 on SoFurry

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#2 of HighSchool

Chapter 2


John sat behind the driver's seat of his 2011 Mustang, Elliot was sitting next to him in the passenger seat. Elliot had told John where to go, and lucky John he knew the streets of the town by heart. John sped along the streets, going twenty over.

"Do you have to go so fast?" Elliot asked.

"Why? All the cops stay downtown, they never come this way." John said. "Plus I have the money to pay a ticket."

"Not that, I just don't want to crash." Elliot said.

"Don't worry, I won't. But if you want I'll slow down." John said glancing over at Elliot.

"That would be nice." Elliot said.

"Don't need you scared or anything like that, wouldn't want to make that kind of impression." John said slowing the car down.

"I just don't want to die." Elliot said.

"Don't worry I won't let anything kill you before me." John said smiling.

"Wow, really?" Elliot asked.

"Yeah, just my nature to protect people." John said. "Other than those who don't need to be protected."

"Oh." Elliot said.

"That and from what I know you're a good guy." John said.

"Heh, thanks." Elliot said. John noticed he had blushed.

After a few minutes they pulled into Elliot's drive way. John parked his car all the way to the right to stay out of anyone's way, but Elliot informed him that his parents didn't get home till late. John followed Elliot into his room.

"Take a seat anywhere you can." Elliot said sitting in a computer chair.

"Uh, ok." John said sitting on the edge of Elliot's bed.

"Relax, no reason to be nervous right?" Elliot asked.

"Yeah, I just get nervous in people's houses." John told him.

"Oh, well want to play PS3?" Elliot asked.

"Uh sure. Though I prefer the three sixty." John told him.

"You're not a hater are you?" Elliot asked.

"No, just like the three sixty better, but the PS3 is alright as well." John told him.

John and Elliot played on Elliot's PS3 for a couple of hours, playing several different games. John noticed that it was starting to get dark and he felt like going outside.

"I'm bored of video games." John said as he shot down an alien on the game they were playing.

"What do you want to do?" Elliot asked.

"Got any good trees to climb?" John asked.

"Um, I don't know." Elliot said.

"Let's go look." John said getting up. "Uh. you lead the way."

After following Elliot out of the house John headed towards some woods behind Elliot's house. They walked for nearly five minutes, talking some while John looked for a good tree to climb. Finally he found one, a tall evergreen, at least five stories.

"Here we go." John said.

"Isn't that a bit tall?" Elliot asked.

"Na, unless you're scared." John said grinning.

"I'm not scared!" Elliot exclaimed.

"Prove it." John said climbing up into the tree.

Elliot followed John up the tree. John finally made it as far as he could, the branches above him couldn't hold his weight. Elliot Sat on the branch on the opposite side of the tree trunk. From their vantage point they could see over most the other trees in the area, giving them a good view of the mountain range where the sun was setting.

"Great view up here, I'm going to have to remember this tree." Elliot said.

"You like good views? Someday I'll have to show you a place in those mountains, on the other side facing the ocean." John said.

"Oh, ok sounds like fun." Elliot said smiling.

"Yeah." John said. "Maybe someday I'll take you flying."

"What do you mean?" Elliot asked.

"I can carry someone when I fly." John said flapping his wings lightly.

"Oh, right." Elliot said. "Well what if I fall?"

"Don't worry, I told you I wouldn't let anything hurt you." John said, and blushed a bit when he realized what he had said.

"Right. Well I think I need to be getting home, don't you need to?" Elliot asked.

"Na, don't have a family to go back to, never did." John said.

"Oh, I'm sorry, do you have a house?" Elliot asked.

"Used to, but I gave it to a old friend." John told him.

"Well if you need a place I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind if you-" Elliot started.

"I'll think about it." John said cutting him off.

"Heh, ok." Elliot said and began to climb down.

John watched him for a moment then started to move to climb down himself when he saw Elliot's foot slip, and his only hand grasping the tree slipped as well. John jumped off the tree and grabbed the falling Elliot. John spread his wings catching air in them, slowing their decent. He flapped them a couple of times and his feet touched down. He let go of Elliot, but Elliot didn't let go of him.

"Um, were on the ground now." John said blushing some, Elliot had his arms wrapped tightly around John's mid section.

"Wha- oh sorry." Elliot said letting go of John and stepping back. His cheeks were red.

"It's ok, are you ok?" John asked.

"I'm fine, thanks to you." Elliot said, still blushing.

"Told you, won't let anything bad happen to you." John said smiling.

"T-thanks." Elliot said and hugged John.

"You're welcome." John said hugging Elliot back. "Come on, let's get you home."

John walked Elliot back to his house, after he had made sure Elliot had gotten inside ok he went back to his car and got in. He started up the engine and pulled out of the drive way. He drove around for a few hours, stopping to get gas once. But the whole time his mind was on Elliot and how tightly he had held onto him. John had known he was bisexual for several years, but he had never really liked another guy, or anyone for that matter. John pulled his car into the normal empty lot he always did and parked it. He laid down in the back seat, playing rock music on the car's speakers. Just before John dozed off Yellow by Coldplay began to play through the speakers.