A Boy and His Lucario Part 7
#7 of A Boy and His Lucario Series
John slowly opened his eyes as he woke. He saw there was a fire going and slowly started to get up. Lucario came over to him seeing he was awake.
"Good morning Master! Did you sleep well?"
"Yeah, I slept pretty well. How about you?"
"I slept just great! And look! Using the trick you taught me I was able to get the fire going!" He walked over to the fire and picked something up. "I found a bunch of berry bushes not far from here if you'd like some. I thought they'd make a good breakfast." John smiled at the early greeting. 'He really thought of everything.' John rolled up his sleeping bag and joined Lucario over by the fire.
"What kind of berries do you have there?" he asked as he sat down. Lucario rummaged through his little pile.
"It looks like I have mostly Oran berries. Is that ok?"
"Yeah that's fine, I like Oran berries." Lucario handed some to John and they both ate their berries in silence as they watched the fire. John reached over and put his arm around Lucario. "You sure do know how to take care of someone." Lucario looked at John with a smile. They put out the fire, gathered their things and set towards Mt. Moon, hand in hand.
"This place is famous for its Moon Stones and Clefairy." John explained "I wonder if we'll see any."
"Are Clefairy dangerous, Master?" John wondered what that meant.
"I'm not sure; I've only ever seen pictures before."
"If they are dangerous, I'll protect you." The cave was like any other, dark and damp. Lucario led the way using his aura sensory to guide them through the cave. They came to an exit from the cave and were on the mountain now.
"Wow, this view is great!" John admired a valley on the edge of a cliff. Lucario let out a gasp.
"Master please! Don't stand so close to the edge!" Now John knew something was wrong.
"Lucario, what's going on? Yesterday you were like a scared little kid in the forest and now you're trying to play Lancelot?" Lucario let out a loud sigh and slumped to the ground.
"I'm sorry Master, I'm just nervous."
"Nervous?" John walked over and sat down next to Lucario. "About what?"
"When I woke up this morning, I went for a walk. That's were I found the berries. Anyway I was thinking about yesterday's battle and our journey. I realized that you are all that I have Master. Just like the old woman and the Flareon. I don't want us to end up like that. I don't want us to lose each other." Now John understood.
"Lucario, I get what you're saying. You don't want me to be hurt because I'm all you've got. Well you know, I think the same way. If anything were to happen to you I would be totally devastated and I wouldn't know what to do with myself. I make you this promise, I will never leave you. Will you promise the same?" Lucario nodded his head.
"I promise I will never leave you either, Master." John smiled at Lucario, knowing all would be well. A gentle breeze blew, carrying a flower pedal which landed in front of Lucario. He picked it up and sniffed it. "It smells nice. I wonder if there are flowers near by." John stood up and looked into the valley.
"Hey! I can see a whole bunch of flowers down in that valley; do you want to go see them?" Lucario stood up and grinned.
"I would like that very much Master."
Lucario marveled at all the colorful flowers growing in the valley. John lay on his back in a flower bed while Lucario went around sniffing each different kind of flower. When he finished with his flowers he came and lay down by John.
"Thank you for taking me here Master, it's really nice."
"It is nice, isn't it? The air is clean, the flowers grow, and the weather is perfect." They both laid there for a while, talking about what shapes they saw in the clouds. Lucario eventually got up.
"Master, we should keep moving if we're going to make it to Cerulean City by nightfall."
"You're right, let's get going." They started to make their way back up the mountain. John was leading; making sure the ways was safe. Lucario took a step between two large rocks and when he lifted his foot it made a cracking noise. Lucario grunted in pain and fell to the ground. John turned back and ran to his fallen friend.
"Lucario, are you ok?!"
"I think I've sprained my ankle, Master."
"Hm, you can't walk on that. I'm going to have to carry you." John picked up Lucario and held him to his chest.
"But Master; now I can't protect you in the caves."
"No Lucario. Now it's my turn to protect you."
Lucario could still use his aura sensory to navigate through the caves, he just couldn't walk. They were lead into a large opening in the cave. In the middle sat a giant sparkling teal colored stone.
"That must be a Moon Stone. Although it's bigger than any one I've ever seen." John concluded. A little pink thing walked out in front of them. "Hey, it's a Clefairy!"
"Hello!" it said with a cute little smile. It raised its hand which started to glow blue. "And goodbye!" The ground near John and Lucario exploded. The impact almost caused Lucario to fall out of John's grip.
"Master, run!"
"Which way?!" Lucario used his aura.
"That way!" He pointed to an opening near the Moon Stone. John began to run as more and more Clefairy appeared, doing the same thing the first one had. When John had neared the Moon Stone, one of the Clefairy managed to hit the ground he was standing and propelled him into the air. Lucario was able to throw a small Aura Sphere at a group of Clefairy, knocking them over like fat bowling pins. John landed on his feet and ran out the opening. They were now in a small tunnel with a light appearing at the end of it. John ran as fast as his feet would allow. He bolted out of the cave into sunshine. A sign on the path said that Cerulean City was strait ahead. John was really booking it now. He couldn't stand seeing Lucario in such pain and needed to get to a Pokémon Center right away.
John finally found the Pokémon Center and told Nurse Joy his story. She called for a Chansey, who brought out a cart to carry Lucario. John set Lucario down on the cart.
"Master, where are they taking me?"
"They're going to take you to and operating room to help your ankle. Don't worry; they're going to help you."
"Are, are you going to be there?"
"I'm sorry Lucario, but I'm not allowed back there."
"What? But I can't go without you!" Lucario started to get up but John grabbed him and set him back down.
"Lucario, you're going to be fine. They're going to fix your ankle and I'll be waiting here for you. Just relax." Lucario settled down.
"Yes Master." The Chansey wheeled Lucario to the operating room as John went to find a seat. He might be here a while.
About an hour later Nurse Joy approached John. She had a warm smile on her face, which made John feel more at ease.
"Your Lucario is going to be fine. We gave it some medicine for the pain and put a splint on its leg. You can come and see it if you like." Nurse Joy escorted John to the back. Lucario was lying on a small bed in the operating room. John walked up to him to see he was sound asleep. John petted his head as he looked at the splint. It only went about half way up his leg, so he shouldn't have that much trouble walking, but this greatly postponed their next gym battle.
"Am I allowed to take him now?" John asked.
"Yes, you are free to go." John picked up Lucario slowly so he wouldn't wake him and carefully positioned his leg. He carried Lucario back out front and made his way outside. 'It's going to be dark soon.' John thought. 'I'd better find a place to stay the night.' It took some searching, but John found a hotel for them to stay in. When he got up into their room, he set Lucario on the bed. As John was starting to change into his nightwear Lucario began to wake up.
"Hi Lucario, how are you feeling?" John asked as he walked over to the bed side.
"I'm feeling alright." he sat up and looked around. "Where are we?"
"I found us a hotel to stay in. I think we're going to have to stay in Cerulean until your ankle heals up. I don't want to risk you getting hurt during travel." Lucario looked down at the splint.
"I see. Master, is this the only bed?"
"Yeah, the one bed rooms are cheaper here, I'm sorry if that's a problem."
"No, it's alright. I was just curious. Master, may I try to walk?"
"If you want to, here, I'll help you." John turned Lucario to the edge of the bed and slowly lowered him to the floor. John held on to Lucario's side as he tried to put pressure on his feet. He managed to walk a few steps, but it soon began to hurt and John set him back on the bed. "Are you hungry Lucario?"
"No Master, I'll be ok."
"Ok, I've got plenty of food so if you get hungry just let me know. Here," John reached into his bag and pulled out a candy bar. "You deserve this, for trying to walk." Lucario gave a little smirk as he took the bar.
"Thank you Master." John finished putting on his nightwear and crawled into bed. Lucario was already starting to dose off, so John scratched him behind his ear. "Thank you Master. That feels nice." John giggled.
"Good. Sleep well Lucario."
Moring came. John woke up before Lucario, he let him sleep. He went over to the window and opened the curtains to reveal a beautiful sun rise. Some sunlight shone on Lucario's face, waking him up with a yawn.
"Good morning Lucario, I trust you slept well." Lucario rubbed his eyes.
"Yes, I slept very well." Lucario sat up and looked out the window. "That is a spectacular sun rise." John smiled as he looked back out the window.
"It is, isn't it? You want to go see it outside?"
"That would be very nice." John picked Lucario up and made his way outside. Down the street was a public park, they decided to go there. They found a nice bench in front of a large pond and watched the sun rise there. "This is very nice, thank you for taking me here Master." John reached over and petted Lucario on the head.
"Anything for you, buddy."