Rush for the Key:Fatom's & Mizori's adventure part B
#3 of To find the seperation arte
Hello again it's me MCD giveing you the next installments of Rush for the key. So far this series seems to have many views which is good for me but I am a bit concerned......with close to 50 views(at last look) I got one vote and no I like the fact that the vote was 5 stars but people I must ask you to please if you read comment and vote I don't care if it's a low or high vote, a flame or creative comment I just need them so I can get better and get more then one person's opinion (though I enjoy 5 stars i have to say again). ok here we go Fatom fox created by myself Mizori created by myself
- * * *~ Fatom's adventure Part B ~* Slowly Fatom started to awaken, He was laying on the crystal floor in what appeared to be a Cell. He tried to move his arms only to find they were sealed by some sort of archaic magic and wouldn't move. He tried to say the counter spell only to find the words wouldn't come to him nor would any other spells. "They must have done something to me..." he said to himself and leaned his back against the cool crystal wall wishing he could rub his temples, he had a terrible migraine coming on. "So you've come to I was worried they had to use more Artsbane on you then they have to one the majority of mages we capture." A female said from the other side of the bars. Fatom slowly turned his head to face her, She wasn't much taller then himself and was a fox much like him, only her fur was snow white with hints of silver. She had one tail which showed she either lacked magic or was not an heir to the Kitsun clan like he was. She wore a blood red kimono with cherry blossoms on one side and purple and black butterflies on the other. She seemed his age. "Artsbane...." He said and tried to make himself remember the information on it." It suppresses ones innate magic abilities by inducing temporary memory loss.." he said surprised he was able to access the blocked information which just made him try harder to breakdown the walls around the information he wanted. "Correct, I see you are no ordinary mage, are you." She said and grabbed something inside of her kimono sleeve which Fatom guessed was a weapon of some sort. "I am Fatom Arch-Sage of Margoes, one of the Sage council." He said and was happy he was able to remember the counter spell."upon my voice break the seal upon my body, Hatsuen"He said as brilliant golden, flowing characters appeared in the air around his body which caused the seal on his arms to shatter and appear as broken glass in the air before fading away with the characters. "Impressive you seem stronger then I thought" She said and threw a dagger into the cell. "I do not have your staff I hope this dagger will assist you." She said and started to walk away. "Wait, where am I who are you?" Fatom yelled and the Female fox turned around to face him. "I am, Shino. I believe you are smart so I will let you figure out where you are and how to get out." She said and tossed him a small leather bound book."consider this your first clue." She said and walked away. Fatom grabbed the book and dagger."No title I wounder what it is." he said but put it in his other space pocket and used the dagger to remove the hinges from the door, and walked out looking for a safe annex. As he ran down the halls he noticed this was the floor he just found only the walls where made of jet black crystals and each room had dark versions of what was in them before. Quickly he found an empty supply closet and entered, pulling a crystal from his otherworld pocket he slammed it onto the door causing a seal to wrap around locking him in and others out. "The artsbane is still effecting me I couldn't remeber the way to make this normally I had to use one of my emergency stones." he said and sighed he was now locked in until he could remember how to release the seal. "Well I might as well read see if I can figure anything else until the serum wears off." he said and opened the book to the first page. "Arcland 35 2X09, I received this book from my father king Zeron the third it is a journal as you could probably tell he he. I begged him to let me get one and to be able to write it myself instead of a scribe, but it was all worth it now I can write what I think without the king or anyone finding out and analizeing me. Well I guess this is all I have to say today I have to get ready to go and help setup the eclipse arte."Fatom said as he read the book outloud. "so this that womans journal... which means.... She's a queen." he said and read more of the journal. "Madgiori 1 2X09, I guess I was kind of rude I should probably tell you more about myself. I am Shino Princess of this town, I am 12 right now but in a few more days I will be 13. I guess I should start talking about what happened since my last entry yesterday. Well the eclipse arte seems to be going well soon I will be ready and i will play the lead role....i know I should be happy but things have been troubling me lately. I've been having dreams of my kingdom engulfed in shadows and Strange creatures leveling our outer towns leaving just our sacred castle safe. I told my Father this but he told me it was just a nightmare, but this is the 3rd day I've had that dream what could it mean? I must go now I need my sleep though I fear the same dream will consume me once again." Fatom pondered this for a moment. "The eclipse arte.....Grrrr I know I've heard of it but I just can't get to it." He said as he rubbed his temples knowing he would have to wait. "I give up I just need to rest and get my mind clear. Then I'll read more." fatom said as he placed hate journal on the floor next to him and sat down with his eyes closed praying to get even a few minutes of useful sleep. *~ Mizori's adventure part B ~* Slowly Mizori awoke his whole body chained down his wings full of holes. He looked around and noticed everything seemed larger and taller then before. When he looked down he noticed his body was smaller more human like, thats when he realized he was like Fatom an anthromorph. "I see you found out about the change fast." Shino said looking into Mizori's fiery eyes. "This change is a side effect of dragons being pulled into our world." Mizori struggled against the chains trying to break the chains that bound his body "Sadly there is nothing I can do to help you but I can tell you Fatom is free somewhere in this compound, once he learns of your capture I am sure he will help you out." Shino said before walking out of the room wishing her powers had returned fully so she could break the chains that bound him. "Wait!" Mizori yelled and Shino stopped but did not turn around." Why are you telling me this and who was the warrior in blue armor I saw" he said which cause Shino to stiffen quickly. "I don't believe this kingdom should take prinsoners, and as for the the warrior in blue I suggest forgetting about her it will keep you safer that way." she said and quickly left before he could ask anymore. Mizori struggled against the chains for while longer before collapsing against them allowing them to support his weight. "She was correct there is little i can do it seems, pity it appears my fate now lies in the hands of that fox mage." he said and closed his eyes, his breathing slowed and his body went limp against the chains even more, he was in a trance most dragon hunters could do. this allows him to conserve energy and to remain alert while allowing little movement.
Demonix: Sara we have life signs on your brother and mizoru but we can't make out where they are Sara:But there alive that is good enough for me I know Fatom can make it through this Demonix:Yep Fato can tke on anything Sara: Thts what worries me he hunts everything thats how we know I hope he chooses to avoid battle this time Demonix don't worry just do the next story intro I'm sure we'll learn more next issue MCD always givs us info MCD: well good bye the 4th wall but anyway Sara continue Sara: next time on rush for the key, What lies beyond what the eyes can see. Will the two ever be reunited? will Fatom rember his abilities? or will the mysterious Shino doublecross them?