High School Chapter 1

Story by blahman919 on SoFurry

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#1 of HighSchool

Chapter 1


John Dragoon Al, a seven foot tall blue and black anthro dragon walked down the halls of a high school. He was in his Senior year, as he had been since the law that everyone had to go to school was passed. He only aged once every thousand Earth years, so he was still eighteen. And in a messed up system he was stuck in high school for another few hundred years. All of the teachers there knew him, and most of the kids did too. He was the guy who would sleep in class and make all A's. The school he went to was working on getting him out, but the government was being hard on him. This was the start of a new school year, first day and everything. Seeing how John worked every summer he had gathered a lot of money, and with his small fortune he always saved up he would use it to buy the same classes from the school, so that he would have the same teachers and thus know where to go and what to know.

He walked down the main hall, there were still twenty minutes until the last bell rang so he had time to mess around with the new kids. Luckily for him the state had a nice self defense law, and the school was full of cameras. The new kids would always try to fight him for some unknown reason, he would kick the living shit out of them and be on his way.

As he walked he looked for new faces, there were plenty but he was looking for other Seniors, transfer students or something. One fur caught his eye, it was a male, looked like a husky mixed with something. John thought a moment as the fur passed him by, glancing back at the fur he saw it. A husky wolf-mix, he thought to himself, interesting. John did a one eighty turn and began to follow the fur, far enough behind him that he wouldn't see him fallowing. The fur's fur was black and white from what John could tell.

The fur took a turn heading towards the F-wing lockers. That's where Mike and his 'boys' hang out, John thought. Mike was the school bully and then some. He ran a small local gang, nothing that would scare John, but a new kid wouldn't know any of this, and John knew he had never seen this fur around the town before. And he knew Mike loved fresh meat.

John followed the fur to the lockers, standing a good bit away leaning on the wall he watched as Mike, a six foot two bulldog and three others walked into the row of lockers the new fur had just went. John concentrated and blocked out everything but the sounds coming from the lockers.

"Hey there new guy." John heard Mike growl. There was no response. "Well, in case you didn't know I run this school and this town." Mike continued. Still no response. "Now, for me letting you use my fine school here, I require a tax, give me twenty dollars now and that'll buy you a month."

"No thank you." John heard the new fur say. His voice was soft and caring but stern in the moment.

"Oh, did you misunderstand me? That wasn't a question." Mike said. "Hand over the money or I'll have to get dirty." No response from the fur. "Fine have it your way." John heard something being smashed up against a locker, a couple of books fall to the ground, and someone struggling.

"Hey, why don't you leave him alone?" John asked stepping around the corner of the lockers.

"What the hell do you want?" Mike snarled at John.

"Why not just do as I say Mike? Then no one has to get hurt." John said with a grin, knowing Mike wouldn't turn down a challenge.

"Want someone to get hurt? How about this little guy here?" Mike asked nodding towards the new fur.

"Hurt him and your day will end badly." John said.

"Is that a challenge I hear?" Mike said letting go of the much smaller fur and walking up to John.

"Maybe it is." John said.

Mike did just as John had wanted, he threw a punch. The first blow hit John in the gut causing him to stumble back. John had never fought Mike even though he had wanted to, this was a first. The second blow was aimed for John's jaw, John grabbed Mike's fist and pushed it away from his body while at the same time sending his other fist into Mike's kidney. Mike stumbled, recovered, and swung again. This time all his weight was behind the punch, John stepped to the side and pushed Mike into his punch, causing Mike to lose his balance and fall head first into the wall. A loud thud sounded and Mike flopped to the floor, Mike's three buddies began to close in on John, he turned to face them.

"Come on boys, were done here for now." Mike said getting up. They all walked away, Mike rubbing his head and whimpering slightly.

John walked over to the shaken fur, he now sat on the ground. John reached a paw down, the fur took it and John lifted him back to his feet. John grabbed the fur's books and gave them back.

"T-thanks." The fur said.

"No problem buddy, just keep an eye out for them. Mean bunch." John said.

"I can tell."

"Heh yeah. You be careful now, I won't always be here to help." John said grinning. "And after today I'm sure their mad."

"Yeah, I bet." The fur said with a nervous laugh.

"Don't worry about me, I won't hurt you." John said smiling down at the fur.

"You wouldn't hurt me, you'd kill me." He said smiling back. "By the way, name's Elliot."

"Nice to meet you, my name is John Dragoon Al. You can just call me John if you like." John said with a laugh.

"Ok John, nice to meet you, and glad I did." Elliot said. "Hey, can you help me get to my classes?"

"Yeah sure, let me see your schedule."

Elliot handed John a piece of paper. John looked over it for a few moments than spoke up.

"Ok, first class is on C wing, second is on A, third on B, fourth is Gym. Nice, we have the same Gym and math classes." John said.

"Really?" Eliot asked.

"Yeah, Ok first for you is English, for me I have History, then for you and me is Math, and then you have History I have English, then we both have Gym. Next semester we both have Science together for first block." John said.

"Cool." Elliot said. The first bell rang.

"Ok, go down this hall, to the right and the third door on the right is your first class." John said smiling at Eliot.

"Ok, thanks!" Elliot said with a big smile on his face. "See you in Math."

Eliot walked off, John stood there for a moment then went to his class. Nothing but boring introduction to the class and a pretest to the class. After the Class John went to Math, Elliot was already in there having a shorter walking distance. John took the seat right behind Eliot.

"Hey, found you." John said sitting down.

"Yeah, glad you did. Don't know anyone here, and I'm terrible at meeting new people." Elliot said.

"Don't worry, everyone here is always nice, other than Mike." John said.

"Who's the teacher again?" Elliot asked.

"Mr. Harper, he is nice and easy." John said. "Though he does not like talking."

"Ok good he is easy." Elliot said.

"Yeah, and if you cannot pass I can help plenty." John said with a smile.

"Thanks" Elliot said smiling back.

"No problem." John said. The last bell rang, two furs ran in late.

Mr. Harper came in and started the class. Unlike other teachers who give their students a day or two to get back into the school groove he started right off. Pre-Cal was easy to John having taken it many times before. Mr. Harper began to explain some different types of equations and rules. John sat his head down and fell asleep. He slept till the bell rang to go to lunch, for first lunch at least which he had.

John went to lunch. He grabbed a simple hamburger from the line and a Dr. Pepper from the vending machine. He went outside and stood under a tree, looking around to see if he saw Elliot. He ate his small meal in silence, gulping down the Dr. Pepper and eating the whole burger in two bites. He threw away his plate and went back to standing under the tree. At last he saw Elliot walk out of the lunch room, he was looking around with an confused look on his face. John waved him over, and after a moment Elliot saw him and made his way through the crowds to John.

"Hey, wondering if you had this lunch." John said as Elliot walked up.

"Yeah, just couldn't find my way around." Elliot told him.

"Ah, well now you know." John said as the bell rang. "Next time don't be so late and we can talk longer."

"Yeah, hey can you help me to my next class?" Elliot asked.

"Yeah sure. Follow me." John said smiling.

John led Elliot to his next class then went on to his own class. English was just another intro class, sat there listing to the teacher tell the new students about the class. John fell asleep about five minutes in. He, for the first time in a while, was able to remember his dream. It was of him and Elliot walking through the park a midnight, they were holding paws and talking. At the end just before John was woken by the bell, him and Elliot kissed.

John walked into the locker room in the gym after listing to the new coach tell them what they would be doing that semester. John walked up next to Elliot and took the locker next to his. John began to place his gym cloths into the locker.

"Looks like we're going to have plenty of fun in here." Elliot said.

"Yeah I love gym, first we have basket ball, then tennis, then hokey, and then I stopped paying attention." John said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I'm not the best at sports." Elliot told him.

"Don't worry, be on my team and you will win." John said with a smile. "I have amazing reflexes compared to most furs."

"Oh really?" Elliot asked.

"Yeah, and I'm fast, strong, all the good stuff." John told him.

"On any teams?" Elliot asked him.

"No, don't like all the extra school time." John told him.

"I see." Elliot said.

John nodded and closed his locker. As soon as he closed it Elliot threw one of his shirts at John. John reached up grabbed it out of the air and threw it back at Elliot in one fluid motion. The shirt landed on Elliot's muzzle and hung there.

"Ok, you are fast and all that you say." Elliot said taking the shirt off his muzzle.

"Yep, that I am." John said walking off. "See you in the main room."

John walked out into the main room of the gym, some of the furs were playing basket ball but John didn't feel like playing anything on the first day. He walked over to the far wall and leaned against it waiting on Elliot to come out. After a couple of minutes he came out looked around for a moment then spotted John and walked over to him.

"There you are, took you long enough." John said. "Didn't get lost did you?"

"No, I had to use the bathroom." Elliot told him.

"Of course you did." John said smiling.

"Yeah, so why you not playing mister all star?" Elliot asked.

"Don't like doing work on the first day." John told him.

"Mmhm, lazy I see?" Elliot asked giggling.

"I'm not lazy, ok well maybe a little." John admitted.

"I thought so. Say, you too lazy to come over to my house to hang out sometime?" Elliot asked.

"No, would like to come over. If you want I could give you a ride, if you don't have your own." John said.

"I ride the bus." Elliot said.

"Na, I'll take you home. I have a twenty eleven Ford Mustang GT in the parking lot waiting for me." John said.

"Wow, you're kidding?" Elliot asked.

"Nope, bought it just a couple of weeks ago. I have plenty of money saved up over the years. Bought a new stereo system for it and everything." John told him.

"Awesome." Elliot said.

Elliot and John stood and talked the whole block, when the final bell rang Elliot went to his locker and John went to his car. John sat on the hood of his car waiting on Elliot when he saw Mike and five other furs walk out with him. They walked slowly over to John.

"Ok, John. I know I have never taxed you before but that is going to change because of what you did this morning." Mike said. "Now, give me forty, twenty for the month and twenty for what I lost this morning."

"How about you kiss my ass?" John asked standing up.

"Are you really going to fight me and my buddies here?" Mike asked.

"Only if I have to." John said.

"You don't, you just have to give me the money." Mike said.

"Sorry, fresh out of 'money for jackasses found'." John said grinning.

"Ok that's it." Mike said and approached John.

Mike threw a punch hitting John square in the Jaw. As John's head recoiled back he saw Elliot coming out of the school. John recovered and saw Mike's second punch coming at him. He grabbed Mike's fist and twisted it to the side then kneed him in the gut. The large fur doubled over on the ground. The other five furs began to close in on John. John reached next to the front left wheel of his car and pulled out a small knife.

"Back off." Mike coughed. "We'll get him later."

For the second time Mike got up and him and his men walked away from John. Elliot, who had watched the whole thing, ran up to John.

"John are you ok?" Elliot asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." John said. "Ready to go?" He asked putting the knife back.

"Yeah I'm ready."