A World Beyond: New Beginings chapter 3

Story by Bundeku on SoFurry

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  1. All Things are fair in war and love.

_ Why Am I doing this? Why did I chose today of all days?_ I thought to myself. Today was the day I chose to tell husky how I felt. Today began so perfect with the sun being out, and it was a weird kinda of summer day, it was cool. Like Autumn. That's when the News came around. These creatures that those scientists were making they populated more that Fifty percent of our population. Seems like not everyone was happy with it. Military was going in and finding Furs and killing them, but all the attacks they ensued were completely tragedy. You might think I had Sympathy for the Humans that were dying off too, but they asked for it when they all thought being transformed into furs would help the human race, but little did they realize that the human race was diminishing. The all new race of Furs was taking over. Luckily Husk and live in the mountain ranges, at the way bottom of the four mountains. Like a giant soup bowl, we were distance from cities. Granted the highway ran through the mountains but it was covered by trees, nothing or nobody can see the house or us. I was wrong, Furs found their way here in the valley, they started using the woods as places to hide. One Girl, looked at me and I realized who it was...that girl from the broadcast. She seen the house and decided it was abandoned, but she was wrong till I ran in there and yelled "Hey! Get out of my house." she was scared, she cowardly hid behind my sofa, then got up to look at me....That's when the questions started. All the same questions Husky asked me when we met. See when Humans turn to furries they keep their knowledge, I learned Furs were piling here so when the bomb they created goes off no one would be harmed. It was apparent that furs could handle more toxic radiation than humans. Then the bombs all started going off one by one. Tens maybe hundreds of Furs had piled in my house as soon as the bombs went off. They all looked at me and how I wasn't fully transformed. They all asked questions if I should be murdered till husky yelled at them how I was turning into one of them, that was when I told the truth to everyone, how I was the first to be created, just the chemicals took longer to take effect. Husk started asking questions and I told him everything, I was hiding things, because I thought it would upset him. He looked at me, laughed, and said nothing surprises him anymore. That's when the huge and final bomb went off, shaking the house, the valley, probably the world. I screamed "Husk if we die, I want to let you know...That I am gay, and I had fallen for you. I love you even if you don't feel the same for me..."

He looked at me and the rumbling stopped. The look on his face, I felt as if I shouldn't have said anything, but soon, I found out I was glad I did. He took my paw and said he had the same feeling for me, just he didn't know how to come out. Even as the freak I am, he loved me, at the point he took my head and leaned in. I closed my eyes and he whispered he was gay too and then we kissed. After I re-opened my eyes, I looked around and remember the hundred or so furs in my house. I just sat back in the corned Husk and I ducked into and blushed. That's when the rabbit girl I mention came over, and congratulated us...I fell asleep next to the man I loved, knowing he loved me back.

I woke up to people talking, playing cards and making plans. Was that all a dream? I looked at husked, still had my hand. He slowly awakened and looked at me. I asked if last night was a dream, he said "No, it wasn't/ the bombs went off, mankind is dead, and you and I confessed our love for each other. I just hope this won't become awkward and we have to leave each other. I want to be here for you, all the way up till we die." I looked at his adorable wolf eyes and said "Me too, so this means..you and I are..." he interrupted and said "..Boyfriends? Only if you want to. I want to be your boyfriend.". I giggled and said "Of course I do. I love you." Soon I learned everything about Erika, the rabbit girl. I asked why nobody here cared of last night. She said "We are all animals, Homosexuality is more free in the animal kingdom than humans wanted to accept. Don't worry, more or less all of the animals here are either bi or gay, some straights. You two are lucky to have a pre-built relationship before confessing attraction, that would be awkward, but I am happy for you." I smiled at here and gave her a thumbs up. I just remembered today is my 20th birthday, that's when I got scared. I ran to the bathroom and my eyes and teeth changed during the night my whiskers were in too...

To chapter 1: http://www.sofurry.com/page/277427/user

To chapter 2: http://www.sofurry.com/page/277791/user

A World Beyond: New Beginnings Chapter 2

2: Strange Encounters And Heat "Be my boy, be my man, I don't need you in my life again" I sang. I am horrible at singing, but nobody can hear me out here. As I swung around the house with my Mp3 Player on full blast, I was doing some...

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A World Beyond: New Beginnings chapter 1

1: Reasons why I exist. It was a long, cold night as the snow fell. The house was beyond repair, but as for shelter it would have to do. As a 20 year old kid, you would think I would be the type to not know how to live of the land and all that...

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