Love and War Chapter 3

Story by HuskieWolf SouthPaw on SoFurry

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#3 of Love and War

Chapter 3

Josh woke up in his intact house. It had been 3 days since the bombings. It was a tough 3 days for Mark too. The side of his house had been hit by a falling tree, so he was stating at Josh's. But that was nothing compared to the de briefing he got 3 days ago. When it started. Mark was sleeping in the spare room. It was cozier than he remembered from all the other times he stay. But the bed was the least of his worries. He though back on the days past. (3 Days Earlier) The two boys sat in the back off the jeep as it drove off. They stared at each other, but not the stare that Josh would like. He could see that Mark was anxious..and scared."You'll be ok bud." Josh pat his arm gently. Mark smiled. Then the jeep stopped. Before they knew it they were in a military base. "This way" said a soldier. They two guys followed him without question. On the way Mark reluctantly gave up his SCAR to rather big looking officers. They were escorted to the H.Q. where they met the Sergeant general Carl Reed. Reed invited them. He took a look at Mark and said " Your Collins lad?" He had an Irish accent, like his father. "I am". Mark noticed he was very friendly...not like most veterans who shouted at people. "And this is..." He nodded towards Josh. "Oh, this is my best friend Josh" Josh waved. "Oh ok then. Well, let's start. My name is Sergeant General Reed. I served with your father in the SEALs. He was one of the finest leaders I have ever seen."There was a pause."Tell me, do you two still talk?" Mark shook his head "We had a falling out, he wanted to enlist me but...the military isn't my thing." Reed smirked "That's not what I heard. You flanked and shot a man in the head with a x4 scope. You executed perfect maneuverability. You my dear boy...are just like your father." Another awkward pause. "Which is why I need your help." Mark stood up instantly."I'm not a fucking mercenary!" Josh put his paw on Marks shoulder and eased him down. Reed stared at Josh for a while, then at Josh's paw. "They feel safe in each other's protects the other.." he taught to himself. " I wasn't finished...last week we sent your father on a solo missy-" " My father retired" "......interrupt me once more, and no one will save him" Marks face froze. "We sent him on a solo mission. To Infiltrate a U.S. Military base in Alaska" Mark had to ask this question " Infiltrate your own base?" "It's not ours...they paid to cover it as a U.S. Base. To take away media attention. Anyway, we started to get suspicious so we send your father in undercover. The last message we got from him was ''" "Nano soldiers?" "Ordinary soldiers, injected with nano machines. The heal wounds, increase awareness and other key functions. Suppress emotions...they make better soldiers. At least that's what your father told us, and he's right. But..we haven't heard from him since then. Need I say more?" "I'm in." (Present day) After running it through his head many times he realized it was true. Reed had said that Josh would have to do it also. Of course Mark objected but then Reed said that the trusted each other, protected each other and felt safe with each other. It was true."He's the one true friend that understands me" This taught stayed for a while, sinking in slowly. Finally he got up and went to the kitchen to get breakfast. After eating he sat down and watched TV. Then Josh walked in. He stood there concerned. "hey Mark...I know it's hard that-" "No you don't! You don't know how it feels that someone you love that doesn't love you just walks away and does his own thing! Or that they can keep a secret and ruin your whole fucking relationship!" Mark was standing now. Josh was furious."Oh yeah?! Well do you know how hard it is to keep a secret from your best friend?! Afraid it will destroy what you have!? And that you can't tell it because maybe you're afraid it will them.." Josh sat Mark down."He didn't want to hurt you..that's why he didn't tell you." Mark was tearing up. Josh, in a kind and not flirty act, hugged Mark. After a while he let go and Mark nodded a sign of thanks. "so..what did you mean..about secrets..and friendship?". Josh knew he had to tell him. 10 minutes later Mark left. Josh was in tears.