The New Kid is Irish Part 2

Story by HuskieWolf SouthPaw on SoFurry

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#2 of TNKII

The new kid is Irish pt 2

. I woke to the sound of my phone ringing. "ugh...who the hell.." I didn't bother opening my eyes, I just felt around for it. After finding it I pressed the answer button."Yeah...?" "Sorry to wake you, but our first class is music. If you've got an instrument then bring it in" "Oh..Ok. Thanks Jay." "See ya in a bit." After 10 minutes of relaxing I decided I should get up. When I rose from my bed I directed my eyes to the acoustic guitar in the corner. I was alright, but that was my opinion."Might as well bring it along." After eating and getting dressed, I grabbed my school bag and guitar case and headed out. "Hey David!" I turned to my left and saw Jay jogging towards me."Oh hi!" He patted me on the shoulder as we met up."You play guitar?" "Yeah..a little." "That will help. The music teacher loves students that play instruments." "Lucky me." As we walked to school I kept on looking at him. I couldn't stop. I don't think he saw...or he just didn't mind. I got caught once."You keep looking at me..something wrong?" "Nah..I'm just being my awkward self." It was a legit excuse. I am a very awkward person. I'm not a socially isolated person, I just find it hard to adjust. After a 10 minute walk we made it to school. I got a few waves and 'Hellos' from people. It lifted my mood a bit. "Almost there". I was examine new bits of the school I'd never seen before, but that was soon interrupted by the bell. Then something grabbed my paw and pulled me into the classroom."This way you idiot." He laughed and let go. Jay had just grabbed my paw. As he walked away I let the blush kick in and it soon disappeared. The seats were singular only so I sat in front of Jay. Then a tall black Wolf walked in. He was wearing a Black Ramones t-shirt, light brown baggy shorts and black vans. He had an orange wristbands on. He lowered his small glasses down his muzzle to get a better look at me. "Oh hello there. You're the new Irish student correct?" I nodded with a smile."My names David, sir." "Ah, hello David. My names Mr. Collins. That's your guitar?" I nodded again."Well..why don't you play us something?" I froze."I..I'm not that good.." "Please David, most of em here aren't good. If you have some experience that's better than none." I taught it over. Mr. Collins had a soft tone about him. I found myself attracted to him, and honestly who wouldn't? He was damn good looking. "Alright." He smiled, and I took out my light brown acoustic guitar. It had one sticker on it. A paw just above the E string. Mr. Collins pointed to a chair next to his desk. I sat up and tuned the guitar."So what will you be playing for us?" "Um...Yellow by Coldplay." "Oh wow..that's a powerful song. Good luck." He lent against his desk and watched me. For the next 2 minutes I got lost in the song, I always do. Then I stopped, the class was in awe. Mr. Collins was the first to clap, then the class."Well done David! That's was incredible!" He walked towards me and held out his paw. I shook it, feeling warm inside from all the clapping. "Wow..your very good." "Thanks sir." "You mind staying back after class? I'd like to talk to you about a proposition...if that's ok." "Oh yeah sure." as I walked back to my seat I noticed a group of girls giving me the 'love' stare. I just blushed and sat back down. Most off the class involved me just staring at Mr. Collins and me also getting 3 notes from girls asking my name and number. Jay had also been in awe."That's was incredible" he whispered."Thanks" I smiled to myself. After class I stayed back as requested. Mr. Collins shut the door so my dirty little mind was making up a little...'scene' in my head. I snapped out of it in case I got hard in front of him. "I'll be honest...your damn good at that guitar, and your vocals." I blushed slightly."Thanks sir.." "Do you do anything with it?" " not really." "It's such a waste of talent." I blushed again. "I run a music club every Saturday. You have to go. Please." Honestly, I didn't need to think over my answer."Well, if I'm as good as you say I am..then sure!" "Excellent! It's on in the Ivy center, about 8 blocks from here. 3 till 6." I smiled and nodded."I'll see you there sir." "Call me Gary..outside of school that is." We both laughed for a bit, then I turned and walked out. I don't know if my imagination was messing with me but I could have sworn I saw him checking my ass out in the reflection of the door. "What was that about?" Jay looked puzzled."Apparently I'm going to music club." "Down by the Ivy center?" I nodded "I can show you were it is if you want." "Yes please." For the rest of the day I started rehearsing lyrics of songs in my head that I had learnt. And on the way home, I sung them. Jay was just amazed by my voice."Well here we are." He smiled as we stood outside our house. "Yeah...see you tomorrow?" "Upright here. Tomorrow is Friday so we have sports class. Bring gear." He walked off and raised his hand in salute. "Hey Jay?" He turned on his heel."Yeah?" I felt like telling him that I was bi...And I sorta liked him. "How old is Mr. Collins?" I bailed. "He's 20 I think. Why?" "No reason. See ya." First thing I did when I got inside was to check my Facebook. I couldn't believe it. 35 friend requests. Why so much? I scrolled through my page (I normally leave it open so that no friends can post on it) and there was a link to a YouTube video. It was me, singing in music class. My wall was full of "Your voice is dreamy!!:D" type comments. I accepted all the requests and left a post. "Thanks all. You've made my day and thanks to the one who posted the video!" I scrolled back to it to see who it was. Jay Basel. I sat back in my chair for a few seconds then smiled. "Thanks Jay.." I owed him big time. My rep was building in a good way and it was cause off him. I slept that night though, excited about Saturday. About Music club. About showing Mr. Collins what I could really do.