Back to School

Story by Andlat on SoFurry

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"But daddy!" Andlat squirmed in the highchair as he pleaded with the black wolf. "Why do I have to?" He felt ridiculous sitting in the highchair in a Cinderella nightie and a wet diaper as the wolf walked around in nothing but his green boxer briefs.

"Shush." Jack came over with a jar of baby food. "Daddy has to go into work now, so he can't stay home and watch you." He scooped out a spoonful of the peaches. "Now open up."

"No." Andlat crossed his arms.

"You don't want to start your first day of preschool with a sore bottom, do you?" The fox yelped, fully aware of what the wolf was getting at. He grumpily opened his mouth and let the bigger fur feed him.

Jack wiped Andlat's face with his bib before scooping him out of the highchair. He gently squeezed the fox's diaper, his ears twitching as a squelch is heard.

"Oh! Someone's a soggykit!" Andlat looked away as the black wolf chuckled. The diaper change was the work of a moment and the fox was soon sitting on the changing table in nothing but his diaper as Jack looked through the closet.

"Can I at least go to preschool as a boy?" He asked shyly. Jack smiled, but did not answer. He came over to the waiting fox, a floral print dress in his paw. Andlat's ears flattened and he studied the floor as the wolf dressed him, adding two bows to his headfur and one to his tail.

"There we are. Daddy's baby girl is all set for her first day of school." He kissed the fox's nose. "Now then, what do you say to the nice teachers when you meet them?" Andlat sighed before dutifully replying.

"Hi, my name is Emma." Jack kissed the fox again.

"That's my sweet little vixen." He picked Andlat up, patting his dry diaper rump. "Now, let's get going, hmm?" He began to leave the nursery as Andlat thought over what the day might bring. He whimpered as they left the nursery. "Uh-oh, what's wrong?"

"I don't wanna do this." Andlat mumbled into the wolf's strong shoulder.

"How about you think about it for a little bit while Daddy gets ready?" He set the fox down in his playpen. "Can you do that for Daddy?" Andlat sighed and nodded.

"Okay." He said softly as Jack walked off. Andlat could not help but study the wolf's ass as he left the room. Even though Jack preferred to be called 'daddy', they were still boyfriends.

He looked around his playpen and sighed. There were only dolls in here. Jack refused to let him have any toys for baby boys, insisting that it was a bad example for his vixen. He crossed his arms and pouted. A moment later, however, he brightened up. There would be boy toys at preschool though! He grinned from ear to ear.

Jack returned dressed a few moments later. He smiled as he saw Andlat.

"Someone's a bit more cheerful now." He remarked, scooping the small fox out of the playpen and patting his diaper. "And still dry." Andlat blushed into the wolf's shoulder. "Does Emma wanna take a dolly with her?"

"No." Andlat replied at once.

"Are you sure?" The fox nodded and Jack shrugged, reaching into the playpen and picking up a doll. "Here's Rose, just in case." Andlat sighed and took the doll. He liked Rose normally, since her fur markings were identical to his, but today it just seemed embarrassing.

Jack carried him out to the car and set him in his carseat, busying himself with buckling the fox as Andlat held Rose in his paws. He kissed the fox's forehead before going around to the driver's seat. He looked in the rearview mirror and smiled at the sweet little fox.

"Now then," he said as he started the car. "What do you say when you meet your teachers?"

"Hi, my name is Emma." Andlat replied dutifully. Jack nodded as he backed the car out of the driveway.

"How old are you, Emma?"

"Eighteen." Andlat said grumpily. Jack laughed.

"No one's going to believe that, silly!" He smiled back at the fox. "Now, how old are you, Emma?"

"Three." He said with a sigh. Jack nodded.

"That's my girl."

It was not long before Jack pulled into the big parking lot outside of Little Learners Preschool. Andlat hugged Rose as he looked out at the enormous brick building. There were a few cubs walking inside. He whimpered as Jack opened the door to let him out.

"Daddy, I wanna go in by myself." He decreed. The wolf frowned.

"Are you sure? It's a long walk for a little girl." Andlat grumbled.

"I'm a big cub! I can do it!" Jack smiled.

"Oh, alright." He set the fox down on the ground and kneeled down, making sure the fox looked perfect. "Before you go toddling off, Daddy has a surprise for you." He went to the front seat and grabbed a backpack. It was a light powder blue and had Cinderella on it. Jack had filled it with diapers and pacifiers, knowing that Andlat would never carry an actual diaper bag inside. "Isn't it wonderful?" He asked. Andlat studied it and nodded. Jack helped him put it on and then kissed the fox's forehead. "Be a good girl. Daddy will be here to pick you up this afternoon, okay?" Andlat nodded. "Learn lots, okay?"

"Okay." Andlat said, itching to go inside. Jack patted his rump as he hugged him. At long last, Andlat began to make his way toward the door that all the other cubs were going into. He studied his new classmates, blushing as he noticed that he was the only one who was diapered. He whimpered, but kept going, unaware that Jack was standing by his car, keeping an eye on the little fox.

He stopped just outside the door, hugging Rose tightly to his chest, as the bigger cubs went inside in a steady stream. He wanted to go inside, but could not find a chance to get in. He resolved not to cry, but he could already feel the tears welling up in his eyes. He sniffled, feeling invisible as no one seemed to notice him.

"Well, hello there!" He turned around and saw a rabbit standing behind him. She had a big smile on her face as she kneeled down to his level. "What's your name, princess?"

"Emma." Andlat mumbled softly.

"That's a pretty name, isn't it? My name's Miss Morgan. How old are you?"

"Three." She smiled.

"Three and still in diapers?" She patted him on the head. "Maybe in another birthday or two." She smiled at the blushing fox. "So, you want to go inside, hmm?"

"Yes, please." He said, remembering his manners.

"Well, this is the wrong door, sweetie. The big cubs go in this door for preschool. You want the daycare door." Andlat shook his head, a serious look on his face.

"No, daddy said I'm going to preschool today." Ms. Morgan smiled.

"Oh, he did?" She scooped him up. "Then how about you just come and visit the daycare for just a moment?" Andlat nodded, figuring that visiting for a just a moment would not make him late for preschool.

Ms Morgan navigated her way to the far side of the building, where a bright blue door stood under a sign that said Waddlers and Wetters Daycare. Andlat blushed and hugged Rose as they went inside. He looked around at all the cubs running around. They were all diapered just like him! He grinned as he saw cubs playing everywhere. In one corner, a grown-up skunk with a rainbow stripe was playing with a lion cub who looked a few years older than the others, yet he was dressed in nothing but a Kung Fu Panda t-shirt and a thick diaper, a pacifier in his muzzle as he pushed a car around.

"Doesn't this look nice, Emma?"

"Yes." Andlat admitted, still studying the lion, who seemed to have a few wisps of mane.

"We play games and sing songs and fun things like that here. At preschool, you learn the alphabet and how to count and all that dumb stuff." She tickled the fox's belly. "You wanna know the worst part? At preschool, you don't even get naptime." The fox's eyes widened and Ms. Morgan smiled. It was a lie, but the little fox didn't need to know that. "So, we'd better get you to preschool, hmm?" Andlat stammered.

"I guess I can stay here, just for today." The rabbit grinned.

"Wonderful!" She carried him over to the coat area and set him down in front of an empty cubby. He realized that his name was on it. "This is your special cubby." Ms. Morgan said, removing his backpack and placing it in there. "Oh! You never did introduce me to your friend." Andlat looked around. What friend? He was alone. She smiled and pointed gently at the doll in his arms.

"Oh. This is Rose."

"Hello, Rose!" Ms. Morgan said playfully."You're lucky, Rose, that your friend Emma is such a big girl. She can teach you everything you need to know about daycare." Andlat smiled at the praise. Maybe being in daycare wouldn't be so bad after all.

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