A day in the life of a creeper
As the Sun sets I Stepped out of my cave with the others, some zombies stalk past and the spiders go off in all different directions, me? I'm a creeper, i can sneak up on anyone with ease and destory almost anything, though at the cost of my life. No ssssooner do I start working does a human come over and kill both my brothers with his horrid sssssword. I see myself tracking him down and getting ready to have him lose everything, I see him retreat back into the house as the endermen ssssstart coming round, Oh the days when the creepers were feared beyond all others, now the endermen have the widest bearth, then I saw him leave covered in shaped diamonds, then I saw that horrid ssssword, then I recalled the miner killing both my brothers and sticking his hand in them and dragging out their beloved sluphur, then everything started to come together as the endermen where struck down I snuck up behind him, he was still drunk on his victory and didn't notice me sneaking up on him, sssssssssssssss *boom* as I felt my life slip from me I noticed him dying as well, at least my death was... meaningful... Yeah I aware it may be terrible, but feel free to leave your thoughts