
Story by Emris on SoFurry

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#2 of Pokearth

A/N Since I am taking over this story, I'm reposting it :)

Chapter 1

I suppose I acted like any other teen my age. I tried to be cool and fit in. But inside, I was smart, and loved sword-fighting. I also loved Pokémon. I had played every game from Gold to HeartGold, seen almost every episode and had almost every card. I was what you would call a PokéFan for the real world. Lucky my parents were rich. If they weren't, I doubt they could have kept up with my Karate, Tai Kwando, Ninjitsu, Aikido, Kung Fu and virtually every other kind of Martial Arts lessons on top of sword fighting and Pokémon.

All the kids envied me, and I got snide remarks of, "Loser" and "Oh look, it's Mr. Perfect". And to tell you the truth, I hate it! I act like it doesn't faze me in school, but when I get home, I vent about it for hours by destroying the training dummies I have in the basement.

One day was especially bad, and by the time I got home, I was fuming. Luckily, my parents had a surprise for me or I swear, I would have destroyed every single practice doll in our house.

As I entered the house I heard, "Surprise!" Although I was in a bad mood, I couldn't stop smiling when I heard what they were doing. They were taking me to Japan and we were going to visit the places that Sinnoh was based on! We were going to leave in a couple of hours! I ran upstairs and packed quickly. The last thing I packed was my sword. I felt a little loss as the blade left my side, but I knew I couldn't carry it on the plane.

I closed the suitcase and went back down the stairs just as the limo came to the door. I really wanted to take back out my sword, but I resisted. The car took us on a long ride and eventually, I fell into a deep sleep.

I must have really been excited about going to where Pokémon is based on, because a dreamed about a blue and tan Pokémon, Cresselia. She slowly glided over to me and spoke.

"Greetings, Alexander Silverstone. I am Cresselia. I have been sent by Arceus with a message for you. You will soon have a decision to make. In my world a great evil has come upon us. Organization Darkrai is a new team, alike to team Galactic. They believe that Pokémon are slaves to the humans, and wish to capture the Lunar Duo, Darkrai and myself, so that they may imprison me and thrust the Pokéarth into eternal darkness. From there they will continue to capture the rest of us Pokégods until they control the world. Until we meet again."

Just as the dream had started, it stopped as my mom shook me awake. For a long time, I passed the dream off as just that, a dream. All through the plane ride and my first few days in Japan, I heard nothing more from Cresselia. Then, we took a hike into the mountains.

"Mom! Dad!" I called through the strange blizzard that had whipped up. I had lost sight of them, and now I couldn't even see them. I began to get scared. My pack flew off my body, and I lost track of it. Luckily, I had clipped my sword onto my belt. I was wearing a cloak made out of a rare fabric that would keep me warm in the cold and vice-versa. My shoulder length blond hair slashed against my face and obscured my view. Suddenly, I saw a warm glow up ahead. My heart leaped. I ran towards what I believed was my parents' lamp. I burst out of the storm onto a flat mountain top. Strangely enough, there was no snow. Winds swirled around the top, but none could enter. That's not what held my attention though. In the middle of the glade, Palkia stood. A real, live Pokémon was standing right in front of me!

A deep, rumbling voice emanated from him. "Alex. I have been expecting you."

I managed to regain my voice and say, "You were?"

"Yes, of course. Cresselia came to you in a dream, did she not?"

"Wait. You mean that was real?"

"Yes. I am Palkia, the Pokégod of space. You will now have to make your choice. But remember, if you choose to stay in this world, the Pokéarth will be destroyed."

"What can I do? I mean, all I have is my sword."

"Do not worry. You will have much time before you battle the Organization."

"Will I ever return to this dimension?"

"If you insist, you may return here after your mission is completed."

"What do I have to lose? Of course I'll do it."

Palkia, seeming satisfied, turned around. He made a large slashing motion, and the air behind him seemed to tear. I looked through the portal. A green meadow filled with flowers awaited me. I hesitated for a moment, and then put my finger to it. Like a vacuum, I felt myself drawn in. My last thought before everything went black was, 'What will happen to mom and dad?"