Changes of the eclipse: Chapter 11

Story by G-man2014 on SoFurry

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#11 of Changes of the eclipse: Chapter 1

Well here's chapter eleven, sorry this wasn't sooner, I got caught up with schoolwork, sports, family and alot of other things so thank you all for being patient with me I hope you enjoy the chapter, sorry about the length...

I own all the rights to my original characters and all that legal shit that everyone else has read in previous chapters, if you haven't read the chapters before this then go back and read them if not then relax and enjoy the new chapter...

Chapter 11

I suddenly woke up in a cold sweat and screaming, I felt myself making sure this wasn't another dream, 'Oh thank God, that was one of the worst nightmares I've ever had.' I ran a hand through my head fur, I was still sweating, "I'm just glad it was only a dream.", "What was only a dream?"

I looked over at Nathan, 'I can't tell him or else he might have more doubt and stress over it more', "Oh, nothing just a bad dream." He looked at me worried, "It must have been pretty bad if it made you wake up screaming." I looked away, "Yeah... Can we talk about something else, I don't want to explain it... How long have you been up?" He rubbed the back of his neck, "All night... I couldn't sleep, I had too much on my mind.", "You and me both bro."

I stood up and stretched, loosening all my joints, "How's Garret?" Nathan looked down at his brother, "He's better physically, mentally not so much, he's really scared Gabe and I don't know what to tell him.", "Don't worry about it, I've pretty much got the whole plan figured out, but we still need everyone."

Nathan shook his head, "Why do we need them? I mean what if they think it's too risky and they don't join us." I smiled at him, "Well we need them unless you can hack through security or have a mental map of this place, if not then we need them. As for your other question, I don't think they would pass an opportunity for freedom from this hell hole." I patted his back, "You worry too much."

He stood up and looked at me, "Alright I trust you. So when do we talk with everyone?", "I guess during breakfast or lunch." He nodded and leaned up against the glass wall. We hadn't noticed that Luke had been eavesdropping the whole time, "You guys are planning an escape? I want in."

My ears perked up, 'Perfect, Luke knows this place better than anyone.' I looked over to Luke and whispered, "Okay but keep quiet about it, I don't want Rex to know what we're planning before we even get a chance to escape." He nodded and whispered back, "So who else is involved?", "I'm trying to get Hannah, Nate, Sammy, and that Royal cheetah. What's his name?"

Luke answered, "His name is Connor. He doesn't really take orders from anyone, you have to earn his respect so it's going to be difficult for you to persuade him to join our group.", "Hmmm... Would beating him in a fight work?" He shrugged, "Perhaps, but do you know how high his skill level is in martial arts? Are you leading the escape?"

I nodded, "Yes I know how good he is and I am leading this escape." He nodded and went back to looking at the map, "Nathan, how much longer until we get food? I'm starving!" My stomach growled in agreement and Nathan fell over laughing, "I don't know, I guess when Rex tells us."

I sighed disappointed but as if on cue, Rex came in and announced it's time for breakfast and if we don't get up, we don't eat. The barriers went down so we walked out but everyone was still asleep, Nathan woke up Garret and Connor, so that left me with the others.

Hannah was already up so I decided to wake up Nate first, I kicked a loose chunk of cement into his cell and it hit him on the head, "Ow! What was that for?" I ignored his reaction, "Get up, it's time for breakfast." He shut his eyes and tried to go back to sleep, "Five more minutes."

I was getting annoyed, "No, you get up now! I have something to discuss with everyone in our cell block." I grabbed his legs and dragged him out of his cell, "Okay, okay. I get it, you want me up. Now let go of my legs." I dropped his legs and went in to wake up Sammy but she was already awake, "Sammy, we need you at our table, we need to talk about something really important." She nodded and followed Nate.

I turned around to talk to Hannah but I walked right into her, "Oh, Hannah hey umm... I need you too," She lifted her hand to stop me and said, "I already know, I heard you talking to Sammy." she walked around me and headed towards the cafeteria, I followed her and thought to myself, 'Okay, this is it, time to see if we can go through with the escape plan.'

I nervously walked into the cafeteria and headed for the table where everyone was waiting. I sat with the group of teens that were waiting for me, I was still nervous, 'How am I going to start? Should I build up to it or just say it straight to the point?'

I completely forgot about the people I was sitting with until Nathan cleared his throat and brought me back to my senses, "Oh right umm... I have asked you all here because you each posses something that's vital to my escape plan." they all leaned in with interest, "I do have a plan but it needs your expertise and skills, but there are a few things I need to work out with it. Does anyone know the guard schedule?"

I was surprised Hannah was so quick to answer, "My friend Ashley is a guard and she knows the schedule better than anyone.", "Great but on to this other hole in my plan, these collars, anyone have any ideas on how to get them off? Like a time and date or something that will give us a chance to tear them off."

I looked at Nate, "Maybe the device you built can get them off." He shook his head, "Sorry Gabe, it doesn't work that way.", "Damnit! Then we're screwed unless we can get rid of them." Sammy looked at Hannah, "Hey, would your friend Ashley know a way to get them off?" Hannah shrugged and answered, "Maybe, I don't know. I'll talk to her when she comes here for breakfast." Luke turned to me and asked, "So what is this escape plan of yours?"

"Like I said, it still needs work, but here's my plan..." I explained the plan to everyone, having to repeat myself every now and then if someone didn't understand, "So with that being said, is everyone on board? If not then speak up." They all nodded.

Nathan looked over at me, "So let's say your plan works and we escape unharmed, then what? Will we just run home where the public can see us and turn us back in? We have to change back into humans so they can't find us again." Garret nodded and added, "And what about this facility? We can't just escape and let them continue to capture people and experiment on them, we have to expose them and let the government officials handle it or something."

I sighed and looked at Nathan, "You remember the needle I injected you with that turned you into a dragon?" he nodded and I continued, "Well they can also change us back, we'll just have to pick something that looks the same and hope we get lucky."

I looked over to Garret and shook my head, "I understand your concern for the other prisoners but our main goal right now is to get ourselves out and then we can worry about the others." He sighed then nodded in agreement, I was surprised to hear Connor speak next, "So why do you need me? I know you can handle yourself in a fight and I'm not so sure I want to get involved in this.", "Because we need your fighting skills and I can't knock out all those guards by myself, plus there are strength in numbers. I need you, we need you Connor."

He stood up and started to walk away, "Thanks but no thanks, I don't want to get involved and I don't believe you should be the leader in it anyways, if anyone it should be me.", I stood up and walked towards him, "Is that a challenge?" He stopped in mid step, "Maybe... Tell you what, if you can beat me in a fight I will join and follow you without question."

I grinned and answered, "Deal, so when should we fight?" He turned around and charged me, "Now is as good a time as any."

Sorry about this chapter not being so eventful, but the other one will be better. Please comment and rate so I can get better, I appreciate any and all comments as long as they're not random like "sexy", and please be reasonable with your criticism. I'll see you all next upload.