Fallen Prince
#1 of Powers of the Forgotten
Ok this is my first atempt and i hope u injoy
A Fallen Prince
Chap 1
My city burned to ashes befor my eyes, I could hear my peoples screams as the city fell apon were it rose, The world my family had created fell while I was left to watch in horror what a Alien race had done. All i had left was what I was wearing and the sword I carry, so i turned around to seek a new begining and all i found was open land that I wished to never walk on because of what had come from it.... I am the Fallen Prince who does not wish to continue but i must to help who else there is in the world from the same fate my cities and the families in it I could not save...
"What is your name?" asked a husky in a bluck suit with black sunglasses and an ear phone ask.
"My name u want to know my name?!?!" I said
"Yea we do what is YOUR name?" he said calmy again.
"It is Niaki Hokta, Why do u need to know??" I asked with a puzzled look on my face.
"You were found in the middle of our city in nothing but rags carrieing a sword raving about some attack??" She said with a face with the utmost cunfused look.
"I have walked from what is left of my city to warn you of what comes, and to seek the ones who lived through it befor me to act back and drive them away. I am from the west, My family ruled a great city, We had great power untill... the ships cam down and there forces came out..(tears start to run down my face)*sniffle*..I used my power to try and save around me but they were to strong they used weird weapons my city has never seen, I was thrown by a blast into some rubble and passed out. When I awoke I used the same power to move the debrie away from me but. It was to late they had destroyed everything I had help create. I stood in horror as watch it burn to the ground, after the flames went out i went in search of other survivers but I only found the remains of my family, friend, and loyal citizens.But I did find other cities neer by they had heard of other attacks and pointed me to your city in search of others like me who lived through it and have powers like mine, and now i am here. So why am i here?" I asked crying in my arms knowing i was probly not going to get a straight anwser.
"What do u mean power and others like u with power, and what kind of ships??" hse said courisly.
I take a deep breath "They fell from the sky and the power i have why do u want to know what it does??
"To see if we can help you, so what can u do??" She gives me a smile that scared me.
"I have heard of what u do if i can not prove what i can do so if u take me to a open space like a park u call it."
"Ok I will take u to a park but first we need to get u some clothes that will make u look like u live here." She turns around and speaks into her head peice i heard "ya a pair of jeans" and then i noticed that the room i was in was small and black with a mirrior on one side.I got up and walked over to it she turns around and said"Your new clothing will be here in a second."
"What is this made of it is much more reflective then the ones we had in my city??"
"I am not sure but what were yours made out of?" She asked trying to help figure were i was from.
"Silver I think u call it we polished them every day and we never got it so u could see yourself like this."I put a hand paw on the mirrior and run it along the surface till I noticed the door was opening.
"Here u go." A Male panther says handing the husky some things.He turns around and shuts the door.
"Ok strip off the stuff u are wereing and put them on the table and then put theese on." She said handing me the clothing.
"Ummm... do u mind if the people behind the mirrior left that room while i change and u turn around??"
"How did u know there were people behind it??"
"We did the same thing but we had to use other items and may i ask your name?"
"Call me Triss and ok i will turn around and get them to leave."She speaks into her head piece again. "there u go do u wnat me to cover my eyes as well?" She giggled
"Yes that would be nice now no peeking"I slowly took off my wrist bracer and the neckle piece i was wearing. Then i just ripped off what was left of my nice bluse silk shirt , undid my belt and my pants fell to the ground to reveal my furry sheath and balls.Triss I noticed was waiting inpaitently so i quickly put on the undwear , jeads, and the T-shirt I had gotten."Ok i an done."
"Ok follow me." She lead me through the door down a while hallway with doors that all looked the same to a elevator we got in and she pressed the ground floor button.We got to the floor we wanted pretty quickly.Then she led me to theese doors I have no clue how the worked they spun in a circle I just followed what she did but I ended up going in circles.She garped the door and held it shut and pulled me out. "This way."She walked with a little swish in her hips like most females.We got to to the park it was wide open adn there was a bench that faced a playground were little cubs were playing under a watchfull eye of there mothers.She sat down on the bench and motioned for me to sut next to her."Ok we are here so show me what u can do?"
"Ok but you may think its crazy." I turned and put my hand to the ground and a shut my eyes.
"What are u doing??"
"You will see."I said then i opened my eyes and lifted my hand pointed it forward and pulled it up and to Trisses amazement a pillar of earth rose to my comand.I lifted my hand so my palm faced out and pulled iy back and pushed forward and the pillar went moving forward i slamed my hand down and it went away."There u go u now know my power can i go now??"
"Well that is up to my company i will see that u get an appartment and full surves.I will put in a good word."With a wink she pulled me up by my arm and took me back to the building.
"Is he another one of them??" A lion in black asks from behind a desk to Triss.
"Yes he is sir should I place him in the same building as the others??"
"Yes and tell him to not try anything weird, we do not wnat another incedent like the others gave us go it."
"I do sir i will take him to the bluilding were we have the other.SHould i give him his weapon back like we did with the others and his clothing??"
"Ok and make sure he is comfortable with the others You may go now."
"Yes sir i will be back to talk on what do do with them after i have him settled."
"OK You will be sharing a house with the others that are like you.My boss also told me to give u your items back and not to try anything weird ok."
"Yes Triss."
"Ok here we are I will take u in and introduce u to the rest and for your sakeI will only tell u there Code names."She opens a door into the house it was rather large and spacish.I followed her into the living room and was meet by a Cheetah he is well built with red leather bracers on each wrist that had two buckles on the, no shirt but had a few red leather straps attached to a sword and went down to his brown pants.He also has a red leather arm band with one small buckle on it and a steel neckles covered in rings."This is Wind Through, like u but he is as fast as the wind and can control it to his will"Then a blck lion enters the room he has a small build a gold braclet and a gold and saphire arm band and all for clothing is a small piece of silck that covers his groin and is held there by chains. "Ah and this is Mage also like you but has powers of a mage."
"Hi Wind Through and Mage"
"Hey" they said in unisin
"This is Earth Mover you two hope u can show him around more I Have to go back to work,Take care now."She turns around and closses the door so i was left standing in a room with tow other furs i did not know well and in a place i have no clue of.I walked over and sat on a couch sitting across from some box with glass.
"What is that?" I asked pointing at the box.
"Triss calls it a TV u press the buttons on this and it turns on i will show you." Mage said while sitting down next to me.He pressed the button in the top left corner and the TV turned on to a channle with weird things on wheels racing each other.
"What are those?" I asked looking at them with curisosity.
"They are race cars they are what theese furs use to travle around in.You haven't been here befor or long have you?"
"No I came from a place my family and our people built from the ground up with nothing like this.But it didn't last."
"You to eh i have no clue what they were but theey destroyed my city as well same with Wind Through here."
"Yep nothing left exsept the stuff i am wearing i found in the rubble."He said while moving his hands up and down his sides to show what he meant.
"So were do I sleep? I am Tired from walking for so long." *Yawn*
"Well since we are running out of room you will have to share with me." Wind Through smiles "This way."He takes me back to the hallway and take mee to a door on 3 from the living room on the right and shows me in."Sorry for the little mess I wasn't exspecting to share i wil clean it in a sec theres the bed over on the right Hope u sleep well." He lifts his hands and wind picks up in the room and puts everything away.Then he turn around and hits the light.He slowly closses the door loooking at me with a smile.
"Good night see u in the morning."
"Good night."
Ok this is what i did so post comments if u wish i do take sugestions for next chapters oh and the code names will be gone soon i needed to think for a little while longer for good names :)