The last hiest

Story by adagio on SoFurry

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Think of Fantastic Mr. Fox

(the name has nothing to do with my name, pure chance)

Mr. Fox the most successful criminal of his day gets bail, after 20 years in prison.

now that he is free he starts getting his old team together for one last hiest.

Six people at a table, staring at a him, in an orange overall, The Fox, The most successful criminal mind of all. "And you want us to believe that you have changed?" a badger said, sceptic. "Well, my cellmates have not reported me of stealing their bed's or any other items." He said sarcastically "This is a bail hearing, Mr. Egor, not a comedy show, now is it ok if we continue?" A mountain lion said, not amused at all. Egor, He always hated that name!, that's why he used The Fox, his stage name, almost anywhere, that's what got him caught... he got drunk and accidentally sighed in as Mr. Fox. Damn hotel clerk worked for the neighbourhood watch! "Mr. Egor, you still there?, we will grant you your bail, you wÍll Check in with you parole officer at least twice a week, and we will offer you a job, if you don't accept it and, cant show a valid proof of job in two months, we wÍll, investigate, and are allowed to hold you custody until the investigation is complete, we truly hope you have changed." The tabby with a suite and a fancy and awful haircut said. He probably was the one in charge. They gave him his belongings back and clean clothes to wear and two thousand in cash. "Wow twenty years! How had the world change in that time? " Of course he thought of the treasures that could be stolen too but wasn't too keen of having a free streak of half an hour, as a matter of fact he didn't want to go back to prison ever again! He got himself a paper, to get an apartment, a job and info on what's up in the valuables section... Being a legend in his day he knew what papers to look at and what to look for, conman advertised in their own language, in things nobody wanted, or was so common the chances were so slim that nobody would call. For example car thieves usually posted an old ugly car and asked way to much for them, "Ford F250 $10 000, poor condition" He looked for a fake job, after a moment he found what he was looking for "Job, low pay, with proof." He dialled the number and a male possum answered, "Hello, how can I help you?" "Hi there I'm interested in the job you advertised." "And who are you?" "You could sigh me up as Mr. Fox." "Fox? That is you? I heard your bail was coming up!" "Hi there Ralph, yea, granted, need some papers, you know the drill, can ya help me out?" "Sure you know where, I'll have them ready in the mornin." "Thanks, Ralph, see,ya in the morning. And what will such work cost me?" "Naw I still ow ya one for taking the fall and not splittin on us." "what makes ya think that?" They both chuckled "Good to hear from ya again, Foxy" "You to Ralph" Well that taken care of, now I just have to get together my old team. My demo, expert Zayta, an armadillo that grew up in Israel as a suicide bomber, a family tradition. I found her at her her day job, ironically the bomb squad! My hacker, only known by his online name cybermole, as you probably guessed, he is a mole... He was busy cracking the World Bank, I had some computer skills of my own, well what he taught me, anyway he's in! The brawn of the team, Thomas, a pit-bull He liked to call himself "Da Hulk" So that's how the neighbourhood knows him. Find some kids running for their lives and you found him. And that's exactly how I found him... My robbers, First name's: unknown, known only by Mr. and Ms. Jonson. But they preferred Bonnie and Clyde They were the hardest to find, but snooping snooping around it became apparent why, not only were they as good as the two, they also shared the same fate, they were killed by the police during a bank robbery. After paying my respects, I went out to find a replacement. Professional robbers were among the hardest to find, they had certain... issues, they were usually self employed and did not want to be bossed around. And if they think they are don't get treated fairly they take it all. One of the articles stood out, out of the possibilities he saw. "Pair businessmen and woman, will work on calculated pay" He quickly dialled the number and waited for an answer. "Hello how can I be of assistance?" "Hi There Mr. Fox Here, I see you are looking for a job." "The Mr. Fox? Wow this is an honour meeting you." "So ya interested or not?" "Shure! Where, when?" "Central park, entrance, tonight." "Sounds good see, ya there." Well after some writers block with my other story I remembered about this one, although I wanted to write a book, but decided to post it on! Hope you enjoy it! Please comment, and keep it positive If you fine Spelling and grammar mistakes, please let me know. English is not my primary language

Lost in space...

Still half drowsy I woke up to a roar. Then it hit me! I was late and was going to be left behind! I quickly got to my feet and ran as fast as I can! Not fast enough I got on all fours. Computer screens and filing cabinets flew by, I had to...

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Lost in space...

It all started with an interview.A job to work in outer space, on the galaxy H100383.H meaning it contained Helium 3, Helium in its metal form.Worth millions on earth.100383 is how many light-years it is away from earth.I got accepted as a programmer,...

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