The story of a young wolf

Story by ScarlettWolf on SoFurry


The sun rose above the moutains one morning and the first to wake was the young teen wolf Roses she ran out of the den and scratched looking around and ran jumping into the lake that was near the den, the next to wake was her sister Tini she scratched still sleepy and Roses splashed her and luaghed as she spoke 'Good morning Tini' she responded 'Morning Roses' Roses luaghed leaping out of the river

as the rest of the pack began to wake the 2nd to come out was Symble the grump of the pack Roses ran over and greeted him 'Good morning Symble' he looked at her 'Not realy a good morning now move before i have to push you aside' Roses rolled her eyes and moved to the side, now alot of the wolves started walking out of the dens

Roses could hardly keep up with saying a greeting to all of them then she gave up and sat down and just greeting the ones who walked by then her friend Rifi walked over siting beside her 'Morning Roseie' she gave a smirk 'I'm normaly the one who greets everyone in the morning' he chuckled 'Will i beat you to it before you said morning to me i said morning to you' she smiled and got up leaping into tree above her and climbed on the branches,

it started geting later in the afternoon and Roses was out hunting a elk she was crouching low and moving in for the kill as she steped on a stick and the elk went runing she saw one with a injured leg and ran pouncing on its back and biting its neck and it started going limp then it fell to the ground and she grabed its neck and started draging it back a white wolf leaped out of a bush and growled landing infront of her 'I'll be taking that' she droped it and growled as the much larger male grabed her scruff throwing her across the ground, she got back up a little weak and he growled stalking over to her ready to pounce and kill

a black teen wolf leaped and landing infornt of the male and growled baring his teeth and the fur on his back standing 'Give her the elk or else!' she watched the two males and the larger one chuckled 'Im stronger then you and i could take you out in a heart beat so back off' the teen growled and took his paw clawing across the larger males face and he let out a *Yelp!* he growled and stared at the younger male 'I dont feel like fighting today so your off with a warning i'll me back so watch out' the teen wolf growled and moved closer to him baring his teeth 'Leave now' the older male started walking off 'Fine' he gave in a growl, the teen wolf unbared his teeh and the fur on his back flatened, Roses walked over infront of him and smiled 'Thanks for scareing him off, and who are you' the male gave a smile 'Welcome and im Jake' she walked back over to the elk 'Nice to meet you ill be going now im sure ill see you around' he gave a smileish smirk 'Yea seeyou around' the male then turned and started walking off,

she then made it back to her pack with the elk in her jaws she droped it as the higher ranked wolves ran up and started riping into the elk and she backed up waiting to eat with the rest of the low ranks, the higher ranks finished and she stumbled over starting to dig into the meat along with the rest of the low ranks, later that afternoon Roses went out on her own to adventure around and she did looking around and such then later when the sun started seting she returned to the pack and went into one of the dens and fell asleep with the rest of the wolves in that den till the next morning would come.

(comment if u want me to make the next part).